big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1280 It doesn’t matter if you are a king or an emperor!

Chapter 1280 It doesn’t matter if you are a king or an emperor!
"Then do this, Wuji, you will coordinate this matter. Sufo Buddha must cure the problem, not only in the Middle Earth, but also in Nibala and Celestial phenomena." Li Shilong said, suppressing the murderous intention in his heart.

Gongsun Wuji cursed in his heart.

Let him do this dirty work?

I haven't been criticized as a dog yet.

Damn Xu Jingzong!

"I obey the order, but I want to ask your majesty for someone!"


Gongsun Wuji smiled and looked at Xu Jingzong. Xu Jingzong's heart skipped a beat and he had a bad feeling.

"Uncle Gaoyang County." Gongsun Wuji said: "Uncle Gaoyang County has a deep understanding in this area. I will take charge of Niboluo and celestial phenomena.

Domestically, let's leave it to Gaoyang County Bo to show off his talents. "


Li Shilong nodded, "Yanzu, you will be responsible for the rectification of Buddhism in the country!"

Xu Jingzong didn't want to get involved in this mess at all, so Gongsun Wuji dumped the hottest trouble on him in just a few words.

Niboluo, the celestial phenomenon, is the granary and human mine of Daqian.

If you dare to cause trouble, you will be killed. No matter how many you kill, you will not feel bad.

Not in China.

There are too many believers, and I don’t know how many people will poke my back in the future.

"Haha, I obey!" Even if he was reluctant in his heart, he had to accept it.

"That's it, Wen Liang, you should pay more attention to Chuanyu's funeral."

Zhuge then left the Ministry of Household Affairs and went to the Ministry of Rites, where he did an impressive job and said, "Yes!"

"Everyone, please step back." Li Shilong waved his hand, very tired.

Everyone retreated one after another.

Li Yue also wanted to leave, but Xu Jingzong said to him gently: "Your Majesty, your Majesty is very sad at this moment. You should stay and persuade your Majesty well, and don't make your Majesty too sad!"

Li Yue realized that he had originally wanted to go to the Du Mansion to express condolences, but when he heard Xu Jingzong's words, he felt that they were reasonable and couldn't help but patted Xu Jingzong on the shoulder, "My king has the Yan clan, so he has an extra pair of feet!"

Xu Jingzong smiled, turned and left without saying anything.

Looking at Li Yue who was leaving and returning, Li Shilong cheered up and said, "If you don't go to Du Mansion, why are you coming back?"

When Li Yue came in, his eyes were already red, and he looked as if he had cried, "Thirteenth sister and Erchen's unborn nephew are too pitiful, and Erchen can't accept it.

Damn it, Du Youwei, Thirteenth Sister got pregnant and he didn't follow her. If it wasn't like this, Thirteenth Sister wouldn't be like this either! "

Seeing Li Yue like this, Li Shilong was relieved, but immediately felt bitter.

He really didn't know how to tell Li Yue about this situation.

Du Youwei made some small mistakes, but Li Chuanyu felt sorry for him even more than the Du family.

It's okay not to know, so that Li Chuanyu can maintain a good impression in the hearts of his family.

"I'm fine!" Li Shilong smiled reluctantly, "I'm not going. Chuanyu's funeral will be left to you. You must handle it well and give her a ride on my behalf!"

"Yes, Father!"

"After I finish this matter, it's time for me to rest, and it's time for you to come up too!" Li Shilong said.

When Li Yue heard this, his heart beat violently again, but now he knew the mistake he made during the ceremony two days ago.

When Li Shilong said he would give in, he should have been the first to kneel down and refuse.

If Xu Jingzong hadn't hinted to him afterwards, he would have felt regretful.

"These are all things I should do, and since I have little virtue and talent, I cannot shoulder the heavy responsibility. Please take my words back.

No matter who the father appoints, his sons and ministers will gladly accept it and help them wholeheartedly.

Son, I don’t want what happened to my eldest brother to happen to Daqian again.

Therefore." Li Yue sniffed, "Father, there is no need to continue to test my son. My son is stupid and was not a candidate for the emperor from the beginning.

Erchen also knew that he was not destined to be the emperor, and he had always wanted to marry Ruyu, so he worked hard to cheer himself up.

I am lucky to gain it, but I am destined to lose it. Whether I am a king or an emperor, it is just a matter of sitting in a different position.

All I ask for is that my father, the queen, and my queen are in good health and that everything is in order.

It doesn't matter who becomes the emperor.

My son has married his most beloved woman, has the best brother by his side, and his parents are still alive. He is already better than [-]% of the people in the world. "

These words came from the heart, and Li Shilong didn't expect them.

Seeing Li Yue's sincere eyes, he said, "Go ahead, don't think too much about it!"

"Yes, my son is leaving!"

After walking out of the Tai Chi Palace, Li Yue felt lighter. These words were also taught to him by Xu Jing.

He also added some ingredients himself, which sounds a bit interesting.

He hurried to Du Mansion, saw Qin Mo and Dou Yiai together, nodded to him, and immediately went over to offer incense and condolences.

Looking at Du Youwei kneeling there, Li Yue's face was livid, he rushed over and kicked him to the ground, "You beast, this is how you take care of my sister when she marries you?"

Du Youwei was kicked and gritted his teeth without saying a word.

Li Yue slapped you again, "If it weren't for your father's sake, I would beat you to death today!"

Li Yue didn't know what happened, but as his elder brother, there was no problem in doing so.

If word spreads, it will be said that he loves and cares for his younger siblings.

Du Youwei stared at Li Yue, clenched his fists, and spat out a mouthful of blood, "It was the demon monk who killed Chuan Yu, not me.

Even if Your Highness beats me to death, Chuanyu and the child will not be able to come back to life. "

"Shut up. How could this happen if you followed?" Li Yue raised his hand and was about to hit him.

But when it fell into the air, it couldn't fall down.

He turned his head sharply, "Idiot, why are you stopping me?"

"It was your sister who died, not only his wife, but also his children. No one hurt him as much as he did!" Qin Mo said: "Just don't add salt to the wound!"

"Look at him glaring at me. He doesn't look sad at all." Li Yue said with red eyes.

"Is it any wonder you have to cry?"

Qin Mo let go of his hand and said, "Just hit him. Let's burn incense for Chuanyu!"

As soon as he waved, someone came over with three sticks of incense.

Li Yue took a deep breath and took the incense.

"Thank you!" Du Youwei said to Qin Mo.

"He doesn't know the truth, so he should hit you!"


Du Youwei nodded.

After Li Yue offered incense, courtiers from all walks of life came. Many people came in at a time, and it was not easy to come in before Li Yue, so as to show their faces.

Li Shilong didn't come, and everyone thought he was too sad.

"Idiot, stay vigil with me tonight." After condolences, everyone was about to leave, and Li Yue stopped Qin Mo.

Qin Mo resisted in his heart, but he had no choice. Li Yue had already spoken, and it would not be good to refuse.

"My father had the idea of ​​destroying the Buddha, but I persuaded him to stop it. Xu Jingzong was responsible for purging the country, and my uncle was responsible for Nibala and celestial phenomena.

Do you have any good suggestions? "Li Yue said.

Qin Mo spread his hands: "My suggestion is, don't make suggestions casually!"

(End of this chapter)

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