big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1287 2 Buddha Mothers!

Chapter 1287 Two Buddha Mothers!

Yes, if you go by what Yuan Tiangang said, he really has no qualifications to ask questions.

"You know the cause and effect. I think you already have the answer." Yuan Tiangang turned the tea cup upside down, "You killed her three times. The first time you sent people to Bishui Villa, she escaped.

The second time you killed Ah Lian.

The third time you killed me with your own hands.

Tell me, what qualifications do I have to persuade her?
You are right, and so is she, it's just the position that's wrong.

I helped her escape, but I never thought she would fall into your hands again.

This is fate.

There is no escape. "

Qin Mo rubbed his swollen head, "Are you the Buddha's mother?"

"That's what you think!" Yuan Tiangang said meaningfully: "When you doubt a person, he does too!"

Qin Mo stood up and offered his hand to Yuan Tiangang, "Master is right, Ziwei Star Sect doesn't owe me anything. On the contrary, I owe Ziwei Star Sect a lot.

I won’t say thank you for your kindness, let’s go now! "

Yuan Tiangang did not deny that he was the mother of Buddha, because there was indeed his shadow behind this incident.

But there is a bigger doubt here. The Buddha Mother is not Xiao Yurou, nor is she Li Zhi.

He carefully recalled Li Zhi's slogan.

Go back to the roots.

What roots are traced to?
Who is he against?

Li Shilong!

At first, he thought he was asking Li Yuan to come back.

But looking at it now, maybe it’s not!

Zhao Manyun is Li Wanyun. She lost her memory and entered Tianxiangyuan. In other words, they are essentially cousins!
Is there a possibility that Li Zhi has known Zhao Manyun's true identity for a long time.

He took over Tianxiangyuan but did not touch Zhao Manyun. Could it be because of this reason?

Also, Tianxiang Courtyard was formerly the property of Gongsun Wuji, and Gongsun Wuji was one of the main criminals who copied and built the prince's mansion.

Yuan Tiangang wants to save people from under his nose. It is not easy.

So did Gongsun Wuji also guess Zhao Manyun’s identity?

He walked to the front yard and saw Xiao Xuanji holding Tianxin with a smile on his face, "Tianxin, we have to leave, say goodbye to my aunt!"

Tian Xin was a little reluctant to give up. Although it was the first time to see Xiao Xuanji, he felt inexplicably close to her. "Dad, can I stay with my aunt here more?"

"No, we have to go to another place!
Tianxin thought she was going to Prince Yue's Mansion, so she jumped off Xiao Xuanji's lap and said, "Auntie, I'm going to do something big. I'll come back to see you after I finish this big thing!"

Xiao Xuanji was a little reluctant and said, "Jingyun, I really like this kid. How about you ask him to come over and visit me every now and then?"

Qin Mo nodded, "Okay!"

"Goodbye, aunt!" Tianxin said goodbye!
Entering the carriage, Tianxin asked: "Dad, am I handsome like this? Aunt Liu will definitely be satisfied, right?"

"No matter how handsome you are, can you be as handsome as your father and me?" Qin Mo lay down and pursed his lips, "Kick my legs!"

"Oh!" Tian Xin's mind was now filled with Sister Li, who was kneeling aside and vigorously kicking Qin Mo's legs, looking like a bitch.

Gao Yao smiled. Seeing Tianxin was like seeing Qin Mo when he was a child.

Naughty and smart!

How do you like it!

Soon, the carriage stopped in front of a quiet house.

Tianxin got off the carriage and was stunned, "Dad, where are we? Are we not going to Prince Yue's Mansion?"

"You're here, why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Qin Mo pulled Tian Xin in, and the servant came over and said, "Master, from yesterday to now, not a drop of water has been eaten, and not a grain of rice has been eaten!" Qin Mo frowned and said to Xiao Gao: "Look at this Brat, let me go in and take a look!"

After saying that, he walked in quickly.

In the room, Xiao Yurou was sitting beside the bed, looking haggard.

"Why, you starved yourself to death last time, and you want to play such a trick this time?" Qin Mo snorted, "You have already played the same trick twice, and you want to play it a third time?"

"That's my business and has nothing to do with you!" Hearing Qin Mo's voice, Xiao Yurou's eyes became colder.

"Really? That son was not born to me alone, right?" Qin Mo pointed outside, "Listen, whose voice is that!"

Xiao Yurou frowned and listened carefully, then her face suddenly changed, "Qin Mo, you are not a human being, you, you brought Tianxin!"

"Do you want to see your son?" Qin Mo said, "Answer me a question and I will let you see your child, and I will not interfere with your seeing your child in the future."

"I won't be fooled by you again!" Xiao Yurou said word for word: "Qin Mo, you know how to use your weakness to threaten me, you have always been like this.

As I am now, if Tianxin knew that I was her mother, what do you think he would do? "

"A dog doesn't think the family is poor, and a son doesn't think the mother is ugly!" Qin Mo said: "Your own son, don't you have confidence?"

"You have to think clearly about what will happen if the child recognizes me!"

"Don't worry about that, just tell me if you want to see the child!

I will ask you two final questions. Answer me truthfully! "

Xiao Yurou remained silent, Qin Mo said: "If you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence. The first question is, is Zhao Manyun the third daughter of Prince Jian? Did you deliberately arrange for her to enter Tianxiang Tower?"

Xiao Yurou was stunned, "You, how did you know?"

"I have already asked the master." Qin Mo said.

"What did you do to Master and the others?" Xiao Yurou's expression changed drastically.

"That's your master, and he's also my master. What can I do to him?" Qin Mo said, "He is fine with his aunt."

"Qin Mo, if you dare to attack the master or your aunt, I will never let you go even if I am a ghost!" Xiao Yurou said with red eyes: "Yes, I deliberately placed Zhao Manyun in Tianxiang Tower. I want her to go Seducing Li Zhi.

But Li Zhi was not fooled. That damn fat man was very thief, and he seemed to know something. "

"I understand, I understand everything now!"

Qin Mo took a deep breath and said, "You really couldn't help yourself at the time, but you also had a purpose.

Love is real, and calculation is also real.

Moreover, it is true that you want to kill me later.

If I hadn't saved the emperor, you would have succeeded in revenge.

The world is also in chaos.

Maybe my son will have a chance to take up the banner of the Northern Zhou Dynasty again, and then come to deal with me. Maybe my son will die in my hands. "

Every word Qin Mo said was on point.

Xiao Yurou pursed her lips.

"Li Zhi is also very smart. He seems to have recognized Zhao Manyun, so he has been trying to make money for Zhao Manyun.

Develop your own wings secretly.

Even, the banner of tracing the roots is played.

He didn't want to straighten the old man at all, but wanted to straighten the crown prince.

Because the emperor's biggest criticism was that he took away the world from Prince Jian.

It's a pity that one general's success can lead to thousands of bones drying up.

I took care of them all! "

Qin Mo clicked his tongue and said: "There is more than one Buddha Mother, the master is the Buddha Mother behind the scenes, Zhao Manyun is also the Buddha Mother, but she doesn't know her identity!
When Li Zhi gave her to me, he actually planted a time bomb for me, and only I can protect her! "

(End of this chapter)

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