big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1276 Breakthrough!

Chapter 1276 Breakthrough!

Du Jingming has been waiting for the opportunity.

Early this morning, Li Chuanyu went out with his female family members, saying that he was going to pray for Li Shilong, but he did not allow any family members to accompany him.

Du Jingming asked his confidants to follow him, while he went into the palace to make an appointment with the emperor.

He knew very well that Li Shilong was not short of money, women, or even reputation.

But he only likes the praise of the people.

In other words, there is no emperor who does not like people to praise him.

"This incense is really strong!" Li Shilong looked at the crowd of people. Gao Shilian and a group of guards stood beside the two of them to separate the crowd.

Soon they entered the inner courtyard.

This road is unimpeded.

Oddly enough, Bian Ji is a highly virtuous monk. On a day like today, there must be many people looking for him.

But there was no one there.

The young monk was guarding the entrance of the courtyard. Du Jingming called the young monk over and asked, "Is Zen Master Bianji here?"

"The master of debate is explaining Buddhism to the noble man." The young monk blinked at Du Jingming.

Du Jingming understood the idea and asked again: "How long have you been in here? Do you know which nobleman it is? I am the housekeeper of the Du Mansion. In a few days, our father-in-law's late mother will be alive. I want to come over and ask the host of the debate for the deceased old man. It’s a matter of a person’s life span.”

The young monk showed a lot of respect, and said in a low voice: "Oh, what a coincidence, the people inside are also from the Du Mansion. As for the nobleman from the Du Mansion, it is not convenient for the young monk to say!"

Du Jingming deliberately pretended to be confused, "Is someone from Du Mansion here? Who is it?"

He waved the young monk away and immediately said to Li Shilong: "Your Majesty, the young monk said that the people in the minister's residence are here."

"Could it be your wife here?"

Li Shilong had just heard Du Jingming talk about the deceased old lady Yin Shou, and thought it was Du Jingming's wife here asking for advice.

"It should be!" Du Jingming said: "She got up early in the morning and didn't know what to do. I thought she had forgotten about it!"

"Forget it, let's go find Daozang first." Li Shilong waved his hand.

Du Jingming said quickly: "Your Majesty, since you are here, I might as well thank Zen Master Bianji in person, otherwise it would be too rude."

With that said, he straightened his clothes and walked over.

Li Shilong smiled and shook his head. Du Jingming has always been like this, a polite gentleman.

However, he was really worried about Li Chuanyu's relationship with Du Youwei before. Now that Li Chuanyu is pregnant with his son, he is also more relieved.

Du Jingming came to the closed door of the hall, knocked on the door, and called his wife's name, "Open the door, it's me, I'm here to thank Zen Master Bianji!"

The moment Du Jingming's voice sounded, Bianji was so shocked that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Li Chuanyu in his arms was even more frightened, "No, yes, my father-in-law is here. He, why is he here?

Come out quickly! "

"Don't be afraid. If you lock the door, he can't come in. If we don't talk, he will retreat naturally.

I have told the little novice that I am not here at the moment! Bianji kissed Li Chuanyu and comforted her, "Don't be afraid, you are healthy, you can't be frightened!" "

Li Chuanyu's body was so frightened that he frightened me to death. "You have to be here if you are not good at anything."

She looked at the Buddha statue, which was solemn and sacred, but her heart was filled with excitement.

Especially since Du Jingming was right outside the door, at that moment, she almost died.

The whole person was dizzy.

Bianji smiled, "It doesn't matter where you are, what matters is that you are with me!"

"You're such a thief monk, you just say nice things and you really eat people up!" Li Chuanyu said with charming eyes.

At this moment, another voice came from outside, "Are you not there?"

"It's impossible. The little novice just now said that Zen Master Bianji is here." Du Jingming said a little strangely: "Why is there no sound?" Hearing the second voice, Li Chuanyu suddenly took a breath, "This Is the voice my father?"

Bianji was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, he heard Du Jingming say: "Whether you are here or not, just open the door and take a look."

"Don't be afraid, there's a deadbolt on the door, so you can't get in."

Before Bianji could finish his words, the door bolt broke in the middle.

Immediately after the palace door creaked, someone pushed it open from the outside.

The bright light shone in, causing both of them to squint their eyes.


Gao Shilian screamed in shock when he saw the scene inside.

Although Du Jingming had already been reassured, he still couldn't help but feel heartache when he saw the wild scene in front of him.

He pointed at the two entangled in front of the Buddha statue, his whole body trembling uncontrollably, "You, you."

Du Jingming covered his heart and knelt on the ground, his face ashen.

When Li Shilong saw this scene in front of him, his mind was also dizzy, as if he had been struck by lightning.

"You, you guys are so brave!"

Li Shilong shook for a while, and if Gao Shilian hadn't been quick to help him with his quick eyesight, he might have fallen to the ground.

"Go away!"

Li Shilong pushed Gao Shilian away.

He never expected that Li Chuanyu, who was considered well-behaved and obedient in his eyes, could actually do such a thing.

In this way, the previous so-called worshiping Buddha and listening to the Buddhist teachings are all lies.

She just took the opportunity to make peace secretly.

Thinking of what happened between her and Du Youwei again, he could conclude that the child must not be Du Youwei's.

"Beasts, you two beasts!" Li Shilong's angry forehead veins popped out, "You are actually doing things that are inaccessible to pigs and dogs in a dignified holy place of Buddhism!"

The spirit of debate machine flies into the sky.

Li Chuanyu was almost scared to death!

"Father, Father."

"Don't call me father, I don't have a daughter like you!" Li Shilong roared, wanting to tear the two people in front of him into pieces.

But Du Jingming fell to the ground, and he had to take care of it.

"Quickly, help Jingming!" Li Shilong said anxiously.

Now he always carries an imperial doctor with him when he goes out, just in case of accidents.

The imperial doctor rushed to Du Jingming's rescue and injected several needles in succession. Du Jingming, whose face was ashen and out of breath, let out a long breath and said with tears: "Your Majesty, I have no face to live in this world."

As he said that, he got up and bumped straight towards the pillar in the hall.

"Jing Ming!"

Li Shilong shouted, "Although Du Jingming is not a remonstrator, he is as strong as Liang Zheng."

"Wei Guogong, no!"

Gao Shilian had quick eyes and quick hands and caught Du Jingming, but Du Jingming was too fast.

There was only a "stab" sound, his clothes tore, and Du Jingming hit his head against a pillar.

But it was just this grab that took away most of his strength. Du Jingming only hit a big bump, but no blood spattered on the spot!
"Jingming, why are you doing this!" Li Shilong hurried over to check Du Jingming's injuries. Fortunately, he was just knocked unconscious.

"Quickly, carry him down and take care of him carefully." Li Shilong suppressed his anger and said: "Drive out all the pilgrims, blockade Huichang Temple, and don't let any monks escape!"

(End of this chapter)

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