big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1321 Qin Mo’s clever move!

Chapter 1321 Qin Mo’s clever move!
After coming out of Da'an Palace, Li Shilong felt indescribably uncomfortable.

He knew that Li Yuan's life was already counting down.

His last wish was to go out of Da'an Palace and take a look outside.

But where does Tian Da Di Da Da go?

Go back to your hometown in Guanlong?

He didn't know. Zan Ying said that Li Yuan couldn't go there in this situation.

When I returned to Tai Chi Palace, I couldn't see anything.

It is clear that Nanfan has returned to Qian, and the east, west, north and south are connected. He has completed an eternal feat.

Counting 1000 years ago, there was no emperor like him, and 1000 years from now, there probably won't be any either.

Such a vast territory would be difficult for ordinary people to travel throughout their entire lives.

But he was unhappy at this time and always felt empty.

Life suddenly loses its sense of direction.

He thought of Qin Mo's century-old plan, and suddenly felt full of motivation.

At this moment, the big dog came over and said, "Your Majesty, there is another letter from Lingnan."

Li Shilong's eyes lit up, he took the letter and read it, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "This brat has already taken care of everything in Yizhou, so he is letting me go there to celebrate the New Year.

I really want to leave, but I can't.

It was freezing cold.

Lingnan is a good place. I want to go fishing, and I also want to take my father there. It is warm there, and maybe it will make my father feel better.

But I can't. If I go, you will be responsible. "

Li Shilong didn't want to go to Lingnan, where it was like spring all year round. He wanted his own sea-view villa, and wanted to go boating and fishing.

I want to have a bonfire party at the beach.

Putting lanterns on the beach can light up the entire sea.

But he can't.

He sighed, the thought of retirement growing in his mind.

I wish Li Yue could support this burden now and travel around.

Just as I was thinking about it, Queen Gongsun came and said, "Your Majesty, there is a letter from my daughter."

She handed the letter over.

Li Shilong looked at it and saw that it was signed by Li Yulan and several others, asking Queen Gongsun, Concubine Li, and the Crown Princess to take their children to celebrate the New Year and then return to the palace in the spring.

"You're all gone, so I won't be alone anymore?" Li Shilong said.

"Your Majesty, it's much colder this year than last year. It's uncomfortable to stay in the palace and warm yourself by the fire every day."

Originally, Li Shilong wanted to have a child with Queen Gongsun.

Maybe it’s because I’m getting older and I haven’t wanted to.

Coupled with Zan Ying's efforts to stop it, this matter was also shelved.

Now, Empress Gongsun is in good health and has recovered from Li Zhi's death. She is in her 40s and looks like she is in her 30s, and her skin is in good condition.

"Besides, I also want to go out and relax. The Crown Princess has been sick recently and her condition is not good. If she goes out for a walk, she might get better!" Queen Gongsun said.

Speaking of the Crown Princess, Li Shilong couldn't help but sigh, "They don't have a good relationship, how could this happen?"

"You have forgotten that when you first became emperor, you were in trouble all the time, and when I asked you, you didn't get any answers.

Didn't we quarrel a lot at that time? "Queen Gongsun said.

Li Shilong nodded. After he ascended to the throne, he was temporarily lost. Fortunately, he came to his senses after being scolded by Empress Gongsun several times.Liu Ruyu is not as strong-tempered as Empress Gongsun, so she keeps many things in her heart. Over time, she becomes depressed easily.

"Did you persuade Lao Ba?"

"It's hard for me to dissuade you from this matter. Concubine Li has passed away." Queen Gongsun said.

After all, she was not Li Yue's biological mother, so she couldn't scold her own child.

If Li Yue were her biological child, she would have scolded him long ago.

Li Shilong also nodded and held Queen Gongsun's hand, "I've wronged you."

"What's there to be wronged about? The child is old and has his own ideas. The princess is good, but she likes to hide things in her heart and go out to relax. I will enlighten her."

"It was possible in the past, but not during the Chinese New Year. Now it's convenient to join the Zhidao Road. You can go there for a month and come back just in time to celebrate the Chinese New Year!" Li Shilong said.

"Alright!" Queen Gongsun nodded.

At this time, the East Palace.

Li Fei had already left. Before leaving, she scolded Li Yue severely.

Li Yue did not dare to get angry in person, but after Concubine Li left, he ordered someone to close the door and glared at Liu Ruyu, "You are so good, you actually went to complain to your mother and concubine!"

"I didn't!" Liu Ruyu shook her head hurriedly.

"Why did the mother-in-law come over and scold me?" Li Yue took a deep breath, "Also, why did Third Sister and the others write a letter asking you by name to visit Lingnan?
Did you secretly write a letter to your Brother Qin? "

"I didn't!" Liu Ruyu denied, "Didn't you hear what my mother said? It was the third sister who wrote a letter to the queen, asking her to go to Lingnan to celebrate the New Year!"

"Don't quibble with me here. I'm telling you, you don't want to go to Lingnan!" Li Yue said coldly: "And my son, I have invited others to teach him, so there is no need to trouble Qin Mo."

With that said, Li Yue left directly.

Liu Ruyu's face was full of pain. She had received Qin Mo's reply. Unfortunately, Li Yue seemed to be aware of it and might not let her go.

But what Liu Ruyu didn't expect was that in the afternoon, her mother brought Princess Qi and Princess Chengjun into the palace, saying that she wanted to discuss spending the winter together in Lingnan.

Empress Gongsun called Liu Ruyu to the Li Zheng Hall and directly agreed to the matter.

Looking at Liu Ruyu, who had lost more than a circle of weight, Hu Hongyu felt pain in her eyes, but in front of the queen, she did not show any signs of it.

Just holding Liu Ruyu's hand, veins popped out on the back of it.

"This matter has been settled. Let's go back and prepare today and set off tomorrow!" Queen Gongsun said.

After everyone left, Hu Hongyu pulled Liu Ruyu aside and said with red eyes, "Did that bastard hit you?"

"No, no!"

"Not yet, do you think I'm stupid?" Hu Hongyu said murderously: "Why didn't you write to me earlier?

You asked your elder brother to send a message to Qin Mo, but you refused to tell me, right?

Do you still see me as a mother in your eyes? "

Liu Ruyu knew her mother's character. If she knew that she had been wronged, she would probably fight into the palace with a sword.

"Did brother tell you?"

"It was Qin Mo who wrote me a letter!" Hu Hongyu was so angry that she was the last to know that her daughter had been wronged in the palace.

"Brother Qin?"

"Otherwise why would I enter the palace? He not only wrote to me, but also to Princess Qi and Princess Chengjun!" Hu Hongyu said: "Qin Mo is smart. He asked the three princesses to write letters. He didn't come forward because he was afraid. Expand the contradiction.

However, it doesn't matter. The evil barrier has changed. He is no longer the Yue brother I am familiar with.

In the face of power, family, friendship, and love all have to be put aside.

I advised you not to be reckless at the beginning. Now that you are in trouble today, it is all your own fault! "

(End of this chapter)

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