big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1281 I am from hell!

Chapter 1281 I am from hell!

"You said that Xu Jingzong and Uncle Guo were in charge of this matter. Why should I interfere?" Qin Mo lit a stick and said, "This matter has nothing to do with me."

Li Yue prevented the Buddha from being destroyed, and Qin Mo's egg hurt terribly.

Although doing this can definitely win people's hearts, it cannot be established without breaking it.

He was so impressed that he still had the nerve to come over and ask him if he had any suggestions.

Lao Liu asked Li Daoyuan and Yuchi Nobuxiong to enter the palace, and he would know the news.

This made it clear that the two of them were taking the blame.

If it is destroyed, then destroy it. When the time comes, Li Yue will jump out and turn the tide, the proper Buddhist savior.

Don't those Buddhists beautify him into a Bodhisattva?
I guess Lao Liu also meant this.

It's better now, half of the effort has been wasted.

It did give the Du family some explanation, but it was not enough.

Xu Jingzong is somewhat capable, but his vision is still a bit short.

He is also a fierce man who dares to challenge Gongsun Wuji.

Lao Liu also wanted to promote him.

Qin Mo remained silent and allowed him to grow up and become his opponent.

Otherwise, it would be too boring.

"Xu Jingzong is not bad. I want to train him. Please help me with an idea." Li Yue also lit a Qin Zi, and then told what happened just now.

"The method is correct, there is nothing to add, what Uncle Guo said is correct, and that is also the problem.

But it is not suitable to be placed in Niboluo and Celestial phenomena. Qin Mo said: "There is no soil to destroy the Buddha. If you want to control Nibala and the celestial phenomena, the Buddha must exist!" "

In fact, Taoism can also be used. For example, Zhang Lu in the late Eastern Han Dynasty founded the Five Pecks of Rice Sect, which is the integration of politics and religion.

It is also Taoism.

But Qin Mo didn't want Taoism to touch this.

Because once Taoism is changed, it will inevitably be integrated in the future. At that time, Taoism will be castrated to a certain extent, and then Taoists will be castrated.

And the Ziwei Star Sect is a state religion, so those who are harmed are its own people.

This is what Qin Mo is worried about.

"Okay, if you say there's no problem, then I'll have the confidence in my heart." Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and then chatted with Qin Mo, and then they talked about the day of the ceremony, "I made a mistake that day, and today my father came to test me again. I. So I’m at the end of my rope.”

"Xu Jingzongzhi, you said that?"

"No way, I said it myself!" Li Yue lied subconsciously, "Idiot, do you think my father can believe what I say?"

Qin Mo couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, he had changed. The Li Yue before was not like this.

Growth is a good thing, but if sincerity is lost, it will be different.

"Why don't you believe what you say from the bottom of your heart?"

"That's good!" Li Yue laughed.

Qin Mo stayed here until midnight before leaving.

He didn't bother to stay overnight.

Li Chuanyu was just an insignificant person to him.

Early the next morning, Qin Mo slept soundly, and Zhao's embrace was warm and fragrant.

Gao Yao walked to the bed and patted Qin Mo gently, "Master, the prey is caught!"

Zhao Manyun opened his eyes in a daze and tightened the quilt tightly, "Mr. Lang is too tired, let him sleep more!"

Her body seemed to be falling apart now. She couldn't go to the opera house today and could only rest at home.

Gao Yao had no choice but to wait until the sun was shining for three poles before Qin Mo opened his eyes with satisfaction.

"Master, we've caught him!"

"Huh? When did you catch it!"

"It's been a while!"

"Okay, great!"

Qin Mo quickly jumped out of bed.

Damn it, I finally caught it.

Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with being careful. He Qin can lose everything, but he can't lose caution!

Quickly getting dressed, Qin Mo got on the carriage, "Xiao Gao, how many can you catch?" "Just one!" Gao Yao looked a little complicated, "She's still a woman!"

"Female? You're a minion? Has anyone found anything from the interrogation?"

Gao Yao didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Huh?" Qin Mo frowned, "Dead?"

"No, no!" Gao Yao bit his lip and said, "Master, you must be mentally prepared. This person is an acquaintance of yours!"

Qin Mo's heart skipped a beat, "Who? Is it someone in the palace?"

What he was most afraid of was still coming.

If this is the case, how should he face it?

Gao Yao shook his head.

"Not from the palace?"

Qin Mo's face was full of surprise, "Is it someone from my side?"

"No!" Gao Yao continued to shake his head.

"My acquaintances, who are not from the palace, and are not close to me, are they former enemies?"

"Yes and no!"

"Who is it?" Qin Mo was speechless, "Just tell me, my heart can't bear it."

Gao Yao wrung his fingers and was extremely speechless. "You, you'd better go and see it yourself. You'll know after you see it."

"You are so naughty!" Seeing Gao Yao acting like this, Qin Mo also had a bad feeling in his heart.

For Gao Yao to be like this, this person must have a distinguished background.

Even Gao Yao knew him.

How the hell is he supposed to guess?

I also felt inexplicably irritable.

"I'm sorry, young master!" Gao Yao lowered his head.

"You haven't done anything to apologize to me. What's there to be sorry for?" Qin Mo made Monk Zhang Er even more confused.

Soon, he came to the six doors.

As soon as he got off the carriage, Xu Que came over and said, "Captain, the man has been captured."


"It's inside!" Xu Que's expression was a little strange. He glanced at Gao Yao and hesitated to speak.

"Okay, I'll go in, don't let anyone get close!" Qin Mo said, turned around and went in.

This time Gao Yao did not follow, but said to Xu Que: "Go to the Qin Mansion quickly and invite Fang Nuguan over. You have to be quick, you must be quick!"

"Forget it, okay, you better go!"

"Little Eunuch Gao, should I go or not?" Xu Que said with a bitter face.

"Forget it, don't go." Gao Yao gritted his teeth, turned around and walked into the prison.

At this time, Qin Mo quickly walked into the depths of the six-door prison.

A woman with disheveled hair was being held there. The woman's face was covered by long hair, but it could be seen that she was missing her left hand.
Qin Mo stopped. The more he looked at the woman in front of him, the more familiar she felt.

Although I haven't seen her face clearly yet, the feeling of déjà vu came to my mind.

Qin Mo, who was fearless, stopped at the door of the cell, "Hey, that woman, raise your head, let me take a look!"

The woman didn't speak, but laughed.

Hearing this laughter, Qin Mo's heart skipped a beat, "It's over, it's over, this voice is very familiar!"

"Do we know each other?"

The woman's laughter stopped abruptly, and after a while, she finally said: "The person I know is dead, he said it himself!"


"Wei Xiaobao!"

Qin Mo's pupils suddenly dilated. At that moment, his whole body felt like an electric shock, and his scalp was numb. He looked at the woman in disbelief, and his breathing became rapid.

"you you you you you."

"You are the most cruel person in the world, I climbed up from hell and came to demand my life from you!"

(End of this chapter)

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