big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1275 The good show begins!

Chapter 1275 The good show begins!
"Hey, this kid really doesn't make me worry!"

Li Yuan sighed heavily.

"Old man, try to let go. Even parents will grow old one day." Qin Mo said: "Anyway, in a while, I will go to visit Nanyang. If you feel that the capital is boring, just accompany me. Going on vacation to Nanyang.”

"Okay, I listen to you, no matter what!" Li Yuan said: "The rice has been fed to his mouth, I can't let him chew it up, right?"

Qin Mo said that for this reason, he simply turned a blind eye and left the capital.

Just leave the father and son alone.

How to love.

"That's right, success depends on people, and planning depends on God. As a brother, I can push him, but I can't help him take the future." Qin Mo laughed.

"Come on, one of us will go!" Li Yuan is already this age, so there is nothing he can't think of.

The two clinked glasses, and Li Yuan continued: "But you have to write a book to relieve my boredom. It's best to write a novel one.

For example, the biography of the founding emperor should focus on the hardships. Later, when it spread, it also let that kid know the hardships of starting a business. "

"Yes, old man, you are really thinking hard to teach him." Qin Mo put down his elbow and kicked his body, "How can there be such a thing? Aren't you going back on your word?"

"Jingyun, don't be angry with me, I'm planning for a rainy day!" Li Yuan took out a stick of Chinese medicine, stuffed it into Qin Mo's mouth, and lit it with a lighter.

Qin Mo was also helpless, "Okay, okay, don't look at me with such innocent eyes, because I, my grandson-in-law, owe you everything in my previous life.

If you are unhappy in your later years, I will be guilty! "

"Otherwise, you have to be filial to your grandson, grandson, and son-in-law!" Li Yuan glanced at Wei Zhong.

Wei Zhong hurriedly agreed: "That's not the case. If you want to talk about Qin's consort and captain, he is the most filial piety among us. Anyone who talks about it will give a thumbs up."

"Okay, Old Wei, please stop cooperating with me and flattering me!" Qin Mo waved his hand, "There are also new books. Have you ever heard of the story of a bowl at the beginning?"

"what story?"

"It's a new book. I already have a rough outline in my mind. This time it's still empty. When the time comes, old man, please support me!" Qin Mo said.

"Don't worry, as long as it is written by you, I must support it."

"Okay, I'll show it to you next month!"

"Can you give me an overview?" Li Yuan's curiosity was immediately piqued by Qin Mo.

"No, I haven't thought about it yet. Besides, it's only a few days before the beginning of the month. Just wait!"

Qin burped and immediately lay down on the rocking chair nearby.

To be inspirational, it must be Lao Zhu.

The new book is about him. No spoilers, spoilers will last only two episodes!

Early the next morning, Qin Mo was sleeping soundly. Gao Yao walked up to his ear and said, "Master, Du Youwei is waiting for you outside."

Qin Mo opened his eyes suddenly, "What time is it?"

"It's time to hit it."

Is it past nine o'clock?
Qin Mo climbed up quickly.

Gao Yao was also stunned. In the past, the young master would have to wait at least two quarters of an hour after waking up, otherwise he would be so angry when he got up.

"Xiao Gao, change your clothes quickly, there is a big show today!"

This Du family is quite polite. They actually waited for Lao Liu's birthday before inviting him to the theater. They are very particular!

"Master, please slow down, your belt is not fastened!" Gao Yao hurriedly chased after him.

Early in the morning, Du Youwei entered the palace and reported on the achievements of the official reform.

"Your Majesty, the current reform in the capital is going quite smoothly, but there are a lot of illiterate old officials who are quite stubborn. It would be inhumane to expel them.

If we keep them, it will not be conducive to reform. " Du Youwei said.

"Then how do you plan to solve it?" Li Shilong asked.

"The retirement law mentioned by Qin Mo before, Wei Chen decided to set up rules. Old officials who are over sixty will directly retire and then be re-employed.

In this way, not only can the anger of these old officials be calmed, but it is also more humane and there will be no resistance when implemented.

Secondly, it can also make room for newcomers, implement new laws, and give them time to learn.

Chen has already joined forces with Ji Jijiu to carry out literacy classes and further education classes. "

"Ji Duxiu knows how to work hard." Li Shilong put down the memorial, and the Ji family was completely transformed. They made great contributions to basic education and literacy.

There are nearly 500 million people in the capital, a number that has never been seen in ancient times.

According to surveys, the literacy rate has reached 200%, which means more than [-] million people are literate.

The prosperity of civilized society is also part of the emperor's achievements.

Therefore, the Ji family is not as harsh as before.

"Ji Jijiu is now well-educated and well-loved by the people!" Du Jingming smiled, then changed the topic and said: "After the Longevity Festival yesterday, many people went to the temple to pray for His Majesty today.

Temples large and small in the capital are conducting water and land rituals for His Majesty to pray for His Majesty. "

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" What Li Shilong likes to hear most is the praises of the people.

"Your Majesty, you might as well go down there and have a look, it's so lively!"

"It's okay, I haven't gone out for a few days." Li Shilong was not satisfied with yesterday's ceremony.

The people spontaneously prayed for him and went out to see him.

He changed into regular clothes and put on Mobo's sunglasses. It is said that these are called toad glasses and are the favorite of young people in the capital nowadays.

Pair it with bell-bottom pants, ride the [-]-barrero, cut your hair, and apply hair wax to look like a dog licking it.

There was a girl sitting behind him, walking through the streets.

Li Shilong smiled, "It's great to be young!"

He didn't think it was immoral.

The atmosphere of Daqian is open and national integration is great. As long as we control the general direction, everything else is a trivial matter.

"Yes. In the past, there were still some old people who criticized young people for shaving their heads. Now no one dares to speak out, because Ji Jijiu has stood up and redefined the meaning of body, hair and skin, and being respected by parents."

Li Shilong also knew about this, so he smiled and said: "It was the same when I was young. The more my husband refused, the more I wanted to try.

Now I'm happy to see that the people's customs are civilized, the market is prosperous, and it's like a prosperous age! "

"This is all your credit!" Du Jingming said with a smile.

"It's not my fault alone, it's the result of everyone's joint efforts."

The two of them were complimentary and humble, and soon they came to Huichang Temple.

"Let's go to Huichang Temple and see how Dao Zang's Da Qian Xi Yu Ji is being compiled. I've been waiting for two years!" Li Shilong was wearing a 'deviant' outfit at the moment, and no one could guess it. , this middle-aged man with a toad mirror is the most noble person in Daqian.

"Master Daozang is a great sage in this world, and his disciples often teach Buddhism to the thirteen princesses. Otherwise, our Du family would still have no heirs!"

Du Jingming was smiling all over his face, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"The debate skills are indeed good, and the queen also praised him quite a lot." Li Shilong thought for a while and said, "Let's go and listen to him preach Buddhism!"

(End of this chapter)

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