big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1322: Wait for His Highness to come and kill him in person!

Chapter 1322: Wait for His Highness to come and kill him in person!

Liu Ruyu didn't dare to say anything.

Hu Hongyu said: "Perhaps Li Yue was sincere back then, but don't have any hope in him. If you do this, even if you become the queen, you will not end well.

Thinking about your eldest brother, you have been with him for so many years, and now he is being transferred away at the request of him. Your eldest brother's heart has long since become cold.

Also, if I guess correctly, you are not allowed to go to Lingnan, right? "

Liu Ruyu just cried.

"Cry, cry, cry, you know there's no point in crying!" Hu Hongyu was furious, "If he dares to hit you, just go to him with a knife and chop him once, and he won't dare to touch you again.

Why did I give birth to such a weak daughter like you? "

He poked Liu Ruyu's forehead with his finger, but his words were full of protection and distress for her.

She just came over, but before Liu Ruyu came, Li Fei said in front of her that she had already scolded Li Yue.

It was for her.

Hu Hongyu worked as a ranger and saw all the people's hearts.

Li Yue is drifting now, thinking that he is great. Those who follow others will prosper, and those who go against others will perish!

But he was wrong.

Who is she, Hu Hongyu?

He is the master who kills one person from a thousand miles away and leaves no trace behind when he kills.

If Qin Mo and Liu Rujian hadn't stopped him, she would have killed Li Yue long ago.

"Come on, follow me to the East Palace and take the child to our home. What kind of foxes are the Xu sisters who dare to flirt in front of my mother?

court death! "

She took Liu Ruyu and went straight to the East Palace.

When the guards of the East Palace saw Hu Hongyu dragging the Crown Princess over in anger, they quickly went to report to Li Yue.

Li Yue was so frightened that he trembled, "I said I was busy, but I didn't see anyone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hu Hongyu's loud voice came from outside, "A watchdog dares to block my way. Who is the person next to me? It's the Crown Princess, the mistress of the East Palace!"
This blind thing even wants to stop its own master, looking for death! "

Hu Hongyu slashed the person blocking the door with a knife, and then pointed at the guard in front, "What are you looking at me doing? If the Crown Princess comes, why don't you kneel down to welcome her?"

Seeing the guards lying in a pool of blood, those people were frightened and hurriedly knelt down, "See the Crown Princess!"

"As a dog, you have to be a good dog. If you can't tell who is the owner, then you should be killed!" Hu Hongyu held the bloody knife and led Liu Ruyu into the East Palace, "Your Highness the Crown Prince" , Hu Hongyu asked for an audience. If His Highness the Crown Prince still recognizes Hu Hongyu as mother-in-law, please come out and see her.

If you don't admit it, please make it clear as soon as possible. We, Hu Hongyu, are not people who follow the crowd and don't like to curry favor with others.

I don’t want to be the Taijun of the current dynasty (the title of the Queen’s mother).

If my daughter has committed any crime of being out of love, then please give me a divorce note, and I will leave here with this unfilial daughter who does not live up to her expectations.

Then he crashed to death in front of the Tai Chi Palace to apologize to His Majesty!
Tell me, how could I, Hu Hongyu, raise such an unfilial creature? I have no shame! "

Hearing this, the East Palace was completely silent, and the officials in the East Palace were frightened by Hu Hongyu's toughness.

Li Yue's hands were shaking.

He has a natural fear of this mother-in-law.

But it doesn't matter if she doesn't see her. If she is allowed to make trouble, he will be the unlucky one when the trouble becomes big.After thinking about it, he straightened his clothes and hurriedly walked out. Before he could walk in, he handed over his hand and said, "Mother-in-law, Gu. I was just dealing with Nanfan's affairs. When the servants came to report, they didn't say yes." Please forgive me for not going out to greet my mother-in-law!"

"Hu Hongyu cannot afford to welcome His Highness the Crown Prince!" Hu Hongyu looked at Li Yue. This boy looked very similar to the Supreme Emperor, but he didn't have the slightest bit of the Supreme Emperor's ambition.

His grandfather and father are both heroes.

He is also surrounded by a group of heroes, but he, an idiot, wants to be a bear!
Li Yue's mouth twitched, but he didn't dare to say anything, nor did he dare to go too close. He looked at the bleeding knife, for fear that the knife would fall on him.

"Mother-in-law is joking." Li Yue said, "Come in and tell me if you have anything to say."

"No, I came here to pick up the child. We have agreed with the Queen to go to Lingnan for vacation early tomorrow morning. Not only will Ruyu leave, but the child will also go with her!" Hu Hongyu said.

Li Yue was extremely angry, "Mother-in-law, the child is still studying."

"What's there to learn? Can those teachers be as good as Qin Mo? Don't forget, Qin Mo is their teacher. With Qin Mo here, what do you want those idiots to do?" Hu Hongyu didn't give him any face, " Hurry up, don't force me to pull out those two naughty foxes, cut open their stomachs with a knife, and see whether what comes out of their stomachs is a serious dragon or a fox!"

Li Yue's face was extremely ugly, "Mother-in-law, that is my child."

Hu Hongyu took Liu Ruyu's hand and said, "This is my child too.

If His Highness forgets how he begged me in the first place, then I can help His Highness recall his memories.

Ruyu has been with you since we were young, and has never left you, giving birth to children for you.

Your Highness even cherishes his own children, wouldn’t others cherish their own children?
If Your Highness does not love my child, then return my child to me. From top to bottom, my Liu family has never done anything unkind.

I have a clear conscience! "

She slammed the knife on the ground, "If there is, let your Majesty come and get us and behead our whole family, leaving no one alive!"

She walked towards Li Yue step by step, "Come on, we are two defenseless women, are you afraid of us?

You are the Lord of the East Palace, and there are people around you. Let them shoot! "

Li Yue jumped up and down, and finally fell to the ground.

Hu Hongyu chuckled.

Li Yue thought that laughter was full of ridicule and disdain, but he didn't dare!
"Mother-in-law, are you going to destroy me?"

"No, no, I'm not that capable." Hu Hongyu shook her head, "It was His Highness who ruined my child. That's why I couldn't help but come over and ask His Highness."

Li Yue clenched his fists and shouted to the personal eunuch: "Go get the child!"

Soon, Liu Ruyu's son and daughter came over.

Seeing their mother, the two children ran over crying.

Liu Ruyu held the child tightly in her arms, tears streaming down her face, "Good boy, don't cry, don't cry."

"Is it okay?" Li Yue said tiredly.

"Your Highness, I will call Rujian and Rudao home tonight. Our whole family is at home. If you want to kill us, tonight is a good time.

Tonight, Hu Hongyu and her whole family knelt at the door, waiting for His Highness to come and kill him in person!

If it were tomorrow, I wouldn't be at home! "

After saying that, she smiled disdainfully, took Liu Ruyu and the child, and left the East Palace.

Li Yue couldn't help but tremble, "It's over, something big has happened, something big has happened now, she's going to destroy Gu, she's going to destroy Gu!"

(End of this chapter)

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