big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1316 Let the brother-in-law come to the meeting!

Chapter 1316 Let the brother-in-law come to the meeting!

Two more days later, the negotiations were still not ideal. Li Yue insisted on his own ideas and eventually broke up.

Li Shuangxin is committed to Daqian, but he is also a qualified Zamp now.

The two countries have integrated, and everything is easy to talk about. But now that we are not sincere, we might as well put this matter aside for now.

"Since Daqian is not sincere, let's discuss this matter again!" Li Shuangan's expression became serious, "I traveled thousands of miles to come to Daqian, desperate to promote bilateral integration, but what I got was such a tough attitude. .

His Highness the Crown Prince thought well, but he did not consider my position. I need to give an explanation to the people of Nanfan.

It is true that I still have half of the blood in my body, but this does not mean that I can give up my principles. "

With that said, he cupped his hands and led everyone in Nanfan away.

Li Yue's expression changed, and Liu Yifu's expression became even more ugly.

Du Jingming and Dou Xuanling looked at each other and shook their heads secretly.

At this time, Li Daoyuan said: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's idea is right, so why not slow down the pace? We can slowly reform the affairs of Nanfan. As long as we are sure that Nanfan is part of Daqian, we can spend two generations People’s time to do it.”

Li Yue also didn't expect that Li Shuang'an would be so disrespectful, and what was originally a sure thing would break up unhappy.

Does he despise himself?
Do you think all this is the tone set by Qin Mo, so you are always going against yourself?

If so, he would not follow Qin Mo's tone.

"Negotiation is a long process. Think about the New North Slaves. Didn't they get it done in one step at the beginning? But now, are there still New North Slaves?

Some of them are just the Beinu tribe that we are fighting. We want to turn Nanfan directly into the Nanfan tribe, not the Nanfan country! "

After saying that, Li Yue turned around and left!

Liu Yifu quickly chased after him with his subordinates from the East Palace.

Li Daoyuan couldn't help but sigh, "Why do you have to be so eager to express yourself? If you follow Jing Yun's method, although you won't have any outstanding achievements, you will definitely not be wrong.

We formulated this huge plan a few years ago, which is widely expected and something that people in both countries look forward to.

If we can't talk for a long time, trouble will inevitably arise. "

Du Jingming rubbed his head, "I'm old and don't understand the thoughts of young people. I can't continue to be the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

I don’t know how to appoint officials in Nanfan in the future. It’s better to resign as soon as possible and go home to retire. "

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Li Yue is fooling around.

If the commotion continues like this, they will all suffer!

Dou Xuanling was silent for a long time, "It's not interesting for this imperial censor to do what he does. It's better to go home and write a book like Duke Chai!"

"I'm talking about you two." Li Daoyuan looked at the two of them and frowned.

"The official reform has been effective. It doesn't matter whether I am here or not!"

"Now there is no market for listening to music. Without evidence, we don't dare to play music casually. It's boring!" Dou Xuanling stood up and said, "Let's go, Lao Du!"

"Prince Heng, let's take our leave now!"

Li Daoyuan sighed and walked out.

That afternoon, Li Shuangan went to say goodbye to Li Shilong.

"You have only been in the capital for a few days, why are you going back so soon? Has everything been settled?" Li Shilong frowned.

"There's nothing to talk about. In the future, Nanfan will have to fully adopt Daqian's rules and regulations, so it's better to do it in one step.

It's useless to talk more, but uncle can rest assured that his nephew has given full responsibility to Dalun Dongzan. After returning, the nephew will abdicate.My nephew can no longer be a Zanpu. When the time comes for my uncle to appoint a new Zanpu, it would be best to choose one from the royal family. "

How could Li Shilong not hear such an obvious taunt, "Don't worry, I'll call the prince over and ask!"

Li Shuangan didn't say anything, and soon, Li Yue came.

When he arrived, he received the news that Li Shuangan said goodbye to his father, and his heart suddenly sank.

"My son sees my father!"

Li Shilong waved his hand and asked: "Let me ask you, what exactly did you negotiate? Didn't you agree at the beginning to discuss it carefully and re-formulate the regulations?"

"My father, my sons, and the officials in the East Palace all agreed that it would be more appropriate to retain the [-]% rule in the south.

Erchen didn't know what it was that angered his cousin Shuang'an and made him dissatisfied! "Li Yue said.

"I don't dare to be dissatisfied. The current Nanfan is like fish meat on the chopping board. Dagan can be rounded and flattened as desired.

In other words, there is no opponent for Da Gan in this world.

Whoever disobeys, the heavenly soldiers will come, and no matter who they are, they must surrender.

That way, other people’s opinions don’t matter!
I left Daqian in the first place just to promote Nanfan to join Qian.

I am worthy of my great work, worthy of my mother’s teachings, and worthy of my own heart.

But I feel sorry for Nan Fan and my father.

Therefore, I want to go back and admit my mistake to my subjects. "

Li Shuangan took out his royal seal and left it on the document, "This is Nanfan Zanpu's token. With this thing, you can legitimately hold the power of Nanfan.

I can give in and cooperate with the successor! "

Li Yue gritted his teeth, "Why is this? Negotiations are just about you coming and going. Is this necessary?"

Li Shuangan directly defeated his army.

Li Shilong's face was not good-looking either. What was originally a sure thing turned out to be like this, "Five years ago, we made a plan together, and everything is moving towards the original plan.

Why the sudden change of plan? "

"Father, I think that the plan back then was not in line with the current national conditions, so..."

Li Shilong interrupted him, "So you made the decision without authorization and changed the plan? Let everyone's hard work be in vain?"

"Father, aren't you?" Halfway through the words, Li Yue swallowed up the rest. He understood that if it was done well, it was his credit, and if it was not done well, it was his fault.

The emperor cannot be wrong.

Thinking of this, he knelt down quickly and said, "My son, I realize my mistake. Please forgive me, Father, and please don't misunderstand me, cousin Shuang'an. My intention is not to rely on the strong to bully the weak, but I just want to help Nanfan become prosperous as soon as possible." Wealthy and strong.

Only in this way will there be no barriers between the two parties and they will be able to communicate better! "

Seeing Li Yue kneeling down to admit his mistake, Li Shilong's face softened slightly, and he immediately said to Li Shuang'an: "This position of Zanpu is yours, and it can only be yours. I don't recognize anyone except you!
As I said at the beginning, Zanpu was hereditary and had civil rights, but no military power.

Re-negotiate and find the balance point where neither party suffers.

If the talks fail in three days, then talk for three months. If the talks fail in three months, then talk for three years.

In short, no matter what, Nanfan is the Nanfan of Daqian and is an indispensable part! "

"Yes, but my nephew has a request. Let Qin's Consort Commander handle the negotiation!"

(End of this chapter)

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