big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1320 Save Liu Ruyu!

Chapter 1320 Save Liu Ruyu!
This was the first time Xiao Yurou touched Qin Mo's true inner thoughts.

She didn't expect that deep down in the heart of the most cruel man in the world, he had the same pure and simple original intention.

All because of love for this country and love for the people here.

He just likes that sense of belonging and recognition, right?
"However, nostalgic for the past, nostalgic for the past, one code for the other." Qin Mo put away his sadness, "I have never done anything to regret him, and I have a clear conscience.

Therefore, no matter what his status is, if he acts stupidly, I still dare to beat him.

If I want to beat him, no one in this world can stop me.

No one will stop me.

I just thought that he would understand everyone's hard work.

I can even understand why he condoned Xu Jingzong.

Because if it were me, I would do the same thing.

There have been many opportunities that have been presented to me and I have not taken them.

Sometimes, I just need to hook up and the world is mine.

I just don't want to be an emperor.

Because the emperor is the loneliest person in the world.

He is nominally rich, but how can he be as rich as me? "

"Have you ever thought that maybe you can create a great world that is unique in thousands of years?"

"Isn't this already the case?" Qin Mo's eyes lit up, proud.

Xiao Yurou saw a radiant light from Qin Mo's eyes, which made people dare not look directly and made people admire them.

Her eyes became gentle.

She couldn't help but place her hand on Qin Mo's forehead, just like she did in the attic on the top of the mountain that day.

"Is this the emperor's credit? No, the people know it.

History is written by the victors, but the common people have a balance in their hearts. "Qin Mo seemed to be bragging, but also seemed to be comforting himself.

"Then what are you going to do? Go back? Or..."

"I will write a letter to my father and mother. I want Ruyu to bring the child over in the name of teaching."

"Aren't they fools?"

"But they trust me!" Qin Mo said: "What secrets can there be in the palace? There are no secrets!"

"I do have a good idea!"

"What's the idea?"

"I remember that a few years ago, the emperor, the queen and other ministers came to Lingnan to celebrate the New Year on the pretext of Feng Chan, right?"

"There is such a thing!"

"You might as well ask the three princesses to write to the queen and ask them to come to Lingnan to spend the winter. You don't need to come forward, and it won't attract too many people's attention, and it won't escalate the conflict between the two of you!" Xiao Yu Judo.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this idea!" Qin Mo patted his head and took Xiao Yurou's hand.

Xiao Yurou wanted to pull out, but couldn't. "Are you asking me for advice, or are you taking advantage of me?"


"Qin Mo, would you like to have some face?"

"A man wants face when he goes out, but what kind of face does he need at home?" Qin Mo smiled.

Xiao Yurou didn't know that she had been tricked by Qin Mo again!
That night, Qin Mo discussed with Li Yulan and others to let the queen and others come to Lingnan to spend the winter.

Li Yulan and others didn't think too much, and immediately wrote a letter back to the capital.

It’s cold and windy in the capital in November, but the people on the streets are all wearing new clothes, and the cold winter days in the past are no longer something to be afraid of.

Everyone's face was filled with joy.

Because there was news from the palace that Nanfan Guiqian was at the last moment.

The people are all looking forward to this day.At this time, after nearly a month, Li Shuang'an and Li Yue signed their names on the bill of Nanfan's entry into the Qian Dynasty at the same time, and stamped it with the seal of Zanpu and the seal of the prince.

This means that from today on, Nanfan will be peacefully merged into Daqian.

And become an inseparable part of Daqian.

Although Li Yue was dissatisfied with many of the regulations, he was in a good mood.

After all, it was Li Yue who left his name on the bill. In the future, this incident would also become his glorious deeds leading to the supreme throne.

"Okay, from today on, Nanfan is an integral part of Daqian!" Li Yue said excitedly.

Li Shuang'an also breathed a sigh of relief. After a month of hard work, he finally got a governance charter that both parties were satisfied with.

But these are just general parts, there are still some details that still need to be improved.

Of course, it would be natural for Dalun Dongzan to handle matters like this.

Everyone began to praise Li Yue's wisdom.

Li Shuang'an cupped his hands and said: "Your Highness, please be kinder to the people of Nanfan in the future. They are the most honest and lovely people!"

Li Yue nodded, "Don't worry, Gu Gu will definitely do it."

Soon, the good news reached Tai Chi Palace, and Li Shilong was also extremely happy.

This historic moment is finally complete.

However, he also felt a little regretful in his heart, since Qin Mo was not here at such an important moment.

It would be better if Qin Mo was here.

Originally, in his imagination, Qin Mo would be among the people who signed the bill.

But now, his name is not on this bill.

"Jingyun, I know that you never care about this. This time, I owe you." Li Shilong thought in his heart.

Immediately, he hurried to Da'an Palace and met with Li Yuan.

Li Yuan was still lying on the desk writing, his body becoming more and more rickety and emaciated.

He couldn't help but slow down, and Wei Zhong on the side reminded Li Yuan in a low voice, "Your Majesty, your Majesty is here!"

Li Yuan raised his head and squinted at Li Shilong. He took off his reading glasses and asked, "What are you doing here? Are you here to humiliate me?"

Li Shilong was stunned.

Wei Zhong smiled bitterly, shook his head, and whispered: "The condition has worsened again. Mr. Germany said that it may be caused by depression."

Li Shilong took a deep breath and said, "My son, I would like to pay my respects to my father!"

"No, please go, I don't want to see you!" Li Yuan waved his hand and said with a look of disgust.

"Father, Nan Fan has returned to Qian and is now an indispensable part of Da Qian." Li Shilong said, suppressing the sadness in his heart.

"What did you say?" Li Yuan looked at Li Shilong with disbelief.

"Nanfan has been merged into Daqian. From today on, Nanfan is the territory of Daqian!"

"Who is the general who takes the lead in fighting? He needs a heavy reward. Only when rewards and punishments are clear can the soldiers work hard!" Li Yuan was very excited. "Nanfan is a big worry for Da Gan."

"Already rewarded!"

"That's good, don't be stingy!" Li Yuan nodded with some relief.

Li Shilong felt extremely uncomfortable. He didn't understand that before Qin Mo left, he was fine, but he was just a little forgetful.

Why is it like this after you left?

Is it because he doesn't take good care of Qin Mo?

"Father, do you have any other wishes?" Li Shilong knelt down opposite Li Yuan and asked softly.

Li Yuan looked at Li Shilong and seemed to be thinking, "If you have the chance, go and pay homage to Jianyuan and Jiyuan, and also, shoot down Bei Nu!"

Li Shilong said with red eyes: "Father, don't worry, I will definitely fulfill your wish!"

(End of this chapter)

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