big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1327 Leave me a mouthful of this fish!

Chapter 1327 Leave me a bite of this fish!
Qin Mo swallowed his saliva and glanced at Hu Hongyu.

Old God Hu Hongyu was there, squinting her eyes. He firmly believed that she must have heard it.

Be nice.

What are these two ladies going to do?
Qin Mo couldn't help but take a step back, feeling an ominous premonition.

"At that time, you beat up Li Yue, hugged me and said you would protect me forever."


Qin Mo's head was buzzing, "That, Ruyu, I didn't understand it at that time."

"I don't understand!"

Liu Ruyu smiled and said: "But I still want to thank you for always helping me and protecting me since I was a child. In fact, thinking about it now, it was really good to have Brother Qin here at that time.

It seems that no matter what happens, it can be solved as long as I come to you. "

"This, this is what a brother should do." Qin Mogan smiled.

"Will I die when I return to the capital this time?" Liu Ruyu asked with a chuckle.

Qin Mo frowned and glanced at the side, "No!"

"What if?"

"No case!"

"I'm afraid that I'll be too far away this time when I go back. If I want to find you, you won't be able to help me soon!" Liu Ruyu said.

"Don't worry, no one dares to touch you until I return to the capital." Qin Mo smiled lightly.

"What if we can't save him?" Liu Ruyu asked again.

"Sister, I am a human, not a god!" Qin Mo threw out the bait in his hand, "I can save people, but I can't save hearts, not even Lao Zan.

Not to mention, it was a heart blinded by lust for power.

If he doesn't wake up until everyone betrays his family, do you think it's too late? "

"It's really late!" Liu Ruyu also threw the bait into the water.

"This person is just like fishing. The fish below always like to tease the bait. You will never lift the rod until the float sinks to the bottom." Hu Hongyu interjected: "There are two consequences of lifting the rod, either the fish runs away. , or the fish takes the bait.

Some fish are purely hungry, and some fish are purely greedy! "

"That makes sense!" Qin Mo nodded.

"If the fish runs away and is injured, where should it hide to heal?" Hu Hongyu asked.

"Go where you need to go."

"I heard that Kun in the sea can eat people!"

"People can eat Kun, but people can't be like Kun and eat Kun in one bite!" Qin Mo said.

"Then you have to take your time."

"You have to take your time, but you always have to give people a chance. It would be a pity to kill him with a stick!"

"You are so kind-hearted!"

"Everyone says that about me!" Qin Mo shrugged, "I can't help it, who makes me so sad!"

"What if it can't be changed?"

"It's the stupidest thing to try to change a person. Just wait and see what happens!" Qin Mo suddenly lifted the rod and a big fish was lifted out of the water. "Look, it's so greedy, so it has to be prepared to be eaten." Prepare!"

Hu Hongyu took a deep look at Qin Mo and said, "There are many people who want to eat fish. Leave this fish for me!"

"Tsk, tsk, Aunt Hu still has such a good appetite despite her age!"

"When I was killing all over the world, you didn't know where you were!" Hu Hongyu said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll save a bite for you, but don't come without me!"

"Unless I die!"

Qin Mo threw the fish to Gao Yao, "Xiao Gao, this fish is suitable for fresh food. The slices should be thinner so that you can have more bites!"

After getting off the boat, Hu Hongyu obviously gained confidence.

She said to Liu Ruyu: "Put your heart in your stomach, listen to Mr. Qin, and wait and see what happens. But what he said is right. Trying to change a person who has changed his mind is stupid!
And a person will realize his mistake only after everyone has betrayed him. "

"It doesn't matter, Brother Qin is here!" Liu Ruyu smiled, "Ten years ago, if I had nodded, do you think I would be Mrs. Qin now?" "It's hard to say, but at least I won't be so worried. Come on!" Hu Hongyu snorted and went directly to the shore.

Tianxin, on the other hand, held her eldest sister and sang while getting off the boat.

Although he is still young, the little guy's leadership qualities are clearly displayed.

Liu Ruyu laughed, "A dragon begets a dragon, a phoenix begets a phoenix, and a mouse's son can make holes, that's true!"

In the blink of an eye, Queen Gongsun and others were on their way back.

Li Yulan and others were a little reluctant to give up.

Queen Gongsun said: "If you haven't gone back in the coming year, my mother will come to see you again."

"Mother, have a pleasant journey." The girls said reluctantly.

"Go back!" Queen Gongsun wiped away her tears and reluctantly got into the carriage.

Liu Ruyu, on the other hand, took a deep look at Qin Mo. She left a letter for Qin Mo and immediately got on the carriage.

After everyone disappeared from sight, Qin Mo hugged Li Yulan and others and said, "It's time for us to prepare things for the New Year."

Qin Xiangru said: "After the New Year, I will go back to Guanzhong to worship my ancestors. It is not interesting for me to resign as the prince of the county.

Then go find your father-in-law and write a book together! "

"Okay, it's up to you, but remember to take my aunt with you!"

These days, some elderly people in the mansion have also been transferred out one after another.

There are still some people who stick to Qin Mansion and come out for a walk when nothing happens.

As for Qinzhuang, there are more and more people, but they will not realize that most of the more people are orphans recruited over the years. In the past few years, many people have grown up and have been given the surname Qin. .

Thousands of Qin people came over that year, and most of the young people left their homeland.

Moreover, this number is still increasing.

No one knew where they went, and even the clan members believed that they were out on a secret mission for the imperial court.

So everyone kept silent and would not take the initiative to mention it.

Qin Hei was also in charge of this area, and everything was done very carefully.

At this point, Qin Mo suddenly felt a little lonely, as if he had played a hearty game.

Especially cool.

It's just that the ending is unsatisfactory.

However, people's hearts are unpredictable.

At least, he still has many good brothers.

These days, he has received letters from other people one after another. It won't be long before they will all gather here.

Back in the study, Qin Mo took out the letter Liu Ruyu left for him.

After reading it, Qin Mo was a little troubled, "It's really a big headache. I don't want to bear the blame for my predecessor."

He burned the letter, took out a cigarette, and fell into deep thought.

Near the end of the year, Queen Gongsun and others returned to the capital.

From the scorching heat to the severe cold, everyone's mood couldn't help but feel a lot lower.

But the colorful ribbons are fluttering in the capital, and the New Year atmosphere is very strong.

Standing on a high-rise building, you can see an ukiyo-e of the prosperous times.

Especially after Nanfan entered Qian, Daqian's national prestige had reached its peak.

No matter who he is, he will surrender to Da Qian.

Everyone is proud to join Daqian and to be a citizen of Daqian.

That sense of belonging and honor is unprecedented.

From this moment on, these native residents have a unified race, that is, the Gan tribe!

(End of this chapter)

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