big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1286 You are not qualified to question me!

Chapter 1286 You are not qualified to question me!

“Stop talking nonsense, you’ll find out when you go there!”

Qin Mo took Tian Xin and went out.

Soon we arrived at the Imperial Tomb of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

Xiao Xuanji was pregnant, and he hadn't come over to visit yet, so he happened to bring Tianxin over to meet her, his aunt.

Seeing Qin Mo coming with Tianxin, Yuan Tiangang said thoughtfully, "I'll wait for you in the backyard!"

Qin Mo nodded.

Xiao Xuanji was also overjoyed when he saw Tianxin, "Is this her child?"

Qin Mo nodded and immediately said to Tian Xin: "Call Auntie!"

"Dad, are you confused? She is the master's wife. I want to call her grandma!" Tianxin reminded in a low voice.

"That's what you call it!" Qin Mo said.


Although he didn't understand why Qin Mo asked him to call Xiao Xuanji that way, Tianxin gave Qin Mo a lot of face in front of outsiders.

Immediately shouted: "Auntie!"

"Hey, good boy, let my aunt take a look!"

Xiao Xuanji held Tian Xin's hand and couldn't help but look at her, "It looks really similar, not only looks like his mother, but also a bit like his grandfather.

He is so strong at such a young age, he will definitely be a tall and burly man in the future! "

"Thank you for your compliments. My aunt is fair and beautiful. If we go out, people who don't know will think we are siblings!"

These words made Xiao Xuanji laugh, "Good boy, you really know how to talk!"

She held Tian Xin's hand and couldn't bear to let go. Qin Mo wasn't worried about this kid at all, "Auntie, I'm going to the backyard first. I'll ask you to look after this guy."

"Okay, go ahead!"

She hadn't seen Tianxin for so long, and now Qin Mo actually brought the child over, she knew it.

"You brat, please show some respect to my aunt and stop talking nonsense!" Qin Mo said.

Tianxin curled her lips and whispered to Xiao Xuanji: "Auntie, my father is old-fashioned. There is a generation gap between me and him, and I can't communicate with him!"

Xiao Xuanji looked at the weird little guy and touched his head lovingly, "It would be great if your grandfather could see you. He would definitely give you many, many rewards, and then take you with him every day." Around you!"

"Auntie, what kind of person is my grandfather?"

"He is a very powerful person."

Qin Mo came to the backyard. At this time, the peach blossoms had withered and green fruits had grown on the peach trees.

But other flowers in the yard were in full bloom, and a breeze blew through them, refreshing them.

Yuan Tiangang sat under the tree, the teapot was smoking. Qin Mo sat opposite him, "Master, did you arrange Xiao Yurou to be by my side?"

Yuan Tiangang poured a glass of water for Qin Mo, "If I had that ability, would I still be in the Imperial Tomb of the Northern Zhou Dynasty?"

"Okay, let's not play riddles. Just tell me what's going on." Qin Mo threw a cigarette to him and then lit it.

"Okay, if you want to know, I'll tell you." Yuan Tiangang put down the teapot and said, "This starts from 30 years ago."

"I'm not in a hurry, please speak slowly." Qin Mo said.

"You know the story about your aunt and I. At that time, Emperor Zhou also knew about my relationship with your aunt. In order to make up for it, he asked me to accept Xiao Yurou as his apprentice.

Therefore, she is my first disciple and the senior sister of Ziwei Star Sect. "

"With your ability, can't you save Emperor Zhou? Can't you save Dazhou?"

"I can tell fortunes, but I can't tell people's hearts." Yuan Tiangang said: "Emperor Zhou made three expeditions but failed, and then he used all his strength to build the Grand Canal.

The people are in dire straits, and the most important thing is that he wants to influence the family.

How could the door valve be so easy to move?
Da Zhou ended up like this, all because of his family connections.

It was also because Emperor Zhou wanted to use the poor families to compete with the wealthy families, but he still underestimated the power of the wealthy families.The general trend has arisen and the world is in turmoil. Even if Emperor Zhou knows that others are rebelling, what can he do?
He can't do anything.

Just like me, I can only watch your aunt marry Tiejue. "

Having said this, Yuan Tiangang paused, "Besides, I have my mission, and the mission of Ziwei Star Gate is to save the world in troubled times.

Today's Holy Emperor is the True Dragon Emperor, who can bring peace to troubled times.

After the chaos in the world, Emperor Zhou was hanged. I fled the palace with Miaozhen, and Prince Jian came to support me.

At that time, the Supreme Emperor started an uprising in her name and gathered many veterans of the Zhou Dynasty.

Later, when the world was about to be settled, he was rewarded by the Supreme Emperor to Prince Jian.

I can only save her life, but I can't influence her life.

After the incident at Baihumen, His Majesty arrived.

She was raised outside the palace by His Majesty.

You know what happened next. You were taken away and she saved you! "

"So you've always been in contact with her?"

"No, I don't know where she is being held!"

"Okay, even if you don't know, do you know about the daughter of Princess Nanyang?"


"Zhao Manyun!"

"She is not the daughter of Princess Nanyang." Yuan Tiangang smiled bitterly, "Do you know who she is!"

"Not Princess Nanyang's daughter?" Qin Mo gritted his teeth, "I knew she couldn't tell the truth to me!"

"That's normal, because her status is very special!" Yuan Tiangang said: "After she was rewarded by the Supreme Emperor to Prince Jian, Prince Jian treated her very well, and the two of them respected each other as guests.

After Baihumen, all the children of Prince Jian died, including four sons and five daughters.

None survived. "

"Don't tell me that she is Prince Jian's daughter!" Qin Mo was dumbfounded.

"Yes!" Yuan Tiangang nodded affirmatively, "When Uncle Guo, Yuchi Nobuxiong and others went to capture Prince Jian's family, I also went with them. I saved this child.

But I was too young at the time, was injured, and was overstimulated, so I forgot all about the past.

I used the corpse of a child about her age to dress up as her.

This allowed her to escape! "

"Damn, it can still be like this!" Qin Mo didn't know what to say.

Your uncle, Zhao Manyun is actually the daughter of Prince Jian.

So, she is also a princess?
"Don't lie to me!"

"This is the fact." Yuan Tiangang took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and continued: "Her name is Li Wanyun, believe it or not!"

"You are really good. You started planning 30 years ago!" Qin Mo said with his head numb: "A lot of people were fooled by you!"

"Did I trick you?" Yuan Tiangang said: "You brought trouble to both of my apprentices, and you saved your lives. I even gave you the master. Have you ever seen such a trick? ?”

Qin Mo was speechless for a moment, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"She won't kill you!" Yuan Tiangang said lightly: "Besides, so what if I know, you hate her and want to kill her.

Even if I tell the truth, it will be useless.

There are some things that you won’t understand unless you experience them yourself.

Besides, no one in my Ziweixing sect, including masters and disciples, has ever been sorry to you. You have no right to question me! "

(End of this chapter)

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