big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1294: Infinite greed!

Chapter 1294: Infinite greed!
This flexible provision is very user-friendly.

Li Shilong nodded.

Take him for example. He is fifty this year and it is Longjing’s 15th year.

He became emperor at the age of 35.

If you have been emperor for 25 years, you will be sixty.

If it is 30 years, it is 65.

Neither energy nor thinking can keep up with the rhythm.

Just like what Yu Boshi said, he became confused in his later years.

In fact, it is not necessarily due to ignorance. It is most likely due to being unable to keep up with the changes of the times and being stubbornly conservative.

When the emperor's will collides with the wheel of the times, there will be injuries.

"Tell me about the Queen Mother's management methods!" Li Shilong said.

"There are no two days in the sky, so naturally the harem cannot have two masters, so the east and west palaces are set up, and the east palace is the queen.

The West Palace is the Queen Mother, so it would be better to set it up closer to Da'an Palace.

Let's continue to manage the Women's and Children's Protection Association and be a lifelong consultant.

There will be an increase in female officials in the future, so if the harem does not interfere in politics, it is actually a conflict. "

Everyone nodded.

After the Women and Children Protection Association corrected its name, there were more than 1000 female officials registered across the country.

If it spreads to rural areas in the future, this number will double several times.

“So we must make it clear again that we cannot interfere in politics!”

Qin Mo knew very well that the Queen Mother was actually just a decoration. Once she reached that position, she would have no use except eating and waiting to die.

"But there is one thing that the Queen Mother can take charge of, and that is the princess and the princess!" Qin Mo said: "The Zongren Mansion manages all the royal families, but the control over the princess and the princess is too loose, so that a lot of unsightly things happened. .

We have to learn lessons from this time of Buddhist worship, so we set up a special female clan mansion to manage princesses, princesses and princesses. "

There are some things that are difficult for men to control women, but it is very easy for women to control women.

The Queen Mother has a high status and is very capable of handling such matters.

Li Shilong was a little embarrassed, but Qin Mo was right, first Ping'an, then Gao Yang, and now Chuanyu.

We don’t know what the future will be like.

After the Zongren Mansion was reformed, the control over the royal family was particularly strict.

But for the princess, I'm very relaxed.

Dou Xuanling and the other three looked at each other and became numb.

Only Qin Mo dared to say such words, and only Qin Mo would avoid suffering if he said it.

For an ordinary person, picking on Li Shilong's scar like this would have been a disaster long ago.

"Father, what do you say?"

"It is indeed necessary to control her, otherwise she will become lawless." Li Shilong nodded and lit the cigarette in frustration, "But how can the imperial family dare to control the queen mother? What if she is shielding her?"

"Isn't it enough to let the Supreme Emperor take charge of supervision? Everyone is the same. If it is your own child, it is difficult to be cruel, so you have to clarify the method.

As for how to legislate, I have no experience, so let Lao Yu and others figure it out! "

Yu Boshi's eyes widened, "Qin Jingyun, can you be any more shameless?"

Dou Xuanling's eyes widened as well, "You are so shameless. You ask us to do everything, so what else do you want you to do?"

"I don't have time. I have to build the railway tracks in the capital and supervise the construction of the Royal Military Academy. After a while, I will go to visit Southeast Asia.

How about you split me into four pieces? "Qin Modao
"You brat, you're still complaining to me!" Li Shilong snorted, but Qin Mo was right. He was responsible for so many big projects. Let’s discuss it with Jingming.

Don't be too harsh, the Emperor and the Queen Mother have both worked hard for the country their whole lives."

"Father, you are protecting yourself and indulging yourself. This kind of thinking is unacceptable!" Qin Mo said solemnly: "In this case, how can you restrain others? How can you convince others? In this case, what kind of laws should be enacted? Directly Forget it, one is in charge of military affairs and the other is in charge of political affairs with the new emperor." Li Shilong was very angry, but when he thought about it carefully, it was the same reason again, "Can't the Supreme Emperor have some privileges?"

"You want privileges? Then you will be the emperor until the day you close your eyes. Then no one can control you, and don't legislate. Whichever prince you like, you will make that prince the emperor.

Wouldn't it be enough to just have a talk?
What do you want us ministers to do?
Could it be that the father just wants to listen to our flattery? "

"You, you, you" Li Shilong trembled with anger.

Dou Xuanling and Dou Xuanling held back their laughter.

Only Qin Mo could defeat Li Shilong.

"Otherwise, it would be better for my father to go to the Celestial Elephant Kingdom and take charge there. It would be more conducive to control one thing and the other in such a big undertaking.

Anyway, if the meat rots in the pot, everyone will eat it. Qin Mo curled his lips and said.

Li Shilong really had this idea, but nothing happened.

Besides, at his old age, running thousands of miles away would be too much for his body.

When the time comes, you won’t be able to die in your homeland. How uncomfortable will that be?
"Stop teasing me!" Li Shilong slapped me with his backhand, "You bitch, if I say one thing and you say ten, do you want to piss me off to death?"

Qin Mo said harshly: "The reason why you are angry is because I have poked you in the heart. You are old, but your heart is not.

I want to do something, but I don’t have the strength.

In short, this is the method. If you still want to start a small stove for yourself, no one can stop you.

Anyway, the emperors who followed followed the same example, and there is no guarantee that one day there will be a Western Emperor, and then a Northern Emperor, a Southern Emperor or something like that.

Even if they are beaten, they are still one of our own, and all the meat will rot in the pot."

Li Shilong took a deep breath and suddenly lost his temper.

This is really the reason.

As an emperor, he understands the emperor's thoughts very well.

Once people have a privilege, they want to keep it.

Qin Mo is right.

If you cannot restrain yourself, it will be a harm to the emperor.

Why he imprisoned Li Yuan in Da'an Palace was to monopolize power.

This has been the case since ancient times.

"Now Daqian is creating an unprecedented era. Even history has no reference. If you are unwilling to retire, just work hard for a few more years and no one will say anything.

Don't be reluctant to quit and at the same time have the whole world calling you retirement.

Who do you think you are hurting?

It’s a stable country and a restless heart below! "Qin Mo reminded secretly.

Li Shilong stood up suddenly.

Then he was speechless for a long time.

He was indeed a little reluctant to leave.

Even though he had been prepared for it long ago, people's desires are infinite.

What you get is not so easy to throw away.

From No. 1 to No. [-], that feeling of being the center of attention, that feeling of being the master of the world.

That feeling of obeying your words and having all the people surrender.

They were all things he couldn't bear to part with and couldn't cut off.

But Qin Mo was right, if he continued to be so hesitant, a new round of storm would definitely sweep through.

That's not what he wants to see!
(End of this chapter)

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