big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1274 When a blind man regains his sight!

Chapter 1274 When a blind man regains his sight!
Wei Zhong smiled bitterly and said: "Qin Prince Consort has been too tired these past two days. I heard he hasn't had much rest in the past half month. He has been arranging programs and training them in the former Thunder Army's training camp."

Li Yuan felt a little distressed when he saw Qin Mo's sleepy face, "The fire in the boiler is burning brighter, and the fire channel is not very hot anymore."

Although it has already passed the Qingming Festival, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large. Li Yuan is old and is afraid of the cold, so he still has to burn the boiler for heating at night.

It won't be necessary to heat the house until May, when the weather warms up completely.

"I heard that Lao Ba has been at home these days and hasn't gone there to take a look. It really shouldn't be." Li Yuan got very angry. "He just earned a so-called fountain pen. What's so good about that bullshit pen?" ."

As he said that, Li Yuan took out a box, which contained a 'Hero' brand pen.

He had this thing last year, but Qin Mo has never mass-produced it, and Li Yuan is not used to using it, so he asked Wei Zhong to use it when he was about to write.

Wei Zhong didn't dare to say anything, so he knelt down and listened.

"Jingyun is responsible for all these big things, and he hangs out with those insignificant people every day.

Where did we end up? "

The more Li Yuan talked, the more angry he got. If Li Yue were here, he would have to slap him twice.

Originally, this child was quite clever. Although he was not raised since he was young, he was diligent and able to make up for his shortcomings, and he could also listen to opinions.

But now he reveals his biggest problem.

The mainstays that Qin Mo helped him form were now all sent to other places by Li Shilong.

The problem that is exposed now is that he does not have much co-ordinating power. Qin Mo's problem is directly exposed as soon as he lets go or ignores it.

In fact, Qin Mo deliberately alienated Li Yue, which was also instructed by Li Yuan.

At this juncture, he did not want Qin Mo to interfere too much, and also wanted Li Yue to face it on his own.

Fortunately, the problem was discovered in time and can be remedied.

After thinking about it for a long time, Qin Mo woke up at the beginning of the night.

Biogas lamps illuminate the room.

There was also steaming elbow on the side.

"I knew you would wake up at this time. Quickly sip some tea to get rid of the taste in your mouth. Come and have a drink with me." Li Yuan said with a smile.

Qin Mo stretched out. He slept so comfortably this time, and the fatigue from the past few days was gone.

"Huo, these are my favorite dishes." Qin Mo was also hungry, so he picked up an elbow and started to chew on it.

Wei Zhong poured wine for Qin Mo on the side.

Li Yuan said with a smile: "I won't leave tonight. I will rest here."

"Okay, the tree house is nearby anyway!"

Now the fields are filled with the sound of frogs, and falling asleep with the sound of frogs is indescribably comfortable.

"I want to tell you that I'm sorry," Li Yuan said.

"Old man, what kind of apology do you want to apologize to me for seeing someone else?" Qin Mo said indifferently: "Lao Ba and I have been wearing crotchless pants since we were young. It doesn't matter if we do more. We are used to it anyway, and it doesn't matter if we are tired. No big deal."

Listen, what a simple and honest child.

"Please give me more advice. This kid has made some mistakes recently." Li Yuan told the story again, "He is confused. He made such a mistake at this stall. This is obviously a test. He is still in prison in vain." country twice.

At the most important juncture, he couldn't control himself. It seemed to me that he already regarded himself as the prince.

You must wake him up. "

"He is like this. He has been careless since he was a child. He can listen to opinions, but he doesn't think deeply."

"He was like this when he was a child, and will he still be like this when he grows up?" Li Yuan said angrily: "He is a careless person. In order to help him, how much did I, the master, help him?

The most important thing is that you are there to give him advice and help him step by step.

He also saved his life several times.

This kid has made some progress, but it's not enough, far from enough to support such a large empire.

I don’t want to see the Daqian Empire restored to its original state in his hands. I don’t want to see the expansion of territory that the soldiers exchanged for their lives be lost bit by bit!

I'm afraid! Qin Mo was silent for a while and said: "Old man, do you think it is still suitable for me to scold him and beat him like before?"
It’s no longer suitable. In my heart, I will always regard him as a brother and a brother, a life-long friendship.

But when he goes up in the future, he will be the king's father.

You are retired now, and I am with you, casually and comfortably.

But not with him.

I can be more casual with my father.

That's because my father is also a pioneer, who has seen countless people, has a deep chest, and has the ability to accommodate others.

When he lets me go, he cherishes me.

It was also for the sake of Third Sister and the others.

Lao Ba can't.

I know what he was like before, I've seen him in his most embarrassing moments.

There is a scar on his forehead, which was made by his father and has not been removed to this day.

He is actually a little timid at heart.

I also understood.

So I have to respect his decision and let him make mistakes and be the manager.

If I protect him, I will help him in everything.

He will never be a qualified emperor in his life.

Others would say that I, Qin Mo, was a powerful minister who coaxed the emperor into doing things.

If a person says that I am a powerful official, that may be because he is jealous of me.

But everyone says that I am a powerful minister. Old man, do you think I am a powerful minister? "

Li Yuan was stunned.

Qin Mo took a sip of wine and continued: "If one day I disagree with him, he will definitely think that I am unkind and even think of those people's words.

One night, he woke up from his sleep feeling restless.

I always feel that everyone in the court is a party member supported by me.

At that time, the knife was already placed on my neck.

Because I have seen him in his most embarrassing state.

The first thing a blind man should do when he regains his sight is to throw away the crutch in his hand!

Of course, I don’t want to be a bullshit powerful minister, I don’t even want to be an official. My biggest dream is to take my wife and children on a sightseeing tour, and sleep until I wake up naturally.

But one day, when the knife was placed on my neck, do you think I should resist, or should I just kill him? "

Qin Mo's question made Li Yuan unable to answer for a long time.

He carefully savored what Qin Mo said: When a blind man regains his sight, the first thing he does is throw away his crutches.

It's just completely human nature.

"You are not a powerful official, you are my grandson-in-law and a member of my family!" Li Yuandao said.

"I understand, so I have to respect Lao Ba's choice even more." Qin Mo said: "When you asked me to stay away from this matter, didn't you also want to test Lao Ba?
I know Lao Ba, and I also know his temperament.

I haven't changed about him.

But he needs more people around him.

Isn't this what Father Huang had in mind when he drove Yongnieng and the others outside to guard them?

The young eagle cannot fly unless it breaks away from its parents' wings! "

(End of this chapter)

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