big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1298 I feel wronged for you!

Chapter 1298 I feel wronged for you!


The credit goes to him.

Qin Mo sneered.

Turn around and come to Honglu Temple.

When Tang Jian learned that Qin Mo was coming, he quickly came out to greet him, "Jingyun, you haven't been a guest at my place for a long time."

"Oh, I just came from the racecourse. Stop by for a cup of tea. Are you welcome?"

"Welcome, welcome, a batch of new tea just arrived!" Tang Jian quickly invited Qin Mo in.

Today's Honglu Temple is not the same as in the past. Not to mention its increasing weight, the racecourse gets hundreds of thousands of taels of silver every year.

Coupled with the money allocated by the imperial court, there are more than one million taels.

The day should not be too beautiful.

Qin Mo walked in and saw a large group of blond and blue-eyed women standing there, "These are"

"The new tea from the Western Regions all comes from the Far West. This hag doesn't look very good, but she is good at dancing. Do you want to get some back to play with?" Tang Jian said with a smile.

Qin Mo was speechless. If it had happened in his previous life, he would have been such a pure and innocent horse.

Now, it's very worthless.

"Okay, just a few will do!" Qin Mo said.

"No more, I'll give these to you." Tang Jian called someone, "Send all of these people away."

"Old Tang, this is too much!"

"This is nothing, Yizhixie advanced all the way and captured half of the Yuezhi's territory, and nearly half of the Dashi territory.

There is a lot of chaos over there now, and many people are desperate and run to the sky.

In order to curry favor with us, the people over there in Dashi kidnapped a large number of women from the Far West and gave them to us.

There were ten thousand people who had been sent back from the county men's posts! "

Qin Mo raised his eyebrows, "So many?"

"So, you can rest assured on your men. If there are not enough, I will get a group of people for you." Tang Jian said as he pulled Qin Mo into the office.

After the two chatted for a while, Qin Mo asked: "I heard that Xu Jingzong petitioned His Majesty to resign. Is this true?"

"Yes." When talking about this matter, Tang Jian got angry, "This piece of shit has taken all the credit from Honglu Temple and the Bohai Bay Navy.

Our people have been talking for a year or two, and with the cooperation of the Bohai Sea Navy, it is basically a done deal.

He actually stepped in and took away all the credit.

In the end, he even played it so hypocritically that I almost wanted to kill him! "

Liu Chenghu could be regarded as taking over the Bohai Navy halfway. It was natural for him to endure it, but he really didn't understand Qin Mo's ability to endure it.

"Jingyun, you built the Bohai Bay Navy with your own hands, and you also proposed the method of renting land to station troops. It can be said that you are the first to contribute to the peaceful integration of Jihe Shidan into Daqian.

Why don't you say anything?
I feel aggrieved for you!

This is not your style! Tang Jian said angrily.

Qin Mo took a sip of tea and said, "It's useless for me to take credit for these achievements. Besides, the prince wants to promote and train him, how dare I say otherwise!"

Hearing this, Tang Jian was also a little helpless.

Xu Jingzong is currently in the limelight. Apart from Qin Mo, he really doesn't know who else can deal with him.

After all, Xu Jingzong is now the second favorite minister around the prince.

Needless to say, number one must be Qin Mo.

"Having said that, can you bear it when he interferes with Nan Fan's affairs this time?"

Qin Mo narrowed his eyes. Sure enough, he was the last to know.

"You mean what Nan Fangui did?"

"Of course, you were the instigator of this matter from beginning to end." Tang Jian said angrily: "When you said that Nan Fan would be allowed to return to work within five years, he was still eating shit in Hongzhou.

Damn it, he hasn't fought a single battle, he hasn't even been sent as an envoy to Nanfan, and yet he has become the liaison.The prince also ordered Honglu Temple to cooperate with him.

I, I can't understand! "

"Can you tell me the details of the discussion?" Qin Mo asked.

Tang Jian hesitated for a while, then lowered his voice and told Qin Mo the details of Xu Jingzong's talk, "His idea is very clear, he just wants Nan Fan to abide by Da Qian's laws.

This will save a lot of effort, and secondly, it will also be able to please the Crown Prince and His Majesty. "

"Understood!" Qin Mo turned the teacup upside down, "I'm sleepy, I'm going to go back to bed first. Let's have some new tea together when we have time!"

"I'll send it to you!"

After sending Qin Mo away, Tang Jian shook his head and thought, "Prince, Prince, you are too impatient. Do you want to challenge Qin Mo in the ring so early?
It's too hasty, and it's so frustrating! "

No one can fault Qin Mo's contribution.

Without Qin Mo, Li Shilong would have died long ago during the palace incident.

Without Qin Mo, Princess Jing'an would not be able to come back.

Without Qin Mo, Gao Li would not have been destroyed so easily.

Without Qin Mo, Japan would still be a Japanese island country.

Without Qin Mo, people in the world would still not have enough to eat.

Without Qin Mo, you might not even be a prince!

But he only dared to think about this in his heart.

He also wanted to fight for Qin Mo's injustice.

Although Qin Mo cheated, they always shared the benefits together, and they were willing to be cheated.

How can he be like Xu Jingzong, who was like a robber, even giving soup to others to drink.

If people like this come up, will they still have a good life in the future?
After leaving Honglu Temple, Qin Mo turned around and entered the palace.

When he learned that Qin Mo was coming, Li Shilong was surprised and said: "Why did this brat suddenly enter the palace?"

Seeing Qin Mo, Li Shilong put down the pen in his hand and asked, "Why are you here today?"

"My son-in-law is here to say goodbye." Qin Mo cupped his hands and said, "My son-in-law will leave for Lingnan the day after tomorrow. This time he will travel through Southeast Asia. It may take one year at the earliest and three years at the earliest.

Father, please take care of your health, especially the old man, who is getting older and his health is not as good as before.

Wind diseases should be controlled well and beware of dementia.

If possible, father, please spend more time with me if you have nothing to do.

In fact, what the elderly lack most is companionship! "

"Leaving so soon?" Li Shilong was a little reluctant to leave. Qin Mo had to leave before he left.

If Qin Mo doesn't go, the overall situation will be difficult to determine.

But this time, other people can also go to Nanyang.

But after much thought, he decided to send Qin Mo.

Not only because Qin Mo acted steadily and understood his thoughts, but most importantly, he wanted to give Li Yue more time to grow.

As long as Qin Mo is around, he will never be able to grow up.

"It's already over June. If we don't leave, it will get cold. Go there early and make plans!" Qin Mo said.

Li Shilong nodded, "Once you left, the capital lost a lot of fun, but now Lizhi Road is so easy to walk, and the carriage is so fast, you have to take time to come back once a year to see me and the Supreme Emperor."

"Okay, depending on the situation, I will definitely come back if I can!" Qin Mo nodded.

"Stay at noon and have a meal with me." Li Shilong said. The children are getting older and he is getting older.

One day, children will all spread their wings.

And he could only stay at home and wait for them to come back.

Qin Mo didn't refuse and said, "My son-in-law hasn't cooked for a long time. Today I will cook two dishes that my father likes!"

(End of this chapter)

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