big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1323 Apologize!

Chapter 1323 Apologize!

After Hu Hongyu returned home, she really called Liu Rujian and Liu Rudao back.

Then the whole family, young and old, all knelt at the door of Zhu Guogong's mansion.

Up and down, there were nearly a thousand people.

People all over the street went out and stopped, and they couldn't help but feel sad when they saw this scene.

"Why is this happening!" Du Jingming hurried over, "Old Liu, why is this happening?"

Liu Chenghu had shackles on his hands and was kneeling on the ground without any trace of panic. "Liu Chenghu has no way to teach his daughter and has no face to live!"

Dou Xuanling also came, "Princess, the ground is cold, the child is still young, don't freeze!"

Liu Ruyu just shook her head.

"Hurry up, it's snowing, hold an umbrella!" Yu Boshi hurried over with his servants, umbrellas and cloaks.

Xu Shichang came over with one deep kick and one shallow kick. After escaping that great victory, he had physical problems again. He had a feeling that he might not be able to escape this winter.

But when he heard about this, he came here feeling sick and said, "Mr. Zhu Guo, although we don't have a close friendship, I'm much older than you. Listen to my brother, get up and go back. It's not a good idea to make a joke!"

Liu Chenghu smiled, "There's nothing bad about it, we come in the wind and go in the rain, we cross mountains of swords and seas of fire, and crawl through piles of dead people.

What big storms have you never seen?

Death is nothing more than scars on the head as big as a bowl! "

At this moment, Gongsun Wuji also came, "What about it?"

"Isn't that the case?" Liu Chenghu said, "Liu Chenghu is grateful that you can come, but now that something like this has happened to the Liu family, where the wife is unkind and the daughter is unfilial, I really have no shame to invite you in for tea!"

More and more people came, and it was getting dark. These people stood in a row, blocking the wind and snow for them.

At this time, in the Tai Chi Palace, Li Shilong coughed violently.

He looked at Li Yue, who was kneeling down and admitting his mistake, "I told you a long time ago that I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, but you refused to listen. Now that it's like this, how do you end it?

What do you want me to do?
Kill Liu Chenghu and his family? "

Li Yue said helplessly: "Father, my son and I have not done anything excessive."

"Are the Liu family making a fuss out of a molehill? What Hu Hongyu scolded you today was for me." Li Shilong slapped the document heavily, "It doesn't matter if you make mistakes, as long as you make up for it and learn a lesson, you will learn from it and learn from it. wisdom.

If you have done something wrong and are still talking harshly, you will not change your nature. "

Li Yue gritted his teeth and said, "She killed someone in the East Palace. Do I still have to admit my mistake?"

"Why did she kill someone? Aren't you treating the Crown Princess badly?" Li Shilong walked down and kicked Li Yue over. "What did the Crown Princess do to make you feel sorry for you? Are you going to do this to her?"
Do you want to abolish the crown princess?

With the two sisters of the Xu family, can they afford this position? "

"My son, I don't mean this!"

"Then what do you mean?"

"My son, my son," Li Yue knelt on the ground and said, "My son suspects that she is not having an affair with others."


"Qin Mo!" Li Yue gritted his teeth.

"Where's the evidence?" Li Shilong's pupils narrowed.

"She wrote a letter to Qin Mo a few days ago. I intercepted it and copied it!" Li Yue handed over the copied letter from his arms.

Li Shilong took the letter and read it.

Most of the letters complained about Li Yue and asked Qin Mo to help her.

"This letter doesn't prove anything!"

"Does the son have to be caught in bed to prove it?" Li Yue said with red eyes: "The third sister and the others wrote a letter, are they really just asking the queen to go to Lingnan?
The son-in-law knew this well and could only restrain himself and restrain himself from letting Ruyu go.

Just afraid that she would fall into it.

Hu Hongyu doesn’t know, I don’t blame her, even if she kills someone, I don’t blame her either.

But the father and son felt aggrieved.That is the person whom I trust the most.

How dare he! "

"Don't talk nonsense, Jing Yun is not this kind of person!" Li Shilong tore the letter into pieces, "If you dare to mention this matter before there is conclusive evidence, don't blame me for being rude!
I keep this matter in my heart as if I don’t know what to do.

If your mother and the others want to go over, just let them go over, and I will make arrangements!
Now, you go to the Liu family gate and bear the thorn bush to apologize to me.

If you can't even do this kind of thing well, then don't be the prince anymore! "

"Yes, my son understands!"

Li Yue stood up and said, "My son, please leave!"

The moment he exited the Tai Chi Palace, Li Yue sneered. Liu Ruyu had sent the message, and he had known it for a long time.

When he saw the letter, his heart became cold.

He knew very well that Qin Mo had nothing to do with Liu Ruyu.

Qin Mo is not that kind of person either.

But he will never let the Liu family ruin him.

Since Liu Ruyu no longer shares the same mind with him, what's the point of staying with him?

As for whether Li Shilong would believe it.

It doesn't matter anymore, the seeds of doubt have been planted, just waiting for Qin Mo to come back.

"I understand that I can't repay what I owe you. Since I can't repay it, I won't repay it!" Li Yue thought this way.

At this time, in the Tai Chi Palace, Li Shilong sat back on the dragon chair, secretly feeling sad.

He knew Qin Mo and what he was like.

He is definitely not this kind of person.

But if it's true...that child...
Thinking of this, he lost consciousness for a while.

It shouldn't be the case, that child looks very much like Lao Ba, and all the children in Qin Mo's family are carved out of the same mold.

But don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Now that the inheritance law has been reformed, even if you are not the legitimate son, you still have a chance.
"But it's not necessary. If Jingyun wants to, there are countless opportunities!"

Li Shilong was completely confused and smoked one cigarette after another.

"Big dog, come here, I have something to tell you."

The next day, Hu Hongyu took Liu Ruyu and her children and left the capital together.

Last night, Li Yue stood shirtless and held a thorn in his hand to plead guilty. He knelt down in public and begged for forgiveness from Liu Chenghu and others.

After everyone's persuasion, the matter finally passed.

Even that night, Li Yue stayed at Liu's house.

In the morning, he even personally sent Liu Ruyu and her children to the carriage, smiling and waving as they left.

After the large army left, Li Yue relaxed. He would have an excuse for how to suppress the Qin family in the future.

There won't be much reaction from the father's side.

He knew very well that he would win this one!
"Qin Mo, don't blame me. If you didn't interfere in this matter, I wouldn't do this either. I know that my father has always regarded you as the pillar of Daqian.

But I don't need you anymore, you are the biggest threat! "Li Yue withdrew his gaze and returned to the East Palace.

On the other side of Lingnan, Qin Mo also received a letter from the capital.

He knew everything that happened in the capital.

"It has to be Aunt Hu, who is even more powerful than my mother-in-law, Princess Qi!" Qin Mo clicked his tongue.

But when he saw another letter, Qin Mo's expression darkened. After reading it, he burned the letter, "Little trash, you have to think about it before you attack my brother. Don't blame me." Blow out the lamp and pull out the wax!”

(End of this chapter)

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