big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1318 Lang Jun, kill the dog thief!

Chapter 1318 Lang Jun, kill the dog thief!
Qin Mo was dumbfounded, "Where did you hear the gossip?"

"Then you said someone wanted to see me, and you told me not to get excited?" Zhao Manyun was extremely sad, "I know my status is not as good as other sisters, but, except for you, no other man has ever been close to me.

Since, since I followed you, my body and mind are yours
If you want to give me away, you might as well kill me! "

"When did I, Qin Mo, ever give my woman to someone else?" When Qin Mo heard this, he was angry and funny. He couldn't help pinching her nose, "You are my mother-in-law, how could I give it up?" Give you away?

No one has such a big face. Even if the emperor wants you by name, I would still dare to fall out with him. Do you understand? "

Zhao Manyun said aggrievedly: "Then it means I was wrong?"

"Nonsense!" Qin Mo quickly hugged her in his arms and comforted her before she believed it.

Knowing that she had made a big mistake, she lowered her head in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lang, I, I'm just too sensitive. I always feel like I'm not as good as my sisters!"

Qin Mo sighed. If she had her true identity, she wouldn't have said that.

She couldn't be any worse than any of them.

There is no way, you have to coax your own woman.

When she stopped crying, Qin Mo stopped showing off and said to the screen on the side: "Come out!"

Zhao Manyun quickly looked in the direction where Qin Mo was speaking.

She saw a figure flash past behind the screen, and the person who appeared immediately after her left her completely stunned.

"Girl, do you still know me?"

Zhao Manyun bit her lip, her body trembling uncontrollably, and the tears that she had finally stopped burst into tears again, "You, you, you, why are you here?"

"It's a long story!" Xiao Yurou walked over, wiped away Zhao Manyun's tears, and then looked at her belly, "You are pregnant now, so don't be too excited. You calm down first, and I will tell you why I am here. here!"

Fortunately, Qin Mo was comforting him, and Zhao Manyun stopped crying, "Didn't you enter the palace?"

"I entered the palace, but after I entered the palace, I assassinated the emperor. You should know that the emperor was stabbed in the chest by me!" Xiao Yu said Judo.

"What, you stabbed that?"


"What about the others?"

"All dead!"

"Why didn't you find me?"

"I can't protect myself, I'll escape death!"

"Then why are you here?" Zhao Manyun bit his lip.

Xiao Yurou glanced at Qin Mo, "Ask him and let him tell!"

Qin Mo scratched his head in embarrassment and told her what she had discussed with Xiao Yurou.

For example, he concealed things about the White Lotus Sect and things about Ah Lian.

"You and my husband have a child?" Zhao Manyun couldn't believe it.

"Yes, it is Tianxin, the eldest son of Qin, he is my son!" Xiao Yuju said: "This is what happened, I assassinated the emperor, almost died, and then fell into his hands.

Before that, I lost contact with you, and I didn’t know your whereabouts, but I was always looking for you.

I found out later that you were in this guy's hands.

In other words, I fell into his hands again just to save you! "Xiao Yu Judo.

"So you took revenge, but you didn't enjoy the glory and wealth, and you didn't forget me?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yurou nodded, stretched out his hand and touched her head, "You have suffered a lot these years!"

It turned out that she had not forgotten revenge.

It turned out that the reason there was no news from her was because she had been on the run.

She was wrong. She was not an unwanted child.My aunt has been looking for her.

She hugged Xiao Yurou and cried loudly.

"Okay, it's all over. Now everything is over. Let's live a good life from now on. All the past grudges and resentments are behind us." Xiao Yurou said.

"I thought you didn't want me anymore." Zhao Manyun sobbed.

"Silly boy, how could my aunt not want you? You were raised by my aunt!" Xiao Yu said judo.

"It's great to meet again." Zhao Manyun hugged Xiao Yurou, but at this moment she realized something was wrong. She pinched Xiao Yurou's empty right hand, "Auntie, where is your right arm?"

Xiao Yurou sighed, "I was chopped down while escaping. Otherwise, I wouldn't have survived!"

Qin Mo was also embarrassed and didn't dare to say anything at all!

"Is that thief still alive? Tell Lang Jun to kill him!" Zhao Manyun said bitterly.

Xiao Yurou chuckled and couldn't help but look at Qin Mo, "Captain Qin, do you want to avenge me?"

Qin Mogan smiled and said: "It's necessary, catch him and crush him to ashes!"

Zhao Manyun didn't hate her at all now, and even felt distressed. Although it was boring for her to be locked up by Qin Mo, she had no worries about food and clothing and was safe.

But Xiao Yurou was homeless and even lost her arms, which shows how difficult her life has been over the past few years.

She pulled Xiao Yurou and talked a lot, and she kept crying.

What she didn't expect was that the dog thief she kept saying she wanted to kill was right next to her.

Maybe she was tired from crying, but she finally fell asleep in Qin Mo's arms.

Xiao Yurou whispered: "Bitch thief, I'm waiting for you to crush yourself to ashes!"

Qin Mo put Zhao Manyun on the bed, then walked up to Xiao Yurou, took out a dagger, put it into her hand, pointed at his heart, "Here, let me kill you!"

"You think I dare not?"

"Come here, lest you have any grudges in your heart!"

Xiao Yurou gritted her teeth, picked up the handle of the knife and stabbed him in the heart, and stabbed him ten times in a row, "Okay, I'll give it back to you ten times!"

Qin Mo's doing this made her feel much better.

And with Zhao Manyun, her life will not be so boring.

Is this the best ending?

Although this thief is cheaper, this thief has this kind of ability.

He makes people love and hate him at the same time. He wants to be cut into pieces with a thousand knives, but he also wants to give his heart to him.

"Now that father-in-law and the others are here, I can guess what you are thinking even if you don't say it!"

"Hey, you haven't even served tea to my father and the others yet, and you're calling me father-in-law instead? My father didn't know he had a daughter-in-law like you.

If he knew, he would have a heart attack! "

Qin Mo smiled evilly, if Lao Qin knew that he was related to the Northern Zhou Emperor, he would probably not be able to sleep at night.

Xiao Yurou blushed and glared at Qin Mo fiercely, "Is Prince Qin ready? Tell the truth, are you planning to escape from Daqian?

So if I guess correctly, you should have established a new home somewhere in this world.

Even if you leave Daqian, you can live a good life.

Moreover, you once promised me that you could let me live with Tianxin openly.

I thought a lot, and the only possible way was to leave Daqian and live again in a place where no one knew me! "

(End of this chapter)

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