big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1324 Xue Pinggui and Wang Baochuan!

Chapter 1324 Xue Pinggui and Wang Baochuan!
Half a month later, Queen Gongsun led a group of people to the seaside.

Along with them were Hu Hongyu, Princess Chengjun, Princess Heng, and Prince Qi and his wife.

Nineteen is holding hands with Ah Si. At the age of fourteen or fifteen, he is tall and graceful.

Looks extremely sweet.

"Brother-in-law!" Xiaojiu looked at Qin Mo. It had been more than half a year since they last met.

"Brother-in-law, teacher!" Ah Si jumped up to Qin Mo and climbed on Qin Mo's body like a monkey.

"You are so naughty, did you make your mother angry in the palace?" Qin Mo grabbed Ah Si's face.

'No, I'm good. By the way, brother-in-law, teacher, where is Brother Feng? '

"Dig sand at the beach!" Qin Mo pointed not far away, where Brother Feng and his younger brothers and sisters were building a castle.

Ah Si's eyes lit up, he quickly got off Qin Mo, and Sayazi ran over.

Feng Jin slapped his thigh, "Prince 24, please slow down, don't fall!"

As he said that, he hurriedly chased after him.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"This monkey."

Queen Gongsun also shook her head, "But come here, I can rest for a while."

Qin Mo hurriedly stepped forward and greeted everyone one by one.

Looking at Xiaojiu, he stretched out his hand and touched her head, "The woman has changed in her eighteenth year, and she is becoming more and more beautiful!"

Xiaojiu lowered his head and said with a red face and a heartbeat: "Not as beautiful as my sisters."

"Each one is beautiful in his or her own way. The older she is, the more beautiful she will be!" Qin Mo withdrew his hand and didn't hold her like before.

Finally, Qin Mo's eyes fell on Liu Ruyu.

The two children beside Liu Ruyu were timid when they saw Qin Mo, "Uncle, teacher!"

Qin Mo looked at the two children. They used to be very lively. They usually followed Qin Mo and asked questions.

"Wei Chen has met the Crown Princess!" Qin Mo said with cupped hands.

While looking at Liu Ruyu, the first time I saw Qin Mo, my eyes were filled with tears. However, there were many people, so I held it back immediately and said with a smile: "We are all our own people, there is no need to be polite!"

She had lost a lot of weight compared to before, so during the journey, Hu Hongyu deliberately helped her replenish her body.

But heartache cannot be repaired in a short time.

Qin Mo smiled and waved to the two children.

The two children hesitated for a while and then fell into Qin Mo's arms.

"Go and play with your Uncle 24, Brother Feng and the others are over there too!" Qin Mo said, pointing to the seaside.

The two little guys were eager to try and looked at Liu Ruyu eagerly.

"Go ahead and have fun!"

"Thank you mom!"

The two little guys ran over quickly. They were happy at Yuewang Mansion.

But after entering the East Palace, they had a particularly painful life.

Suppressed their nature.

Now that they are here, their suppressed nature is completely released.

"Elders, go in!" Qin
"Okay, you don't have to worry about it. I'm very familiar with this place!" Princess Qi waved her hand, "This is not the first time here."

With that said, the group of people walked in swaggeringly. They were familiar with the roads and didn't care about Qin Mo at all.

Qin Mo scratched his head.

Li Yushu said: "Look at the children and leave them to us!"

With that said, Queen Gongsun and others gathered around and went in chatting and laughing.

That night, a grand bonfire party was held at the beach.

The furry children had a rough fight around the campfire.But after the fight for a while, Qin Mo stood in the middle, holding this big speaker in his hand.

"The story we are going to tell you today is very exciting. Please keep your ears open and get started!"

This is almost a must-have program for them to come here.

And every time, they look forward to this show extraordinarily.

Not to mention the adults, the children were also full of expectations, sitting in rows on the beach with bare feet.

The bonfire dissipates the coolness of the night and warms people's hearts.

"This story is about the loveless man Xue Pinggui and the infatuated queen Baochuan!" Qin Mo looked at everyone, "It is said that this story happened in a dynasty called Song Dynasty."

Everyone's ears were raised, for fear of missing a word.

Many women shed tears when they heard that Wang Baochai had worked hard at the cold kiln for 18 years and ate wild vegetables for 18 years.

Especially Liu Ruyu, this story was almost meant for her.

She cried silently and looked at Qin Mo beside the bonfire, feeling extremely moved.

He knew that Qin Mo was bringing up her grievance again, to feel aggrieved for her.

How is she different from Wang Baochuan?
If the husband's love is there, let alone eating wild vegetables for 18 years, so what if it lasts a lifetime?
Hu Hongyu's eyes were also red. Qin Mo was indeed a wonderful person.

This story is so good.

In the future, this story will surely spread all over the world.

I just hope that Li Yue can wake up.

When Qin Mo told this story, he probably wanted Li Yue to think clearly on his own.

Princess Qi leaned on King Qi's shoulder and kept wiping her tears, "Fortunately, Wang Baochuan has been guarding the cold kiln for eighteen years, and it can be considered that all the hardships have come to an end.

Xue Pinggui is not a lover, but why did Wang Baochuan only become the queen for eighteen days and then die? "

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed creepy and cannot stand up to scrutiny.

At this time, Qin Mo finished telling the last part of the story.

Zhao Manyun on the side started singing, "Ah ah ah, my husband, Xue Lang, pity me for being so lonely and having to guard the cold kiln for 18 years."

The uncomplaining song sounded, once again sublimating the story.

Everyone just felt a sense of sadness in their hearts.

Liu Ruyu even hugged her mother and cried bitterly.

Hu Hongyu patted her daughter on the back, "Cry, it will feel much better if you cry!"

Queen Gongsun also wiped her tears. Concubine Li beside her did not say a word, her eyes were also red.

"God damn Qin Mo, why are you telling stories so late at night? I'm so angry that I want to pull Xue Pinggui out and beat him up!" Princess Heng cursed.

"That's right, you lied to my mother's tears so late at night!" Princess Qi also cursed, "It's not a thing!"

"Mom, that's your son-in-law!" Li Jingya quit.

"You lied to my daughter, she is nothing!" Anji Li scolded fiercely.

After a while, the singing stopped and the crying stopped.

"What an infatuated woman, she stayed in the cold kiln for her lover for 18 years. How many eighteen years are there in life!" Li Yulan sighed, thinking of her past self. If she hadn't met Qin Mo, she would have been miserable in her life. Not a bit happy at all.

"Okay, that's it for today's story. Please come early tomorrow!" Qin Mo jumped off the table and said with a smile.

Soon, the bonfire party dispersed.

Liu Ruyu put the child to sleep and entered Hu Hongyu's room.

As soon as he lay down, he heard Hu Hongyu say: "Something's wrong, Qin Mo's story has a deeper meaning!"

"What's the meaning?"

"It stands to reason that when Xue Pinggui became king and found Wang Baochuan, everyone was happy. But why did Qin Mo deliberately say that Wang Baochuan died after eighteen days of being queen?"

(End of this chapter)

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