big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1272 Although there are ten thousand people, you are the only one who understands me!

Chapter 1272 Although there are thousands of people, you are the only one who understands me!

Tang Jian raised his feet and left, what the hell.

Xu Jingzong said: "Tang Hongluqing, where are you going?"

"I'll fuck you, uncle!" Tang Jian said angrily: "A good dog doesn't block the road. If you are blocking the road, don't blame me for being rude!"

He is extremely angry.

Who do you think, Xu Jingzong, you just want to take credit, you get an advantage, and you come here to show off, isn't this disgusting to him?
Xu Jingzong had a grimace on his face, but he was extremely happy in his heart.

Yes, that's it. The harsher the scolding, the better.

Otherwise, how could he show his loyalty?

"Tang Honglu, your Majesty, this matter was caused by your incompetence. If you want to beat or scold me, your Majesty will admit it. Tomorrow, I will report to Your Majesty and resign as county magistrate!" Xu Jingzong sighed.

Tang Jian's nose was twisted with anger.

Why is this bitch so damaged? It's even more damaged than Qin Mo.

"You can say goodbye if you want. It's none of my business. I'm not familiar with you, so don't block your way anymore!"

Tang Jian was not a fool. How could he continue to engage in porcelain? He hurriedly left with everyone in Honglu Temple.

Xu Jingzong felt very happy when he saw Tang Jian running away.

He has decided to write this memorial.

Liu Chenghu didn't dare to continue teasing, but Tang Jian still dared.

At this time, Qin Mo also laughed when he saw the news sent by Xu Que.

Xu Jingzong.

The best thing in the world?
However, he was actually quite disappointed with Li Yue.

When Li Shilong said he would abdicate, anyone could immediately agree, but not him.

He actually stood motionless.

"Did I do something wrong?" Qin Mo thought.

Then burn the paper.

"What's wrong?" Yuan Tiangang asked.

"Nothing, just asking me if I'm going to the palace banquet." Qin Mo stretched out and said, "I'm too lazy to go. I haven't had much rest in the past two days. I'm going to catch up on my sleep."

"If you don't go, then I won't go either!" Yuan Tiangang wiped away the water stains on the table that had not yet dried up, and then left slowly, "Old man, I really can't do hexagrams in the future, it's easy to get into trouble!"

Qin Mo went down from the attic and went directly to Zhao Manyun's small yard.

Zhao Manyun has changed into new clothes and is waiting there.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

"It's not hard!"

Zhao Manyun shook his head, his face still a little red, as if he had not yet recovered from the excitement, "This song is so good, I can see the shocked expressions on their faces."

"Can you have the eighteen I made specially for you?" Qin Mo said with a bad smile, and put his hand on her head, "I touched my sister's."

Zhao Manyun blushed terribly, but still lowered his head.

Qin Mo squinted his eyes and said: "Now you have successfully made your debut for the second time. From now on, the Zhao family will be famous all over the world!"

Zhao Manyun didn't speak, just focused on what was in front of him.

Qin Mo's praise made her feel nothing but joy.

In this way, it is actually quite good.

For a long time, Zhao Manyun was too tired to open his eyes.

Gao Yao said something in Qin Mo's ear, and Qin Mo raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

"Well, there is a suspicious person wandering nearby." Gao Yao whispered: "It is very possible that he is a remnant."

Why Qin Mo arranged for Zhao Manyun to be the finale was not just to allow her to make her second debut.

It is also the last test.

If he still doesn't find any clues this time, he will never pay attention to this matter in the future.

"Have you caught it?"

"We have sent someone to follow him. He is very careful." Gao Yao said, "Master, don't worry. The results should be available in the next two days."

Zhang Dong nodded and couldn't help but feel relieved.

Damn it, it’s been a few years and it’s finally coming to an end.Only when the Buddha Mother appeared could he leave the capital in peace and explore Southeast Asia.

At this time, in the palace.

Li Shilong was particularly happy. However, he was happy, but the courtiers were in a very complicated mood.

Is His Majesty doing it without purpose, just to test Li Yue one last time, or does he really want to give in?

No one dares to rashly take sides at this time.

For example, Li Shilong asked Li Yue to take him to toast these courtiers.

But when they were toasting, many people's eyes were a little dodgey.

Especially when Li Yue toasted Dou Xuanling and others, he actually saw a hint of disappointment in their eyes.

Why are they disappointed?
Li Yue was puzzled.

Immediately, a trace of anger arose in my heart.

But he didn't show it on the surface.

Xu Jingzong just went to apologize to Liu Chenghu and Tang Jian, and he also received the news.

Liu Chenghu was fine.

But Tang Jian actually cursed Xu Jingzong.

This made him extremely upset.

After a toast, he returned to his seat.

Qin Mo still didn't come to the palace for the banquet, which he expected.

After all, such a big thing must take several days to prepare, so I must be tired.

However, he actually had some regrets in his heart.

If Qin Mo had been there at that time and said a few words to help him, would the dust have settled?

And what a great gift it is, it would be great if he had one.

Li Yue sighed and looked at Xu Jingzong with a bigger smile on his face.

Xu Jingzong came over with a wine glass and toasted Li Shilong first.

He immediately walked to Li Yue and said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness the King of Yue, I have just offended Duke Zhu Guo and Qing Honglu of Tang Dynasty. I have a merciless request, and I want His Highness the King of Yue to help make peace.

I am willing to resign as county boss. "

"Yanzu, you are worrying too much." Li Yue said: "This credit is yours, no one can take it away. Honglu Temple is so powerful, why haven't we discussed this matter for a long time?

As for my father-in-law, you don't need to worry. He has a broad mind and is not a narrow-minded person. He will not argue with you.

Later in the evening, I will just go to Zhu Guogong's mansion to pay a visit.

You don't have to be afraid! "

Xu Jingzong nodded, "Then I will thank Your Highness."

After saying that, he drank all the wine in one gulp, and then poured wine for Li Yue, "Hey, Qin's consort, the captain isn't here?"

"He went back to sleep." Li Yue said, "He has worked hard these days."

“Indeed, only the Prince Consort of Qin could organize such a grand ceremony, and His Highness the King of Yue must have put in a lot of effort.

And the steam car is simply ingenious and breathtaking.

His Highness, Sixteenth Highness, is so ingenious that he is worthy of being the disciple of the Qin Prince Consort.

Such a gift is truly the only one in the world.

However, His Royal Highness the King of Yue's fountain pen is also unique.

Gifts are valuable, but filial piety is priceless.

In the eyes of Wei Chen, His Royal Highness the King of Yue's pen is better than a steam car. "Xu Jingzong flattered him.

Li Yue took a sip of the wine and felt that it didn't taste good, but he couldn't explain why it didn't taste good.

His pen is indeed good, but everyone in the world is saying that Sixteen's steam car is amazing. Even now, the discussion is endless.

Wouldn't it be the icing on the cake if he also participated in such a gift?

Now, only Xu Jingzong can understand him and understand his painstaking efforts.

Thinking of this, he patted Xu Jingzong's hand and said, "O Yan clan, although there are thousands of people, you are the only one who understands me!"

(End of this chapter)

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