big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1293 Up to 3 years!

Chapter 1293 Up to 30 years!

After eating a portion of the cake, Qin Mo felt a lot more relaxed.

When it comes to legislating for the Supreme Emperor, this is part of the plan.

With the foundation of the new law, there is room for implementation of legislation for the Supreme Emperor.

As for a constitutional monarchy, that’s not very feasible.

However, it will become common to stipulate the emperor's retirement time, the arrival of two emperors in the future, or even the simultaneous rule of three emperors.

But if you don't do it well, another situation will occur.

The emperor's rights were not divided, or a certain emperor was unwilling to go down so early and wanted to cause trouble.

Over time, the law will collapse.

But for now, this is the best approach.

He could see that Li Shilong wanted to complete the grand event of the Three Emperors ruling the world.

This kind of grand event is rare in the world.

Even in another world, there is no such grand occasion as the three emperors living together.

This not only requires the emperor to live longer, but also requires the emperor to give up the power in his hands.

For example, a certain Shiquan old man, who had been in office for 60 years, made a so-called concession because he was unwilling to break Kang Mazi's record of 61 years in power.

But he still couldn't let go of the rights in his hands and continued to ignore his son's rights.

After kicking his legs, his son killed all those ignorant ministers.

The first one to bear the brunt is He Shen.

There is a saying that goes well, if Heshen falls, Jiaqing will be full!

It's meant to be a joke, but it shows the greed of human nature and the excessive pursuit of power.

Qin Mo is a student of history, and he sees things more clearly than ordinary people.

So this is too idealistic.

However, Li Shilong came over in high spirits, so it was hard for him to interrupt, right?

More than an hour later, Li Shilong put down the Pai Gow in his hand and said, "It's boring. I'm the only one who wins. It's boring to fight with you!"

He still likes to play cards with Qin Mo. He loses more every time, and then occasionally he wins a big one, which is very exciting!
"Jingyun, what are you thinking?" Li Shilong asked.

"I have an immature idea. I don't know whether it's good or bad. Let's take it as a reference." Qin Mo said: "Let me talk about the responsibilities of the Supreme Emperor first. If you want to clarify the retirement time, then the best age for men is 55 years old, and for women it is five years old. Ten years old (the lifespan of the ancients was short. Based on the epitaph records of the Tang Dynasty, the average life span is 59, and those who can afford epitaphs are from poor families at the end. So the actual life span should be lower)!

If the emperor abdicates at the age of 55, he can indeed be called an old man.

However, with the current development of medicine and the increase in food production, the average life span of Daqian people will increase in the next few decades.

In the future, people aged 70 or over 80 will become more and more common.

Therefore, the retirement age will inevitably be extended in the future.

At the age of the old man, he is over 70. To put it bluntly, one extra year of his life is wealth to us younger generations.

But if it was the emperor who abdicated due to Gang Zen, what would he be responsible for?

military power?

political affairs?

Either one is inappropriate, right? "

Li Shilong couldn't help but nodded, "It's indeed inappropriate!"

"So what the Supreme Emperor can do in the future is actually very limited. He cannot interfere in government affairs or military power.

All I can think of are associations for the protection of women and children, medical development, increased food production, education, charities, and others. You can submit what you see and hear to the country in a form that is not enough to report to the emperor.

Help the new emperor pick up the leaks.

And in order to avoid any discord, they will not interfere in political affairs or military power.You can make comments, but you cannot directly ask questions. "Qin Mo said.

"That's right." Dou Xuanling nodded, "The current situation is that with the three emperors coming to court, the Supreme Emperor has actually done a good job."

Yu Boshi said: "In fact, looking back at history, many emperors were extravagant in their later years, and the national treasury was completely consumed in enjoyment."

There are too many examples of this, including a certain old man who goes to the south of the Yangtze River every day and pays private visits incognito every day, wasting people and money.

For example, Lao Li from another world was actually quite dim in his later years.

Li Shilong said: "The Women and Children's Protection Association is a matter of the harem. I cannot be allowed to interfere in women's affairs. This is not okay.

We should pay more attention to medical development.

Education currently belongs to the Ministry of Rites, and the weight of the Ministry of Rites is now much higher than before. Academies are being established in various states, providing a path for advancement for people from poor families.

It's not something I'm suitable to take care of.

You can pay attention to food. No matter when and where, food is the most basic guarantee. People must eat and drink enough to survive.

Charities are not very good either, I don’t need fame.

It’s good to fill in the gaps. "

Lao Liu is still quite sober.

Qin Mo continued: "Medical care and food, these two areas are considered to be the basis of people's livelihood, so you can pay attention to them.

But you cannot look for the so-called immortality. There is longevity in this world, but there is no immortality.

If there really is immortality, I believe this would have been ruled by one of them long ago.

Believe that, it is better to exercise more. "

"You bastard, why don't you mention me by name?" Li Shilong's nose was so angry that he was so angry. Didn't this bitch just talk about him again?

"I didn't say it was you." Qin Mo said: "How many of the emperors Xunxian asked had a good ending?
Did he die from taking drugs, or did he become comatose in his later years?
Isn't this to prevent future generations from messing around, so we have to set rules to avoid trouble! "

"Okay, okay, keep talking!" Li Shilong got angry and lit a cigarette.

"The second is retirement time. I think the emperor must retire after reigning for 30 years. A man's energy gradually decreases when he is 40 years old. By the time he is 50 or even [-], he basically has no motivation.

Take Lao Ba as an example. He is 26 this year and a little younger than me.

If he turns thirty, in 30 years, he will be 60 years old.

Could it be that these 30 years were not enough for him to cultivate a qualified emperor?

By the time his son came to the hospital, he was already over 30 years old and approaching retirement, he was probably in his [-]s.

As I get older, I can no longer straighten my back.

Therefore, it is basically difficult for three emperors to appear at the same time in the future, and it is usually two emperors who come to the court.

Therefore, 30 years is actually a long time, and 25 years is more appropriate.

People can live more than 70 years, which is already very good.

How many emperors in the past dynasties lived past the age of 70?

Not many people live past sixty.

According to the data, if you retire in your 50s, take a good rest, and live to your [-]s or [-]s, there is still hope to see the third generation of emperors come up! "

Li Shilong thought for a while, and it was indeed true.

Li Yue's son is already three or four years old. If he remains emperor for another 25 years, Li Yue's son will basically be thirty.

By analogy, he is indeed old enough.

"But where are the rules for managing the prince? Not the eldest son will definitely inherit the throne, so be more humane, 25 to 30 years, and use the five years in between to deal with emergencies!" Qin Mo took a deep breath, "Other than that Besides, it’s not just the Emperor who needs legislation, the Queen Mother also needs it!”

(End of this chapter)

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