big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1285: Take you to see Master!

Chapter 1285: Take you to see Master!

Qin Mo's eyes were extremely complicated.

Fang Shun actually participated in this matter.

"Why did you hide it from me?" Qin Mo was confused and even a little disappointed.

"Because you are screwing!"

Fang Shun walked up to Qin Mo and said, "If you can't pass the test in your heart, it's not the same if you keep her, and it's not the same if you don't keep her.

Everyone was originally happy, but she should never have been caught by the people from Six Doors!
Okay, that's what it is, you can kill or behead me, whatever you want! "

Fang Shun took out the knife Gao Yao carried and stuffed it into Qin Mo's hand, "Come, kill me!"

Qin Mo threw the knife far away, "Kill me for whatever reason, even if you kill me, I won't kill you!"

If it weren't for Fang Chun, he would have died long ago and wouldn't be here today.

Although he was angry, he was not unable to distinguish between good and evil.

Moreover, he now understood why Fang Chun kept asking him in front of him if he would be angry if he lied to him one day.

This is waiting for him here.

"You have to apologize to the stinky eunuch." Fang Chun said: "She has never done anything wrong, even this matter.

She hid it from you, but I forced her to do it.

It's all my fault. "

Qin Mo looked at Gao Yao, whose face was pale, and understood everything.

No wonder Gao refused to say anything even if he wanted to die.

Behind this incident is Fang Chun.

Of course she couldn't say it.

Qin Mo felt a little uncomfortable, and immediately walked over to Gao Yao and said, "Xiao Gao, I'm so angry that I'm dizzy. Don't be like me."

Gao Yao pouted and burst into tears, "Master, Xiao Gao did not betray you!"

Qin Mo quickly patted her back, "My fault, I spoke too much just now. If you don't like it, give me a few slaps."

Seeing Qin Mo's apology, Fang Shun snorted and felt relieved.

Even though Qin Mo is always laughing and joking, few people dare to touch his bottom line.

Fortunately, he didn't lose his temper, otherwise, he would have been in trouble.

Gao Yao bit his lip and shook his head, "Master, Gao is wrong, please don't drive me away, okay?"

Qin Mo felt both emotional and self-blame in his heart, and slapped his mouth heavily, "I'm a bitch and I said the wrong thing. If I say such heartless words in the future, I will be called a widower for the rest of my life!

I, Qin Mo, have smoke coming out of my ancestral grave to have a brother like you, Gao Yao! "

Gao Yao was sobbing, and he was also very scared.

After comforting Gao Yao, Qin Mo looked at Fang Shun, "So she has been hiding in Qintian Prison, the master also knows, and the aunt also knows?

Am I the only one who was kept in the dark like a fool? "

"Master's wife only found out after the fact!" Fang Chun didn't hide anything, "I don't know the grudges of the previous generation. Master didn't explain it in detail, and I don't want to ask.

If you want to know the details, you can ask Master. He knows everything about Senior Sister. "

Qin Mo was silent for a while and nodded.

"I ask you again, do you want to kill me?"

"Don't be silly."

Qin Mo hugged her quickly and buried his face in front of her, "Thank you, senior sister, I am too stubborn.

I will ask the master personally.

As for Xiao Yurou, I won’t kill her, don’t worry. "

"You know the good and the bad in your own heart. Ask Master earlier, otherwise, those questions will swallow up your heart."

Fang Shun pushed Qin Mo away and said to Gao Yao: "Stinky eunuch, come with me and let him calm down alone!"

Gao Yao sniffed, knowing that Qin Mo was in a mess at the moment, and being here would only affect his thinking.

After the two left, Qin Mo fell directly on the bed and fell asleep.

When in doubt, it is respectful to sleep first.After waking up, he happily ate a large plate of elbows.

Let yourself feel better first, and then think about these unpleasant things.

At this time, Qin Mo slept until dark, scratched his elbow happily, and finally took a bath, feeling completely comfortable.

Immediately, Xiao Liuzi carried Tianxin over.

The little guy is over six years old.

He is much taller than his peers, and his skin is quite fair. But if you look closely at his eyebrows, you will see that he is the whitened version of Qin Mo.

The smile is silly and thief.

"Dad, you called me?" Tianxin opened the door and came in.

"Come here!" Qin Mo waved to him.

Tianxin stood at the door and did not dare to go over. He laughed dryly and said: "Dad, I have been very good these past two days and I have not made any mistakes. Really, uncle Liuzi can vouch for me!"

Xiao Liuzi also said quickly: "Yes, yes, Master, Master Tianxin has been very obedient recently!"

"If dad doesn't hit you, come here!"

Tian's heart was shaking like a rattle, "Goodbye, Dad, it's better for us to keep our distance!"

"You bastard, get over here and kneel down!" Qin Mo slapped the table.

Tian Xin was so frightened that she trembled all over. She knelt on the ground with a general cry and grabbed her ears, "Dad, I was wrong. I shouldn't have pressed down on Sister Li and kissed her!"

Sister Li is Liu Ruyu’s daughter. She looks very similar to Liu Ruyu. She is fair and clean and very cute!
Qin Mo was speechless, "I'll kiss her if I do. If you like her, in a few years, dad will arrange a baby kiss for you. I'll help you get it as soon as possible!"

Tianxin suddenly became shy, "This, this is not good!"

This kid is just like Qin Mo. He looks stupid, but in fact he is also a master who refuses to take any losses.

He is not very old, but he is very smart.

In addition, Li Yuan teaches in person, and even Li Shilong often praises him for his intelligence.

"Nothing bad!"

Qin Mo said: "Come tomorrow, dress smartly, and I will take you to visit the master!"

"Which master? Is it Gangzi?"

Qin Mo slapped him with his backhand, "Did you call him Gangzi?"

Tianxin covered her head, "You can scream, why don't you let me scream!"

"Because I am your father!"

"Then I can be yours too." Tianxin suddenly covered her mouth.

Qin Mohuang laughed, "It's something that goes against Tiangang!"

A big slap on the little buttocks.

At that moment, screams echoed over Qin Mansion.

Xiao Liuzi sighed, "This young master can do more things than the young master did when he was young!"

When Tianxin stopped crying, she lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Seeing him sticking his butt out, Qin Mo took out the ointment and applied it gently on him.

Gao Yao also came over now.

Seeing Tianxin still sobbing while asleep, I felt heartbroken.

But she dare not speak now.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing.

After applying the plaster, Qin Mo covered him with a blanket and immediately sat aside to drink tea until midnight.

Early the next morning, Qin Mo woke up early, picked up Tian Xin who was still sleeping in, and started messing around.

The little guy's hair is not long, and it is now covered with hair wax by Qin Mo, as if it is being licked by a dog.

Wearing new clothes, new shoes, indescribable spirit.

Tianxin was so sleepy at the moment that she had long forgotten the beating she received last night, "Dad, I think you are not taking me to see Master, but are you going to Aunt Liu's house to propose marriage?"

(End of this chapter)

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