big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1301 Leaving Beijing!

Chapter 1301 Leaving Beijing!

After Qin Mo left, Li Yue asked, "Why was Jing Yun's wine taken away?"

"Your Highness, you are now the crown prince, so you need to be cautious in all aspects. Everything that goes into your mouth needs to be tested for poison before being put into your mouth.

The Prince Consort of Qin is your humerus minister, but the rules are the rules. Your status has changed, so you cannot look at it with the same eyes as before. "Xu Jingzong explained quickly.

Li Yue was stunned, "Didn't I say that you don't need it, idiot!"

Xu Jingzong said stubbornly: "Then I will go out and apologize to the Prince Consort!"

As he said that, he actually wanted to walk out.

Li Yue quickly stopped him, "Yanzu, that's not what I meant!"

Xu Jingzong sighed, "Your Highness, you are now the crown prince and the future king of Daqian. I am very grateful that you call yourself a corporal.

But the king, the king, the minister, the father, the son, the son.

Your Majesty, you should be called Gu, or this palace! "

act like an absolute monarch?

Li Yue took a deep breath. Originally, Xu Jingzong didn't say anything, so he didn't think it was anything.

Now the ambition in his heart has been completely evoked.


He is an orphan, a widower, and he belongs to this palace (the prince can also be called this, and princes, princesses, and concubines who have their own palaces can be called this, and if they don't, it will just make people laugh)!
"Gu, I understand!" When Li Yue shouted these words, he suddenly felt that he had truly entered the role of the prince.

In the past, he had only heard Li Xin call himself that.

Now he is also eligible.

"That's right!" Xu Jingzong said with a smile.

Li Yue took Xu Jingzong's hand and said, "Yanzu, you really think about Gu."

"This is the duty of a minister!"

When Qin Mo returned to his house, he was in a good mood, but the house was already in a mess.

"You must bring this, and you must bring this!" Li Yulan said: "Bring everything you can, and don't leave anything behind. Although it is not something valuable, it can be used.

Spend what should be spent, use what should be used, and save what should be saved! "

Li Yushu said with a bitter face: "Third sister, it's not like we won't come back. Besides, isn't there everything at Lingnan Manor?"

"That one hasn't been used for several years. It's probably no longer usable."

"What's the point? Our family is so rich, we can't bankrupt it with this little money." Li Jingya said: "Third sister, if it really doesn't work, I'll get the money from the small treasury myself!"

She was rich, mainly because Qin Mo doted on her and played the craziest tricks every time, which made Qin Mo extremely happy.

"It's as if no one has money." Li Yushu curled her lips, she couldn't look down on Li Jingya's nouveau riche appearance.

"Okay, the third sister is right, this is not how you spend your money." Li Lizhen said: "We may have to stay there for two or three years this time, and we are still used to using old things!"

Chai Sitian didn't say a word, but stayed with the child.

At this time Li Yulan said: "By the way, have you seen Chun'er?"

"No, it seems I didn't see it last night. Did you go to the imperial mausoleum?"

"Yes, she didn't come back yesterday!" Xia He said.

"Send someone to ask, and then go to Shun'er's room to tidy up!" Li Yulan said: "She probably can't bear to leave Yuan Jianzheng."

Just when Li Yulan thought that Fang Shun was going to accompany her master, the maid hurriedly came to report, "Young mistress, something serious has happened. Mrs. Shun'er, she, she"

"What's up with her?"

"She left a letter saying that she would leave the capital for a while!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yulan and others all gathered around.

Looking at the letter left by Fang Shun, Li Yulan said: "It's troublesome. If Lang Jun comes back and finds out that she is gone, he will definitely leave the world again!"

"Why is she walking so well?" Li Yushu was puzzled. "Look, it says that she is going to find herself!" Li Jingya frowned, "Why, does she have a clone?"

Li Lizhen patted her head, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Just then Qin Mo walked over from behind and hugged them, "Wives, your husband is back!"

As he said that, he kissed them one by one.

Qin Mo kissed her again and found something was wrong, "Why is there one missing? Who is that? Go and call my senior sister over!"

"Master, Chun, Mrs. Chun'er, she ran away from home!" the maid stuttered.

Qin Mo was taken aback.

Then Li Yulan handed over the letter in his hand, "I left last night, and I just found out today that who made you stay away from home every day. Now it's better. I guess you were too bored and ran out to have fun again!"

Qin Mo took the letter and read it, and immediately smiled bitterly, "Sister, why are you doing this? Can't you look for yourself by my side?"

He threw the letter aside and said, "I won't look for it anymore. Let her go. She will come back when she is happy."

Although he said so, he still asked Gao to inform Xu Que and ask him to send people to secretly search and protect him.

Li Yushu picked up the letter and asked, "Did you offend her again?"

"How dare I!" Qin Mo exclaimed, "It would be fine if she didn't beat me, but she is already a habitual offender, just get used to it."

Qin Mo couldn't find them either. Everyone in the family needed his attention. He would come back when he was tired.

When the girls saw Qin Mo leaving directly, they all looked at each other.

But he didn’t get involved.

It's time to leave Beijing again, and everyone is actually a little reluctant to leave.

After two days in a row, Qin Mo took the whole family out.

The packages and everything else were sent to Lingnan yesterday.

Nowadays, land transportation is so developed that it takes up to ten days to reach Lingnan.

"Dad, I'm going to take the first step. After the Crown Prince Ceremony, I'll be thinking of ways to get you out of the capital!" Qin Mo said.

"Well, please pay attention to safety along the way and teach my grandchildren well, or I will beat you to death!" Qin Mo was also a little reluctant, but he didn't show it on his face.

As for Qin Xiuying, she had long stopped crying.

Qin Shuangshuang also followed Qin Mo this time.

The originally lively Qin Mansion was now extremely quiet.

"Dad, Uncle Liugen and the others will be sent away slowly!" Qin Mo whispered in Qin Xiangru's ear, "Don't worry about the rest, I will arrange it!"

After saying that, Qin Mo got on the carriage.

After getting on the carriage and walking to the city gate, Wei Zhong came and brought the latest letter from Li Yuan.

Feng Jin also came and presented a robe sewn by Empress Gongsun.

Gao Shilian also came and sent an imperial edict to Qin Mo.

After reading the imperial edict, he took a deep look at Gao Yao and left immediately without looking back.

But no one saw a tear falling from the corner of his eye.

Gao Yao pursed his lips and his eyes turned red.

Qin Mo waited, and when Chai Rong, Dou Yiai and others arrived, they also wanted to accompany him on the expedition to Nanyang.

"Let's go, no one is coming!" Qin Mo said.

Li Yulan frowned, "Didn't Eighth Brother send someone over?"

Qin Mo smiled and said, "He is busy with the ceremony, so he probably won't be able to spare any time!"

Li Yushu was a little angry, "No matter how busy you are, there's always time to send someone, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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