big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1297: Join the system?

Chapter 1297: Join the system?

"You heard it just right!" Li Yuan said: "I am going to Lingnan with Jingyun. After staying in the capital for so long, I still miss the days of farming in Lingnan!
Although it's a bit humid there, it's like spring all year round, and I can go fishing every now and then, which is very comfortable! "

"Father, a new decree will be issued in the next two days, specifically for retired emperors and empresses!" Li Shilong said in a suppressed voice.

"Isn't that aimed at me?" Li Yuan was furious, "Li Er, what do you mean, I've already got half my foot in the ground, and you still want to make trouble?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant." Li Shilong quickly explained.

"I don't want to hear it, you just think I'm old and annoying!" Li Yuan said.

"Bullshit, you're laughing your ass off!" Seeing Qin Mo snickering, Li Shilong became very angry, "You came up with the method. Please explain it clearly to my father!"

Li Yuan looked at Qin Mo in surprise, "Jingyun, does this matter have anything to do with you?"

Qin Mo helplessly spread his hands and said, "Old man, I was forced, do you believe it?"

"Li Er, you let your son-in-law take the blame again!" Li Yuan slammed the table angrily, "Anyway, I don't care, I just want to go to Lingnan!"

"Father, this is what happened."

Li Shilong persuaded Li Yuan with hard talk, and after explaining, Li Yuan calmed down.

"What does that have to do with me? Just mind yourself. I'm over 70, how many more years do I have to live?
Besides, I don’t need your money when I go out. I can’t spend all the money Jingyun gave me. "

"Having said that, but"

"I won't listen!" Li Yuan waved his hand, "You must go!"

The older Li Yuan gets, the more arrogant he becomes.

Zan Ying gave Li Yuan a physical examination a few days ago and said that Li Yuan had a tendency to suffer from dementia.

The so-called dementia is Alzheimer's disease.

Qin Mo is actually quite worried. At present, there are no special medicines that can treat it.

As for the dementia issue, Zan Ying only told him, not Li Shilong.

"Father, Jingyun is going to explore Southeast Asia, not just for fun!" Li Shilong said, "How about I wait for my son to retire and go there with you?"

Compared with the previous two years, Li Yuan's back was stooped and his whole body had shrunk.

There are also more and more age spots on the face.

The whole person exudes an aura of twilight.

He was just afraid of what would happen if Li Yuan went to Lingnan.

That would cause trouble for Qin Mo.

"No, I have to go!" Li Yuan said.

Li Shilong had no choice but to wink at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo smiled bitterly and said immediately: "Old man, otherwise, I will go to Lingnan to deal with important matters first.

You can go there after Yizhou is stabilized.

You know my ability. It can take as little as more than a month or as long as three to five months. I can definitely solve Yizhou's problems.

At that time, you were coming over and I was free to accompany you, right? "

Li Yuan frowned and said: "You are busy with your business, I don't need you to worry about it!"

Li Yuan was a little reluctant, but he could still listen to Qin Mo's words.

Finally, after talking for a long time, Qin Mo asked Li Yuan to nod, "Okay, then you have to hurry up. The capital is so boring. You have to write to me from time to time, and I have to write a book!"

"Don't worry, old man!" Qin Mo nodded.

After the banquet, Qin Mo also started to go to Lingnan.

On this day, Qin Mo was reading the report from Yizhou. Xiao Liuzi came over to inform, "Young Master, I would like to see Dongzan in a big way!"

"Why is he here?"

"I don't know, it's said that there is something important!"

"Please come in." Qin Mo thought to himself, couldn't they be talking about Gui Gan?

After a while, Dalun Dongzan, who was wearing Daqian clothes, came in and said, "Captain Prince Consort of Qin, long time no see!"

"A month is not that long!" Qin Mo smiled and invited him to take a seat, "Is the Prime Minister coming here to do anything?"

"Yesterday, news came from Nanfang that the Lizhi Road from Daqian to Luoxu has been completely opened. Now the closest route from Daqian to Luoxu only takes less than ten days."

"It's not easy, it's finally open to traffic!" Qin Mo poured him a cup of tea and asked, "Did the Prime Minister come here specifically to tell me the good news?"

"Yes, and no!" Da Lundong praised: "But the Prince Consort should not be called Prime Minister in the future. I am now a geography teacher at Qinzhuang College, specializing in teaching them the customs and customs of Nanfan.

I also accepted your Majesty's reward and am now the Deputy Governor of Nanfan Governor's Mansion.

What Commander-in-Chief Nan Fangui did! "

Qin Mo frowned, "Why didn't I know about this?"

"Yesterday the prince came to read the imperial edict in person, and yesterday afternoon we discussed hundreds of trivial matters regarding the return of Nanfan." Da Lundong praised.

Qin Mo raised his eyebrows and suppressed the surprise in his heart.

He didn't know about such a big thing until the next day.

"Are you the only one negotiating with the prince?"

"There is also Gaoyang County Uncle. He will handle relevant matters with me in the future." Da Lundong praised: "To be honest, I don't like Gaoyang County Uncle very much, but the prince has said that those of us who are subordinates will also Can't pick.

However, he didn't know much about Nanfan and couldn't understand many things.

The commander-in-chief of Qin Dynasty understands.

Everyone can see how much hard work he has done since he returned to work.

But don't make any mistakes at this critical moment.

When the time comes, it will be difficult for the Zanpu side to account for it, and it will also be difficult for the millions of people in Nanpan to account for it! "

Qin Mo said calmly: "Are you not satisfied?"

"That was not what was said at the time when the Qian system was to be transferred to Fan. What was said at the time was that Nan Fan, as an autonomous region, would be included in Da Gan, and legislation would need to be discussed together!

And now, what is it if it’s not cheating?
Daqian's system is indeed good. Nanfan has been learning over the years, I admit it.

But copying it will inevitably lead to acclimatization!

Once the roots of dissatisfaction are planted, sooner or later something will happen.

I don’t want to see the lives destroyed, nor do I want Daqian’s artillery shells to explode in my own territory. "

Da Lundong sighed and said, "Captain Qin's Prince Consort would be better off asking more questions."

After saying that, he stood up and said, "I'm going back to class soon, so I won't bother you!"

"I'll see you off!" Qin Mo said.

"Don't send me off, stay here!"

But Qin Mo still walked him to the door. When Da Lun Dongzan left, Qin Mo turned around.

But his face has sunk.

Nanfan returned to Qian, that was his business.

Xu Jingzong actually made trouble with Tai Sui?

Looking for death!
The incident about Tang Jian had spread before, and not only the entire Honglu Temple, but also the Bohai Bay Navy were disgusted with Xu Jingzong.

What does Li Yue want to do?
You've only had a few good days and you're already losing money?


He went to Nanfan twice, the first time to rescue Princess Jing'an, and the second time to help Nanfan quell the war.

The relevant policies formulated have led to today's situation.

Isn’t it nonsense to just make it into a series?
Don't want your face?
Just swallow the person in one gulp?
Then why is he bothering to do all this? Why can't he just push it aside?
(End of this chapter)

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