Chapter 1288
No wonder Li Zhi said that the Buddha Mother is by his side.

Now it seems that he did not lie.

However, there are two Buddha Mothers, one is Yuan Tiangang who is behind the scenes.

One is Zhao Manyun who doesn’t even know his identity.

The Buddha Mother Li Zhi mentioned was Zhao Manyun, and Li Zhi did not know the Buddha Mother Yuan Tiangang.

As for Xiao Yurou giving birth to Tianxin, I'm afraid it wasn't just to hurt each other.

She did not run out of ideas and took up the banner of the Northern Zhou Dynasty again.

It's good that she is a princess, but her son is the key.

And Qin Mo's own identity is very important.

If he wanted to, it would not be difficult for Da Gan to change his appearance.

"That day in the attic on the top of the mountain, had you already made up your mind that you wanted an heir to carry the banner of the Northern Zhou Dynasty again?"

Xiao Yurou lowered his head and said nothing.

Qin Mo smiled and shook his head, "If you say you are innocent, you are innocent. If you say you are not innocent, you are also adding fuel to the flames.

Tell me, what should I do with you? "

"It's up to you!" Xiao Yurou felt very tired. Everything about her was cut open by Qin Mo. It was bloody and cruel.

Qin Mo has learned the truth, but he is not too happy.

I just feel a lot more relaxed.

At least, he found the Buddha Mother.

"I'm a little unhappy!" Qin Mo said: "Gangzi has a good trick. He kidnapped me with love debt. I, Mr. Qin, will accept softness rather than toughness. This is to control me to death.

Sorry, this kind of intrigue is really tiring.

Sometimes, I think, if I were less heartless, maybe it wouldn't be so uncomfortable. "

"You want everything. How can there be such a good thing in this world!"

"You're right, you can't be too greedy, otherwise you won't be happy!" Qin Mo stood up, "You eat your food, I'll call Tianxin over in a moment, you may accept it or not, but you Such an unkempt appearance is indeed not suitable for meeting children!
I'll give you half an hour to think about it! "

Qin Mo walked out of the room.

Xiao Yurou, on the other hand, was extremely anxious. She peeped thousands of times and fantasized about being able to meet her child openly.

Seeing that it was about to come true, she didn't feel too happy.

Some are just nervous and anxious.

She looked at the cold rice beside her and started to eat it with big mouthfuls.

After eating and drinking, I looked at the still-cool bath water and made a decision.

"Dad, where were you just now?" Tianxin asked.

"I'll take you to meet someone later, and you'll know later!" Qin Mo said.

"Is the eldest sister in there?" Tianxin said a little embarrassedly: "Dad, I have kissed her many times, there is no need to do this!"

Qin Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This brat had inherited most of his temper and character, "I'm warning you, don't go too far. My eldest sister is still young, and you are also young. Do more things you should do at your age!"

Tianxin touched his chin, "Girls are so in demand now. I have to quickly find a few wives. When they grow up, I can marry them together and give Azu some more grandchildren!"

"You bastard, who told you that?"

"Azu, he said that I must marry at least five wives and have ten sons!" Tian Xin said.

"Yeah, don't teach the good ones, just teach the bad ones!" Qin Mo covered his face, Lao Qin's obsession with his son was deeply rooted in his bones.There are so many grandchildren in the family, and they are still not satisfied.

"Dad, actually I think five is a bit too few. The Emperor said that one is better than the other, and each generation is stronger than the other. I must at least surpass you!" Tianxin put her hands on her hips, "You have married so many princesses and princesses. I have to have more than you!”

"Can you leave some for your brother and the others?" Qin Mo's backhand was filled with confusion.

Seeing the two father and son talking nonsense, Gao Yao couldn't help but nod.

Sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs and sons, so whatever I have, I have sons.

The father and son were chatting about one thing or another. At this time, the maid came over and said something in Qin Mo's ear.

Qin Mo quickly straightened Tian Xin's messy hairstyle and straightened his clothes, "Let's go, it's your turn!"

"Dad, could you please stop spitting on your palms? It stinks!"

"You know nothing, this is called styling water!" Qin Mo held his hand and walked inside.

Passing through the corridor, we came to the inner courtyard. On the pavilion in the center of the lake, a woman wearing a blue skirt sat there.

Tianxin was stunned, "Dad, fairy!"

"Go and chat with the fairy!" Qin Mo pushed him, then sat aside and crossed his legs!

Tianxin suddenly became nervous, "Dad, isn't this good? There is a big age difference between us. When I grow up, she will be too old to have a son!"

Qin Mo patted his buttocks with his backhand and said, "Go if you are told. Remember, respect her. She is your elder!"

Tianxin touched her buttocks and muttered: "Father, the liar, even said that he would arrange a baby for me to marry, but he came to find a woman himself.

What elder? I think she is the new aunt she found for me!
I just don’t know who this aunt is, princess?Queen?Princess? "

Seeing Tianxin walking towards her, Xiao Yurou's body stiffened. She pursed her lips and her eyes were already red.

It felt like there was cement in my throat.

When Tianxin walked in, she realized that this aunt was simply too beautiful, no worse than her other aunts.

Moreover, he felt that the new aunt in front of him had an indescribable sense of closeness and familiarity.

There is even a feeling of soreness in the nose.

He looked at Xiao Yurou blankly, "Well, Sister Fairy, are you my father's new aunt?"

Xiao Yurou choked up instantly, "You, you, your name is Tianxin, right?"

"Yes, my nickname is Tianxin. It was given to me by my mother. My mother died when I was very young, but I have many aunts.

My name is Qin Chang, which was given to me by my father. Chang means boss.

I am the boss of the Qin family! "When Tian Xin started talking, he couldn't stop talking.

Xiao Yurou burst into tears.

Tianxin was a little frightened, "Auntie, did I say the wrong thing? Don't cry. Seeing you cry makes my heart feel like a knife stabbing me. I feel so uncomfortable."

As he spoke, his big eyes were filled with tears, and he couldn't wipe them away no matter how hard he said, "What's wrong with me? Why can't I stop it?"

He hurriedly looked at Qin Mo who was not far away, and cried: "Dad, Sister Fairy made me cry because of my chat. Come quickly."

"Baby!" Xiao Yurou hugged Tianxin. When he left her, he had just learned to speak, but now he looked like a little adult.

Maybe mother and son were connected. Seeing Xiao Yurou burst into tears made Tianxin cry even more sadly.

But Qin Mo didn't come over, so he endured the discomfort and kept wiping Xiao Yurou's tears with his little hands, "Sister Fairy, oh no, new aunt, don't cry, I feel uncomfortable even if you cry.

Please, stop crying! "

(End of this chapter)

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