big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1296 Please come to the throne, Your Highness!

Chapter 1296 Please come to the throne, Your Highness!
Qin Mo didn't know that at this point, there seemed to be no better choice.

Gongsun Wuji turned his head and glanced at Qin Mo, only to find that Qin Mo was not happy at all, and even frowned.

He couldn't help but wonder, didn't His Majesty talk to Qin Mo first?

It was indeed too sudden.

It's less than a month before the ceremony, and this is the second time Li Shilong has talked about it.

If it had been in the past, and the crown prince's position had been vacant for so long, there would have been a lot of trouble.

After the new law was implemented, everyone began to wait and see.

However, this time he made a bet quite early and had already reached a tacit understanding with Li Yue.

Qin Xiangru's eyes look at his nose, and his nose looks at his heart.

It doesn't matter who becomes the emperor, he wants to go to Ming Dynasty to be his emperor anyway!
Li Shilong observed the changes in everyone's expressions, and then said: "I have also figured it out. Since my ancestors reminded me in my dream, I should not leave Jiangshan Sheji alone.

The Eighth Son Yue is brave, resourceful, capable of both literary and military skills. He respects his parents when he is superior, respects his wife and children when he is subordinate, and has the deep trust of all ministers and workers.

So I decided to make the Eighth Prince the crown prince! "

Li Yue's heartbeat increased, and the day finally arrived.

Although it is not abdication, as long as he makes no mistakes, one day the throne will be his.
However, at this time, he could not accept it immediately.

Instead, he immediately knelt on the ground and said, "Father, I am so ashamed of myself. Please take back my life!"

But this time, the ministers no longer objected. Gongsun Wuji was the first to stand up and said: "It has been nearly five years since the trial of the new law was implemented.

The ability of His Highness the King of Yue is also obvious to all.

The ancestors' dreams further affirmed it.

Does His Highness want to live up to the expectations of his ancestors?

Being modest is a good thing, but being too modest is pride! "

Xu Jingzong hurriedly came out and said: "Your Majesty has a virtuous name, so naturally he will appoint a virtuous son as the crown prince. Your Highness's virtuous name is known to everyone in the world, and no one is dissatisfied with it!"

Please come forward, Your Highness! "

Then Li Daoyuan and others also began to flatter him.

If you don't flatter me at this time, when will you wait?

Qin Mo's skin got goosebumps.

These people are really good.

However, if he didn't say a few words at this time, he wouldn't be able to explain it, so he went out and said: "Your Majesty, your ministers, and the people hope that your highness will ascend to the throne.

Therefore, please come forward, Your Highness! "

After the words fell, everyone raised their hands and said: "Your Highness, please come to the throne!"

Li Shilong looked at Li Yue who looked helpless, as if he saw himself 15 years ago.

At that time, he looked helpless and was carried to the throne by the ministers.

"Everyone, you, you," Li Yue's eyes began to turn red and he choked with sobs: "I feel more and more worthy of your love!"

Everyone shouted again: "Your Highness, please come to the throne!"

After repeating this three times, Li Yue said: "In this case, I will not shirk it anymore. We will work together in the future to make Daqian stronger!"

"His Royal Highness the Holy Ming Prince!" Everyone changed their titles directly.

Li Shilong also nodded, stepped down from the dragon chair, and took Li Yue's hand.

Gao Shilian came over holding the prince's uniform in both hands.

In this palace, only two men can wear bright yellow clothes, only the emperor and the prince!
Li Yue's heart jumped into his throat.

Gao Shilian knelt on the ground, "His Royal Highness, please change your clothes!"

Li Shilong smiled and said: "This is sewn by your mother herself!"

He took the clothes and actually wanted to dress Li Yue himself.

To put it bluntly, he just wanted to make a good story again.The three emperors lived at the same time, and the son inherited his father's legacy. Everything was so harmonious.

"Thank you, Father!" Li Yue quickly handed over his hands, and then put on his clothes nervously.

The clothes are quite complicated.

According to the Order of Wu De, the prince has six types of clothing, including a crown with a crown, a crown with three beams for a long journey, a crown for a long journey with an official uniform, a black gauze hat, and a plain turban and five-piece crown.

And this time, what Li Yue wore was Gun Mian!
Gun mian refers to Gun clothes and mian, which cannot be worn in informal occasions.

The four-clawed golden dragon embroidered with gold thread on the clothes is particularly domineering.

After Li Yue got dressed, everyone began to kowtow and bow again.

At this moment, Li Yue felt that destiny had come to him and that he had great power.

It would be nice if he was the only one enjoying this pilgrimage.

After everyone finished saluting, Li Shilong wrote an edict in Zhongshu Province and sent it to the world to celebrate together in the country.

This is indeed a big event. The prince is the heir of a country. Even if Li Shilong has something now, he will not be without a leader.

Although Li Shilong's announcement was too sudden, the ministers felt confident.

Later, Li Shilong held a banquet for all the ministers.

At this time, Li Yue almost became the focus of the audience.

Even Li Yuan came over.

During the last ceremony, everyone stayed far away. This time, everyone wanted to get closer to Li Yue with their heads sharpened.

The contrast between before and after made Li Yue feel proud and proud.

He picked up the wine glass, knelt down to thank Li Shilong first, and then knelt down to thank Li Yuan, "Thank you, Grandpa Huang, for your long-term teachings. My grandson, here's a toast to you. I wish you a long and boundless life!"

Li Yuan stroked his beard with a smile and said, "You are the one who strives for success, but the one you should thank the most should be Jing Yun. He broke his heart for you!"

Li Yue nodded, "Yes, my grandson should indeed thank Jingyun. Without Jingyun, my grandson would not be where he is today."

With that said, he held the wine glass and walked towards Qin Mo, "Idiot, I'll give you a toast!"

Qin Mo also stood up quickly, "Congratulations, you got what you wanted!"

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know where I would be in the feudal lord right now!" Li Yue hooked Qin Mo's shoulders and clinked glasses with him, "One generation, two brothers, no matter if I am the prince or anything else, Well, our friendship will never change."

"Understood!" Qin Mo nodded.

"I'm going to toast to the others first." Li Yue just took a sip of the wine and did not drink it all.

Qin Mo smiled and nodded, not caring about these details.

He is no longer the king of Yue. When he becomes the prince, he is the king and he is the minister.

How can a monarch and his ministers be brothers, unless he is Yongzheng's thirteenth brother?

Unfortunately not.

"Captain Prince Consort, the Emperor has asked you to come over." Wei Zhong came over and said.

Qin Mo walked to Li Yuan while holding the wine, "Old man, did you call me?"

"Why are you so far away from me?" Li Yuan said, "I want to talk to you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Let's talk about going to Lingnan." Li Yuan said: "Now that the big thing has been decided, it doesn't matter whether I am in the capital or not. I might as well accompany you to Lingnan."

"It's possible, but it requires your father's consent." Qin Mo said.

Li Yuan's body is still strong, but he is old after all. If something happens in Lingnan, he will be guilty.

It was relatively easy to think about problems before, but now I have more worries and always feel constrained.

"You don't care what he does, it's not like he's going to follow you!" Li Yuan said.

Li Shilong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Father, I'm still here, can't you lower your voice?"

(End of this chapter)

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