big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1299 Lao Gao’s confession

Chapter 1299 Lao Gao’s confession

"Okay, I'll go with you." Li Shilong smiled and suddenly remembered the first time Qin Mo cooked for himself a few years ago.

At that time, he picked vegetables and Qin Mo cooked them.

In the blink of an eye, so much time has passed.

Soon, Weng and his son-in-law came to the imperial dining room.

Nowadays, all kinds of seasonal vegetables, seafood, and fruits are available in the palace.

Extremely rich.

Qin Mo rolled up his sleeves and started working.

Weng and son-in-law were working and chatting at the same time. The scene was extremely harmonious.

Soon, Qin Mo finished cooking, "I'm going to call the old man here, so as not to say I left without saying hello to him!"

Li Yuan is showing signs of dementia more and more, and his memory is getting worse and worse. Wei Zhong also said that he would often be in a daze for a long time while writing books.

Qin Mo was very worried and wanted to take him with him, but he couldn't afford the consequences.

Not long after, Li Yuan also came. When he saw the table full of food, his index finger moved, "After eating for so many years, Jingyun's food is still the most suitable for me!"

"Eat more if you like." Qin Mo poured a glass of wine for Li Yuan and Li Yuan, and said, "Old man, father, I'm going to Nanyang this time, please take care of yourself."

"Take care, too." Li Shilong said.

"Hey, Jingyun, you have to get rid of Yizhou quickly. It will be very boring if you are not in the capital!" Although he really wanted to leave with Qin Mo, he also knew that business matters were more important.

He's just old.

Maybe people have a kind of telepathy when they get older, and he always feels that one day he will forget Qin Mo.

Therefore, while eating, he never took his eyes away.

"Father, I don't care about Nanfan's affairs. The prince should be able to handle it. Nanfan's plan to return to Qian is still as we made it a few years ago.

Only in this way can Nanfan be peacefully integrated into Daqian.

Our Daqian is a multi-ethnic country. If we want to achieve great ethnic integration, we must give preferential treatment to those people.

Let them believe that we sincerely accept them and treat them as our own, so that we can last long!

Under the influence of influence, after several generations, the law will slowly change, and it will not be too late.

As long as we pay close attention to education and use culture to make them agree.

It is culture, not laws, that can give people a sense of belonging.

If you use methods to manage it, you will definitely be acclimatized! "

Li Shilong knew it well and understood what Qin Mo said.

Immediately he said: "I don't want you to work too hard, so..."

"My son-in-law understands!" Qin Mo said with a nonchalant smile: "If you are greedy for credit, haven't your sons-in-law made enough achievements over the years?

My son-in-law loves this country and this big family. Everything he does is to hope that everyone can be happy.

As one generation ages, another generation must support the family.

One generation can't be weaker than the other, right?
In a big family, there are always people who are in the limelight, and there are always people who will be aggrieved. "

Li Shilong sighed: "Jingyun, you have really grown up!"

Thinking back to what he said that day in the suburbs, he was really moved.

"The old man is old, my father is old, and my father is old too. Sometimes when I see those stupid kids at home, my son-in-law suddenly feels that he is also old.

If it happens again like before, it doesn't seem to make sense.

From now on, my family will have to rely on me and you. If I do nothing, they will all suffer! "

"well said!"

Li Shilong nodded, "If you think so, it means you have really grown up and become like a man. It is normal for us men to suffer a little and suffer a little grievance.

As long as the family is happy, that's fine. "

Qin Mo smiled "Hey", "Father, my son-in-law thinks it's best to ask Shuang'an for his opinion on this matter. He is the head of Nanfan, so Dongzan may not be able to make the final decision.

From now on, the people of Nanfan will be our people of Daqian. There are more than one million people, not just a few people, nor dozens of people.

The huge territory connects the north and the south, and the future is very important to us! "

"I will remind Lao Ba!" Li Shilong nodded. Li Yue did not do well in this matter because he was too anxious.

In fact, what Li Yue did was not wrong, but he just didn't do it well.

Most likely, he didn't know how to come forward and tell Qin Mo, so he asked Xu Jingzong to be the villain.

Fortunately, Qin Mo has never been greedy for credit and works hard without complaining.

Although I occasionally get confused, everyone has a temper.

In his opinion, this is the reaction that a living, flesh-and-blood person should have.

None of that pretense.

"Forget about the prince, I will go and have a drink with him later. When I leave, he will scold me and say I am not loyal enough!" Qin Mo laughed, as if he didn't care.

"Go and see your mother. Once you leave, she will talk about you every day again." Li Shilong said.

"I'll be there soon." Qin Mo nodded.

After finishing the meal, Qin Mo went to the Li Zheng Hall and said goodbye to the queen.

After walking out of the Li Zheng Hall, Qin Mo saw Gao Shilian.

"Old Gao, why are you here?"

"Your Majesty asked me to see you off!" Gao Shilian smiled, "Let's go, it's been a long time since we had a good chat with our uncle and nephew!"

"Uncle, I have to leave for a long time this time, maybe a year or two, or maybe even longer!" Qin Mo said.

Gao Shilian frowned slightly and did not ask in detail, but just said: "Don't worry so much, it won't be like that, it's just a normal transfer of power.

My uncle is here, don't worry! "

Qin Mo nodded, "Uncle, take good care of yourself."

"Don't worry, I'm in good health, but Jingyun, did Xiao Gao make a mistake a few days ago?"

"The misunderstanding has been resolved!"

"It's just a misunderstanding. Xiao Gao has no bad intentions. If she had bad intentions, we couldn't give her to you!"

"Of course, I never thought about it that way." Qin Mo said.

"Hey, actually, I'm not hiding this from you!" Gao Shilian stopped and said in a lowered voice, "Xiao Gao is actually my biological son!"

"What?" Qin Mo was stunned, "Didn't you do it?"

"No." Gao Shilian shook his head, "No one knows about this except me. I was already married and married, but our father and son were not in good shape.

The only offspring was also like this, so I thought about sending her out of the palace.

Life in the palace is difficult, and I don't want her to be like me, living freely and happily with you, like a human being.

Sorry Jingyun, uncle lied to you!

I am just a human being. If she does something wrong, as long as it is not a big deal, you must not drive her away.

If you tell your uncle about some small things, he will definitely criticize her. "

When Gao Shilian told this secret, Qin Mo felt very uncomfortable, "Uncle, don't worry, I will never drive Xiao Gao away in this life."

"That's good, I believe in your character, and I will leave this child to you!" Gao Shilian was afraid that he would scare Qin Mo by telling the truth, so he could only confess slowly to avoid scaring Qin Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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