big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1300 Drinking

Chapter 1300 Drinking
After coming out of the palace, Qin Mo felt mixed emotions.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Gao turned out to be Gao Shilian's biological son.

Good guy, you are so cruel, you even killed your own son.

No wonder he is so obsessed with Xiao Gao.

In fact, Lao Gao is a very smart person. How could he not know what he meant?

If that day really comes in the future, should we take Lao Gao away too?
However, he shouldn't leave, right?

"Human, it's so difficult to stick to your true heart. I have to stick to my true heart. As long as I can survive, there is no need to take other paths." Qin Mo thought in his heart.

"Xiao Gao, have you made an agreement with Xiao Mudan and the others?" Qin Mo asked on the carriage.

"They have already passed by first," Gao Yao said.

"That's good." Qin Mo nodded, "Let's go to Prince Yue's Mansion."

Although Li Yue is already the prince, according to the formal procedures, a formal canonization ceremony still needs to be carried out.

Officials from various places also go to Beijing to worship.

So now Li Yue still lives in Prince Yue's Mansion.

Moreover, the crown princess has not been canonized yet.

Princess Liu Ruyu is basically stable.

The carriage stopped and Qin Mo walked in with the wine. If it was normal, the guard would have nodded and bowed in greeting before sending Qin Mo in.

But it's different now, "Qin Prince Consort, what do you have in your hand?"

"Wine, what's the matter?"

"Can I let the little one have a sip?"

Qin Mo said: "Who asked you to do this?"

"This is also a new rule. After all, the prince's status is different now, so access is stricter."

"Let me ask you who made the rules?" Qin Mo said impatiently.

"Young Master Zhan Shi" the guard shrank his neck.


"Uncle Gaoyang County!"

"Got it!" Qin Mo handed over the wine in his hand, "Give it to the brothers to drink!"

After saying that, Qin Mo handed the wine to the guard and went in empty-handed.

The guards looked at each other, especially the one holding the wine jar, who was extremely frightened.

Who is Qin Mo?

He was a person who could walk sideways even when entering the palace, but now he entered the prince's palace and was still being interrogated.

I really don’t know what Xu Jingzong thinks.

Just when Qin Mo entered the palace, Li Yue, who was discussing matters in the main hall, had already received the news. When he learned that Qin Mo had come to see him for a drink, he was immediately overjoyed and said, "Invite Jing Yun in quickly!"

Xu Jingzong on the side said: "Your Highness, it's not too late to have a drink after discussing the business!"

Li Yue waved his hand, "You don't understand. He doesn't come when I beg him on weekdays. If he comes to see me, it must be something important."

Xu Jingzong smiled and said: "Your Highness will come if you don't invite me. If you don't invite me, I will come. Why does it sound like you are playing hard to get?"

Li Yue was stunned for a moment, "Yanzu, you don't understand. This is the temper of a fool. He is the laziest."

"I really don't understand. It's just that His Highness has just taken up the position and is so busy that I don't see him coming out to help.

I just feel that Qin’s Prince Consort is too arrogant! "Xu Jingzong said.

Li Yue frowned, saying so, it was indeed true.

He is now a prince, and Qin Mo does not come forward to help him.But then I thought about it, Qin Mo had such a temper, and his father asked him for help, but he cajoled him again and again.

He was also relieved.

"Okay, if he wants to come, he can come. If he doesn't want to come, forget it. He is indeed too tired these years and should rest more." Li Yue said.

Xu Jingzong also shut up.

Just say it every now and then. If you keep saying it all the time, the specific meaning will be too obvious.

Moreover, it is known to everyone that Qin Mo is going to explore Southeast Asia.

I don’t know if it will be one year or two years after I leave.

In the past two years, he has enough confidence to become the most irreplaceable person in Li Yue's heart.

Soon, Qin Mo entered the main hall.

Li Yue ran over quickly, "Idiot, you are finally here. I have something to do with you!"

Qin Mo smiled and glanced at everyone in the hall, "Hey, there are quite a lot of people. It seems I came at the wrong time."

"No, you came at just the right time." Li Yue pulled Han Zi to the seat, "It's like this, the sixth day of next month is a good day, and my ceremony needs a program.

A few of us have just been thinking about it for a long time, but we all think it won't work. You have many ideas, and you know this best.

Otherwise, you will be responsible? "

"Me? I can't. I'm going to Lingnan in the past two days." Qin Mo said: "I'm here to say goodbye. I can't make it to your Crown Prince Ceremony, so I'll drink two drinks with you in advance!"

"So sudden?" Li Yue frowned, "Can't we wait until after the ceremony?"

"Of course I do, but the situation in Yizhou is more complicated. I can wait, but the situation cannot wait. The remnants of the Feng family must be eliminated, otherwise, the good situation in Lingnan will definitely be threatened!"

To put it bluntly, those bandits in Yizhou would not dare to come here even if they had a hundred courages.

The troops along the coast and the navy in the North Sea can destroy them with any fleet.

"Okay then!" Li Yue felt a little uncomfortable. On such a happy day, without Qin Mo, he always felt that something was missing.

After all, this joy was created by him.

Qin Mo glanced at the program process of the ceremony on the table, "This program is very good. If you follow this process, it will definitely not be bad!"

"No matter how good it is, I always feel that something is wrong if you are not here." Li Yue said: "Brothers are not here. When the time comes for my ceremony, you will not be there, how lonely will it be?"

"Isn't Xiao Liu here?" Qin Mo glanced at Liu Rujian.

Following Li Yue these years, he has become Li Yue's shadow.

But at this time, he looked at Qin Mo with a somewhat complicated look.

"I'll be back in two years. Yongmeng and the others will probably be back by then. At that time, our seven brothers will have a good time together." Qin Mo smiled, "Okay, you guys go ahead and get busy. I wanted to have a drink with you." Yes, but when I entered, the wine was taken away by the servants.

When I come back next time, we'll be drinking! "

Qin Mo smiled and even cupped his hands towards Xu Jingzong, "Please pay more attention to Xu Shaozhan's affairs, everyone, please pay more attention!"

Xu Jingzong said with a smile: "Qin Prince Consort, you are so polite. It is the duty of a minister to share your worries with you!"

He bit the last two words very hard!
"You're right, it's good if you have this consciousness!" Qin Mo walked up to him with a smile and patted his face, "Next time I come back, maybe Xu Shaozhan will be the Duke of the country!"

After saying that, Qin Mo turned around and left.

There was a slap mark on Xu Jingzong's face. He endured the pain and roared in his heart.

But he didn't dare to say anything, because if he dared to say no, Qin Mo would really be cruel!

"According to Qin's consort, Captain, I will definitely work hard!"

"The prince is a wise king. Even if you are a piece of cake in defense, you will still shine. Be sure to believe in yourself!" Qin Mo smiled.

Immediately, he gave Li Yue a hug and said, "Let's go, take care!"

(End of this chapter)

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