big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1271 The best in the world!

Chapter 1271 The best in the world!

"The king of Yue is wise and wise, and his civil and military skills are obvious to all." Xu Jingzong knelt down and said: "The world needs your majesty's leadership and governance, but the world also needs the stability of the crown prince.

It has been several years since I changed the county man's affairs. Although the world is at peace, the people do not know the prince.

It is inevitable that people's hearts will fluctuate.

The king of Yue is the one who connects the previous and the lower, which is the hope of all the people.

Your Majesty's act of abdication will benefit the present and will last forever.

When the Three Emperors rule the world, their reputation will be passed down through the ages.

The minister is boldly saying, no matter how well the prince does, so what?
When I was studying in the past, I hid in my study and felt that everything in the world was already in my mind.

When I walked out of the study, I found that a room full of books still couldn't understand the affairs of the world.

Even if I read a room full of books to death, I still wouldn't know anything about the world.

Your Majesty is still young, and the Supreme Emperor is still here. It is better to support the new emperor behind his back. It is human nature to make mistakes.

Do you dare to say that you have not made any mistakes?
Making mistakes is not scary. What is scary is not daring to make mistakes and making mistakes without knowing it.

That means that this person has no enterprising spirit. He only knows how to follow the ancient adage and express it by doing nothing, which can be regarded as saving face. "

Xu Jingzong's words made everyone present frown.

Li Shilong was not angry, and even felt that it made sense.

"Even His Majesty has made mistakes. Didn't he correct them under the advice of the courtiers?" Xu Jingzong asked everyone, "Does it harm His Majesty's majesty? No!
As the saying goes, one learns from every experience. There are thousands of important things for the family and the country. If you don’t make a mistake now, you won’t suffer a loss. When will you make a mistake and suffer a loss?
What is our role?
Isn’t it just to assist the king?

If you are not even allowed to make mistakes, then what else does Your Majesty want us to do?

Isn’t it possible to support me until I can make a living? "

"Xu Jingzong, don't beat around the bush here." Dou Xuanling said: "What you said makes sense, but that's not what I'm considering.

When a king makes a mistake, his ministers must make up for it. This is a matter of course.

Today is His Majesty’s birthday, and this is not Tai Chi Palace, but outside Chengtian Gate.

With hundreds of thousands of people here, it's not a good time to talk about this. "

"Doctor Dou Yushi is right, this is indeed not the place to discuss this matter." Du Jingming said: "We all understand what you said, but there is one thing you are not clear about.

It’s not convenient to say this here. If you want to know, you can come and ask us after your birthday! "

"A certain position is not high, so naturally I don't know as much as you guys." Xu Jingzong was willing to go all out. As long as he hugged Li Yue's thigh tightly and stood out at this juncture, no one else mattered.

Both of his daughters are pregnant with the King of Yue's seed. If they give birth to a dragon son, the Xu family will have capital.

"I think you just want to undermine the rule of the Three Emperors. You talk about the martial arts of King Yue and deny him at the same time.

That person should ask Dr. Dou Yushi and Du Shangshu what their intentions are! "

The two sides started to argue, and Li Shilong also felt that it was not good-looking, "Okay, stop arguing. It's because I didn't think carefully about announcing this matter here.

My intention is very clear, Lao Ba should be appointed. As for whether to abdicate or become crown prince, we will discuss it when the time comes! "

After that, Li Shilong announced the end of the ceremony and left with Queen Gongsun and others.

Li Yue also hurriedly followed.

Everyone was a little confused, especially the people in the capital. Although Li Yue was good, he was still far behind Li Shilong.

They are all concerned about what kind of policies the new emperor will have after he comes.

Xu Jingzong glanced at Dou Xuanling and others, and then walked to Gongsun Wuji's side, "Do you think Mr. Zhao Guo is wrong?"

Gongsun Wuji had a bad feeling about Xu Jingzong, but this old boy knew how to get into trouble. He jumped out to support Li Yue. It was strange that Li Yue didn't like him.

Then he smiled and said: "The father said that the public is right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law is right. The wrong and right are all from different angles."

"What Duke Zhao Guo said makes sense. If I made a mistake just now, I would like to ask Duke Zhao for some pointers. I would be very grateful!" Xu Jingzong said.

Gongsun Wuji didn't say anything just now. He was obviously afraid, and he was already divided into two groups with Dou Xuanling and the others.

It can be seen that in his heart he does not reject Li Yue's rise to power. "I don't dare to say anything. We all serve as officials in the same court for His Majesty and the common people.

As long as you think you are right, you can say it, and Daqian will not be punished for his words. "

Gongsun Wuji didn't want to get too close to Xu Jingzong, so he left after making a few casual remarks.

Xu Jingzong rolled his eyes and hurried to Liu Chenghu's side, blocking his way.

At this time, Liu Chenghu, Qin Xiangru and others entered the palace. There will be a banquet soon.
By then, there will be hundreds of tables of old people’s banquets outside Chengtian Gate.

Looking at Xu Jingzong who was blocking the front, Liu Chenghu said, "Is there something wrong, Uncle Gaoyang County?"

"Can I take a step to speak?" Xu Jingzong asked.

Qin Xiangru looked at Liu Chenghu with a half-smile, "Old Liu, let's go in first!"

After that, he left with Yuchi Nobuo and others.

"Tell me what you have to say." Liu Chenghu said while suppressing his impatience.

How could Xu Jingzong not hear Liu Chenghu's dissatisfaction, and quickly apologized, "Mr. Zhu Guo, what happened just now was due to the rashness of the lower official.

The reason why Xiaguan was able to get Aguda and Morigen to surrender so easily was thanks to the Bohai Bay Navy.

Tomorrow, I will send a letter to Your Majesty to resign from the position of county magistrate and ask for merit for the Bohai Bay Navy. "

Seeing Xu Jingzong looking ashamed.

Liu Chenghu also sneered in his heart.

What a great Xu Jingzong, this man is simply a good player in politics.

He came to confess to me and deliberately raised his voice so loudly.

If he cares about it, it will definitely reach the ears of Li Shilong and Li Yue.

When the time comes, won't he just use the big to bully the small?
Liu Chenghu has always kept a low profile and never competes with others for credit.

This soft knife came down, making Liu Chenghu dumb and unable to say a word.

And this matter will inevitably spread to the ears of the two of them.

By then, Li Shilong will feel that Xu Jingzong is a capable minister and dares to tell the truth.

Li Yue would think that he is loyal to protect the Lord, but he doesn't value such a person?

"We're all colleagues, there's no need to be like this!" Liu Chenghu waved his hand, "Is there anything else? I'll leave if it's okay!"

"Did Duke Zhu Guo forgive his subordinate?" Xu Jingzong asked.

"This is not a big deal in the first place, so why should we blame it?" Liu Chenghu smiled and patted Xu Jingzong on the shoulder, "Uncle Xu County is really a fine person!"

"Thank you, Lord Zhu Guo, for your compliment. I am ashamed to be a subordinate!" Xu Jingzong said with cupped hands.

Liu Chenghu turned around and left. Xu Jingzong's operation reminded him of Qin Mo.

Qin Mo's approach is admirable.

Then Xu Jingzong is disgusting.

But Xu Jingzong didn't think so.

Seeing Liu Chenghu leaving, he hurriedly caught up with Tang Jian, "Tang Honglu, I'm here to accuse you!"

Tang Jian's face turned green.

This piece of shit has to behave well even if it's cheap.

Damn it.

Is this intentional to disgust him?

(End of this chapter)

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