big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1317 Governing a big country is like cooking a small dish!

Chapter 1317 Governing a big country is like cooking a small dish!
"You mean Jingyun? He is currently on a voyage through Southeast Asia. I'm afraid he won't be able to come back for a while!"

"I can go to Lingnan. It's worth the trip for the people of the two countries!" Li Shuang'an said.

He knew very well that doing so would offend Li Yue, but he really didn't want to talk to Li Yue.

Especially those subordinate officials in the East Palace, who have some talent but not much, follow the script and copy the formula, which is not suitable for Nanfan's national conditions at all.

His attitude was very arrogant, and he was threatening openly and covertly.

His original intention of going to Nanfan was to fulfill his mother's wish, and also to give himself an explanation.

He didn't miss this Zamp at all.

Li Shilong looked at Li Yue.

Li Yue was about to explode with anger.

Didn't this tell his father clearly that he couldn't handle this matter?

Qin Mo has walked 99 steps, and he can't even take the last step well. Isn't this a slap in the face?
He suppressed the anger in his heart and immediately looked at Li Shuang'an and said apologetically: "Cousin Shuang'an, I didn't think carefully about this matter. I'm an idiot in Lingnan, planning for Nanyang. Negotiating such a big thing, I'm afraid it will happen." Keep him distracted.

Let's talk in Beijing. You can put forward all your demands and we can discuss them one by one. How about that? "

Li Shuangan originally wanted to insist, but thinking that this might bring trouble to Qin Mo, he stopped insisting and said, "Yes, but one thing is that the two countries' systems are [-]/[-] split.

In the future, we can innovate every five or ten years, and govern a big country like cooking small dishes. There is no need to rush! "

Li Yue said with a smile: "I have learned a lesson!"

Li Shilong said: "In that case, it's settled."

After Li Shuangan left the palace, Li Shilong called Li Yue over, "I know you want to express yourself, but there are some things that the minister and I have unanimously agreed on.

It may not be the best, but it must be the most suitable for the current national conditions.

It took countless people's efforts to integrate Nanfan into Daqian without losing a single soldier.

As long as Nanfan integrates into Daqian, he will be one of his own, and how to manage it in the future will be an internal matter.

Don't be in a hurry. "

"Yes, my son understands!"

"I hope you really understand that you can't be hasty in governing a country, and you can't be hasty in governing people. You must also learn to distinguish between good and evil.

Your starting point is right for some things, and I support it, but having the right starting point does not mean that you are doing the right thing.

do you understand? "


"Do you know what I'm talking about?"


"That's good, let's go!"

Looking at Li Yue's back, Li Shilong also sighed.

In fact, the fact that he can beat Qin Mo shows that he is an independent monarch and does not listen to Qin Mo in everything.

This was what he wanted to see, and it was also the reason why he transferred Qin Mo.

However, he didn't want any rift between the two of them, let alone his Qin family's operation.

They are a group of interests, and it is normal to beat them. It is also what a qualified monarch should do to take away the power in Qin Mo's hands.

As long as you master this degree, you will be a qualified monarch in Li Shilong's heart.

But obviously, he has not mastered this degree now.

But it doesn't matter, he will correct it.

The Qin family will share the same kinship with Da Qian, this cannot be changed!

At the same time, at the seaside, a carriage convoy appeared here.

Qin Mo took a large family to pick up the car, and Lao Qin took Qin Xiuying out of the car. Also getting off the car was Zhao Manyun.

After Lao Qin resigned from the Shaofu Order, he took leave from the emperor and came to Lingnan to see his eldest grandson.

Li Shilong didn't stop him either.As soon as he got off the car, Lao Qin ran to see his grandson. He was so anxious that he felt like he was on a hot wheel.

"This old guy talks about his eldest grandson eight hundred times a day. He's so annoying!" Qin Xiuying pointed helplessly at Zhao Manyun, "He still has a baby in his belly, so he said he wanted prenatal care and read to the baby from a long distance away. You even dragged me along to listen, it was so annoying!”

Qin Mole's can't do it.

However, when he saw Zhao Manyun's belly was slightly bulging, he went over to hold her hand and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

Zhao Manyun shook his head, "It's not hard, my father-in-law and aunt took good care of me along the way!"

She originally thought that Qin Xiangru and Qin Xiuying would look down on her because she was a singer, but she didn't expect that along the way, the two of them were caring and caring, making her feel the warmth of family that she had not seen for a long time.

Qin Mo smiled. He had already told Lao Qin about Zhao Manyun. Of course Lao Qin was nice to her and would not treat her like a singer.

After all, Prince Jian was kind to Lao Qin back then.

"Manyun has met all of you sisters!" Zhao Manyun walked over and greeted Li Yulan and others.

She was still quite uneasy. Although she had heard that Fang Shuan was carried in by them, she was just a singer with a low status.
As for his hidden identity, it doesn't matter if he doesn't mention it, it will be a disaster if he mentions it.

"It's been a long journey, thank you. Let's live a good life from now on. Let's just take good care of our husband!" Li Yulan took Zhao Manyun's hand and did not exclude him or look down on him.

Of course, not everyone looks down upon her, such as Sachiko Soga!

She cursed in her heart: "Another foxy girl is here, won't the master have less time to pamper me in the future?"

Especially since this fox girl is so charming and new here, she will definitely attract a lot of attention!
"Let's go home!" Qin Mo hugged the ladies and walked back.

After a few days, Zhao Manyun also adapted to living with a large family, and there was no competition for favor and exclusion as imagined.

Life is pretty easy.

However, that night, Qin Mo called her to a small courtyard alone, which made her a little nervous.

She touched her belly, feeling a little scared.

Afraid of hurting the child.

But wouldn’t it be bad to refuse?
With a tangled mood, she walked into the courtyard.

"Lang, Langjun, you called me?"

"I'm not calling you, it's someone who wants to see you!" Qin Mo said.


Zhao Manyun was a little stunned. Besides Qin Mo, who else wanted to see him?

Could it be some of Qin Mo's friends?

Could it be that Qin Mo wanted to give himself to others to play with?

She had seen too many such things in Tianxiangyuan.

Since ancient times, women are like clothes, and brothers are like brothers and sisters.

Thinking of this, her face turned pale.

"I tell you, don't get excited when you see her. Come and sit down." Qin Mo patted the side and motioned for her to sit next to him.

Hearing this, Zhao Manyun's heart jumped into his throat.

Yes, how could her status be compared to those of his women, all of them pure and pure, with noble status.

Infinite melancholy arose in her heart.

Since becoming pregnant, she has become sentimental, and even thinking about Qin Mo in the capital makes her cry.

And now, she couldn't stop crying.


Big tears fell to the ground, blinding Qin Mo, "Oh, my dear, you're fine, why are you crying?"

Hearing this, Zhao Manyun cried and said, "Mr. Lang, are you going to give me to others for sexual pleasure?"

(End of this chapter)

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