big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1326 Do you remember years ago?

Chapter 1326 Do you remember ten years ago?
"Mom, what are you talking about!" Liu Ruyu blushed at her mother's words.

"What are you embarrassed about? You are a woman with two children. The world is huge. How can you do it without anyone to protect you?
Your father and I will grow old eventually.

Although Qin Mo has many women, they are affectionate and righteous, and you are nothing to be afraid of.

I support you! "

"Absurd!" Liu Ruyu shook her head.

"Am I being ridiculous?" Hu Hongyu sneered and said, "There is no solution to this matter. That bastard has evil intentions and has long been tempted to kill. In his eyes, you and Mr. Qin are all people who must be killed.

He will try his best to make this happen, and once it is confirmed, what awaits our family will be a butcher's knife.

You took the opportunity to make plans. Are you waiting for them to kill you before you kneel down and cry and beg for mercy?
I'm afraid that at that time, even if you cry your eyes out, you won't be able to exchange a word of distress from him.

At that time, you will be an unchaste slut! "

Her mother's words were like a knife thrust into Liu Ruyu's heart, "I can't do it, I can't do it."

"Who told you to do it now?" Hu Hongyu snorted coldly, "Since my son has submitted the letter, he must have already started making plans, but I don't know what he will do.

That bastard didn't even think about who was responsible for the new law. Since he could promote him, there must be a way to pull him down.

When he falls from the sky, you must leave without hesitation.

If you dare to go back again, I will sever the relationship between mother and daughter.

Love you to death! "

After saying that, Hu Hongyu lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

Liu Ruyu just kept crying.

"Stop crying, it's so noisy!" Hu Hongyu said.

Liu Ruyu directly covered her mouth, not daring to cry.

That night, she sat there all night and fell ill the next day.

She lay there for three days before she got up.

After getting up, she took a shower, changed into new clothes, and even changed her makeup and hair accessories. She said to her mother: "I will definitely go back to Beijing. As the saying goes, a couple will be kind to each other for a hundred days, and I will give them to them." His last chance, I want to remind him one last time.

If he really doesn't miss our past friendship, I will leave him without hesitation.

After all, the Yue brother I loved is dead, and I have loved him fearlessly.

I have nothing to regret. "

Hu Hongyu tapped Liu Ruyu's hand, "Sooner or later, you will make me angry to death!"

Liu Ruyu smiled, "Mom, in life, don't you just want to have peace of mind? My temperament does not follow yours, but my nature does.

If I did something wrong, I would stay awake all night long.

I always feel like there is a pair of eyes staring at me from the dark.

But if I feel at ease, I will sleep very soundly.

Back then, she could run to him regardless of everything, but now, I can leave him regardless of everything. "

Hu Hongyu was silent. She couldn't refute these words.

Women, in the eyes of men, seem to be free gifts.

"I won't force you, but you have to think about your children!"

"I see!"

Liu Ruyu left the room, her whole person radiating light from the inside out.

Seeing Liu Ruyu come out again, Concubine Li also asked about her welfare.

The girls also praised Liu Ruyu's new outfit for looking good.

But Qin Mo always felt that Liu Ruyu was looking at him with a vague look, which made him feel a little scared.

On this day, everyone boarded the big boat and prepared to go fishing.Because the countdown to their return to Beijing had begun, Qin Mo also put a lot of effort into making them happy.

The children are wearing special life jackets and are being watched by servants, so there is no need to worry.

Tianxin is like a captain, supervising the children tightly.

Even Ah Si, the 24th uncle (mainly called by the male side, can be called 24th uncle or 24th uncle), has to obey Tianxin!
"Tianxin, can I be a captain?" Ah Si asked.

"It's so hard for you to get on the ship, you're such a shitty captain!" Tianxin snorted, "Who said you were scared when you just got on the ship, and you asked my dad to carry you up, are you ashamed?"

As soon as these words came out, all the furry kids burst out laughing.

"The eldest sister said she was afraid that you would hold her hand!" Ah Si pointed at eldest sister Li and said with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Nonsense, I have to hold my sister!" Tianxin took Sister Li's hand and said, "Sister, you will follow me wherever you go from now on, do you understand?"

"I know, Brother Tianxin!" The eldest sister nodded.

The six-year-old eldest sister is so pink and tender that she looks like a smaller version of Liu Ruyu.

The conversation between the children made everyone laugh.

"Qin Mo, your Tianxin is just a living bandit." Hu Hongyu said.

"That's not why he has to take care of his 24th uncle!" Princess Heng said.

Qin Mo scratched his head in embarrassment, "This is up to me!"

The crowd laughed again.

Accompanied by the roar of the steamer, the big ship slowly sailed away from the dock, followed by a dozen small boats.

Soon, the boat sailed into the sea.

The furry children started fishing under the supervision of adults.

The women took advantage of the sea breeze, enjoyed the beautiful scenery, and ate delicious snacks, making it very lively.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Liu Ruyu also walked over to the child, looked at Qin Mo and asked softly: "Brother Qin, do you still remember what happened ten years ago?"

"Ten years ago?"

Qin Mo asked in surprise: "What's the matter?"

He didn't even wear it at that time, who knows what happened.

"At that time, Li Yue made me angry, and you beat him up, remember?" Liu Ruyu pulled back her hair that was messed up by the sea breeze.

Because there were other people nearby, and Hu Hongyu was also there, there was a distance between them, so there was no need to worry about what others would say.

In other words, it no longer matters, because no matter whether the two are really having an affair or not, in Li Yue's mind they are already hooked up.

"Ah, oh, I have an impression!" Qin Mo nodded, he had a fart impression.

"At that time, Li Yue made me cry. You beat him up severely, ran over to comfort me, and said..."

"What did you say?" Qin Mo asked curiously.

Liu Ruyu blushed and looked at the sea ahead, "You said, if Li Yue treats me badly in the future, beat him to death, and then take me to your home, and you will take care of me!"

Qin Mo's mouth twitched, "Huh?"

Did your predecessor say such a thing?
its not right.

Why did Liu Ruyu say this?

He couldn't help but look at the children sitting here, all of whom belonged to him.

The little guys were sitting on small stools one by one, holding fishing rods in their hands.

Is she all right?

"I regret it!" Liu Ruyu exhaled a breath and looked at Qin Mo, "I regret it so much. If I had known this, I would have listened to you!"

Qin Mo was confused. What happened ten years ago?
(End of this chapter)

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