big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1270 I want to give in!

Chapter 1270 I want to give in!

"This year is the 14th year of Longjing. I have inherited the destiny of heaven and have never dared to neglect it for fourteen years.

Now, the achievements have begun to show, the world is at peace, the people live and work in peace and contentment, do not pick up things on the road, and do not close their homes at night.

It should show the grand scene of the ancient sage kings’ governance.

I don't dare to be greedy for merit.

However, the common people in the world have surplus grain in their barns and no corvee labor.

Currently, tax exemptions are being implemented on a trial basis, and I believe that within a few years, we will be able to completely exempt everyone from taxes.

At that time, there will be no taxes and no corvee.

Even if you are a farmer, you still have books to read, so you can understand the etiquette of sages.

What others failed to do, I did.

What others have done, I can do better than them. "

There was pride and pride in Li Shilong's words, and everyone present was convinced.

At this time, no one was saying that Li Shilong's position was unfair.

They only know that the prosperity of Longjing lasted for thousands of years.

“It’s just that I am getting old after all.

At forty there is no confusion, at fifty one knows the destiny.

I have reached the age where I know my destiny.

In my life, I have experienced the turbulent times of the dynasty, spent half my life in the army, and been born and died countless times.

He couldn't count how many injuries he had all over his body.

I am old! "

This sentence has a feeling of being a hero in his twilight years.

Everyone present heard something behind the scenes.

Everyone's expressions became weird.

Could it be that this is your Majesty's plan?
"Sometimes, when reviewing memorials, I often feel that the documents are difficult to hide. When the weather is cold, those hidden wounds are also tormenting me.

In the past, even if I didn't sleep for two days and two nights, I was still energetic.

But now, I always feel like I don’t get enough sleep.

I want to take a nap, but I am afraid that sleeping too long will delay national affairs.

I love everyone and this country.

But I have more than enough ambition but not enough power. "

Before Li Shilong could say anything, Gongsun Wuji came out, knelt on the ground, interrupted Li Shilong and said, "Your Majesty, you can't!"

Du Jingming also said quickly: "Your Majesty, I am too lazy!"

At that moment, everyone fell to their knees on the ground.

Li Yue also hurriedly said: "Father, my son is too ignorant to help my father solve his problems!"

The common people also heard something was wrong and became anxious for a while.

"Your Majesty loves the people like a son, and we regard you as a father. Your Majesty has done enough. If you are tired, please rest more."

"Your Majesty, the common people are lucky enough to work in Daqian. It is a blessing for the common people. Your Majesty must not blame yourself!"

The people below also knelt down.

Li Shilong took a deep breath, as if his throat was blocked by cement. After a long time, after everyone's voices calmed down a little, he asked timidly: "Am I a good emperor?"

"There will never be another emperor who loves the people so much!"

"The Khan of Heaven is the emperor of the ages!"

"His merits last forever, he is the Holy King of this world!"

Everyone shouted at the top of their lungs.

"Okay, then my life is worth it!"

Li Shilong laughed loudly, and immediately waved to Li Yue, "Come here!"

Li Yue raised his head, his heartbeat increased, and everyone around him invariably focused their eyes on him.

He was a little nervous and scared, but mostly happy.

Li Yue glanced to the side with the corner of his eye, but did not find Qin Mo's figure, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

At this time, he saw Xu Jingzong.

Xu Jingzong was smiling at him, and he felt a little more confident.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yue stood up. There was not much joy on his face, but when he walked, his feet felt like lead.

At this moment, the civil and military officials of the court and the people of the capital were all watching Li Yue ascend to the highest position step by step. "Father, please give me your orders!" Li Yue cupped his hands and said.

Li Shilong took Li Yue's hand, pulled him over, and immediately said to everyone: "Everyone, this is my eighth son, named Yue. He is also good at conquering, fighting, and capable of literature and martial arts.

The previous battle in Nanfan was to welcome back Jing'an.

Later, Lingnan eliminated the rebels and surrendered the Bailian sect.

I will send my troops to the north, and this son will supervise the country, destroy Gao Li, and permanently eliminate the troubles in the Northeast of Daqian.

In the past, there were many people dying of hunger in the capital. It was this boy who ran around the streets to tell the news and begged for the victims, thus gaining a glimmer of hope.

Although this boy is immature, he has a compassionate heart.

I wish to abdicate and make this son the emperor! "

Everyone was shocked.

The emperor actually wanted to give in.

This is wrong. Shouldn't we establish the crown prince first?

Why did you give in directly?

50 years old may not be considered young, but it definitely cannot be said to be old.

Is it appropriate to skip this step and let Li Yue take over the throne?

The incident happened suddenly, not to mention the people, even Gongsun Wuji and others did not react.

The emperor's thinking is too out-of-the-box.

So much so that they can no longer keep up.

Because of his excitement, Li Yue couldn't help but tremble all over.

Even though he was already twisting his thighs desperately, trying to calm himself down.

But the huge happy event hit him on the head, leaving his mind blank.

After seven years of hard work, he went from an unpopular prince to his current position step by step.

Only he himself knows what he has gone through.

He had fantasized about it countless times in his mind.

But when the day came, he didn't know what to say.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the King of Yue has a reputation as a virtuous person, which is well known throughout the world.

However, Your Majesty is still young, and the world still needs His Majesty's leadership.

The King of Yue is compassionate, but he still needs His Majesty's guidance.

The fact that the King of Yue could stand out from all the princes shows his ability.

But there is a limit to innovation, so it is better to first establish His Royal Highness the King of Yue as the crown prince and wait for some time.

In a smooth transition of power.

At that time, the three emperors will rule the world, which will be the only grand scene in ancient times! "Dou Xuanling said.

Gongsun Wuji was still hesitating. There was nothing wrong with what Dou Xuanling said. No matter from the perspective of a minister or from the perspective of Li Shilong, there was no fault at all.

But the bad thing is that Li Shilong said it in front of the people of the world.

Instead of establishing a prince, he skipped this step and abdicated directly.

You must know that you are not joking, people only believe what they hear and see.

Moreover, wouldn’t this harm the future emperor?

Li Yue's rise to power is almost a certainty.

With Qin Mo's support behind him, both the new generation and the older generation of ministers must give him this face.

Just when Gongsun Wuji was hesitating, Du Jingming also stepped forward and said, "You can establish the crown prince first, and then give in!"

Immediately afterwards, Yu Boshi and others also came out one after another.

None of the generals said a word.

In this situation, people who jump out seem to be in trouble.

Didn't you see Gongsun Laogou and didn't dare to say anything?

This old dog is one of the bellwethers of the imperial court, so it is right to follow him.

Li Yue looked at Dou Xuanling and Du Jingming, feeling a little confused and a little unhappy!

Why did they all jump out to oppose it?
Arguably it shouldn't.

Especially Dou Xuanling, he knew about the Dou family.

Just when he was confused, Xu Jingzong jumped out, "I don't agree with what you said!"

(End of this chapter)

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