big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1328 Let His Majesty take action!

Chapter 1328 Let His Majesty take action!
Liu Ruyu returned to the East Palace.

After Li Yue learned the news, he called her over immediately, "Is Lingnan fun?"

"It's so fun. The mountains over there are not high, but the sky is very blue and the sea is also very blue. It's not like the capital city, which is cold and cold in winter and has no human touch at all." Liu Ruyu took off her cloak, and the fireplace in the East Palace was burning brightly. Exuberant, making people feel a little hot.

"Look, it's not that the capital is impersonal, but that your heart is not in the capital, right?" Li Yue said coldly: "Since Lingnan is so good, why did you come back? Wouldn't it be better to stay there?
You can also see your Brother Qin every day! "

"Have you seen with your own eyes that Brother Qin and I are together every day?" Liu Ruyu poured a cup of tea, her graceful figure clearly revealed.

Even though she has given birth to two children, she still looks like a little girl.

"Do you need to see it? You said it was impersonal here!"

"As you said, I live in Daqian, so I am with him every day?" Liu Ruyu said with a smile.

"you've changed!"

"Where?" Liu Ruyu put down the teacup, sat opposite Li Yue, and looked at him without evading his eyes.

"I can't tell you, it's just that it's changed. It's the same as before. I'm very happy to see you!" Li Yue said, with a sharp look in his eyes.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"It's pretty good!"

Liu Ruyu stretched out and said, "Is there anything else? I'm going to have a rest. I'm a little tired after driving all the way!"

Li Yue stepped forward and took her hand, "We haven't seen each other for two months, you don't miss me?"

"Then do you miss me?"

Li Yue sniffed the fragrance on her body, "A bit!"

"I can't even think about it as a meal. When I am, I feel full even if I eat air just thinking about you.

Not anymore! "


"You don't love me anymore, right?" Liu Ruyu looked into his eyes, "Otherwise, how could you do this to me?

But there is something I have to tell you: if we work together, we will both benefit, and if we separate, we will both lose.

The most important thing in life is conscience, even kings have conscience.

I haven't done anything to feel sorry for you. The reason why I came back is to remind you not to do anything you shouldn't do.

Just think of it as a matter of past friendship. "

Li Yue was stunned.

Liu Ruyu pushed him away, "People can make mistakes, everyone does it, but they have to correct it.

As long as you make corrections, you are still you. You can make changes for that position, and everyone understands.

It's like your brothers will no longer easily hook your shoulders, but will respectfully call you His Royal Highness.

You are changing, everyone is changing, but everyone is adapting to you.

Then you always have to give others a chance to adapt, right?

Or do you mean that you never planned to give everyone a chance to adapt to you from the beginning? "

Liu Ruyu chuckled, "Even if you don't want to listen, even if you beat me to death, even if one day you throw me into the cold palace or depose me, it doesn't matter.

I still want to say, never be a loner, there are many ways to solve hidden dangers.

I read the Legend of Zhu Chongba written by Brother Qin. Emperor Zhu was very smart.

You must read it when you have time. It is said that Grandpa Huang asked Qin Dage to write it for you.

There is an allusion in the book called "A glass of wine releases military power". I think you can try it.

However, I feel that Brother Qin has never been greedy for power from the beginning. Those things are a burden to him.

No one knows better than you.

If those good things put pressure on you, then in the end, the good things the people around you give you will not come from the heart! "After saying that, Liu Ruyu took a deep look at Li Yue, turned around and left.

"Did Qin Mo teach you to say that?" Li Yue asked coldly.

"You think it is, in your eyes, I have been unclean for a long time?" Liu Ruyu smiled, seeming not to care at all.

Li Yue's expression was gloomy. He knew very well that Liu Ruyu had nothing to do with Qin Mo.

Even the people sent out found no problems.

He sat there for a long time and then left.

When he came to Dali Temple, he saw Xu Jingzong lying on the bed with malignant sores all over his body.

"Your Highness!" Xu Jingzong quickly climbed up from the bed.

But Li Yue took a step back and said, "Yanzu, how are you doing lately?"

"Your Highness, please let me out quickly. It's too dirty in here. I'm sick and have rashes all over my body!" Xu Jingzong said with a sad face.

"My father hasn't let go yet. He's giving Gu some time. Don't worry, Gu will let the doctor come over again to treat you later!" Li Yue said.

He knew very well that this was actually Hualiu, which was caused by Xu Jingzong's uncleanness.

As a result, Li Yue has not dared to touch the Xu sisters in recent times.

Although the imperial doctor diagnosed the two of them, there was no problem.

There is no cure for this disease, so it is only a matter of time before Xu Jingzong dies.

And he also hid it from Xu Jingzong to prevent him from going crazy.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Xu Jingzong said: "By the way, Your Highness, Xiao Jing and Xiao Mi are about to have a baby, right?"

"What it will look like after the new year!"

"I hope they can give birth to two more dragon sons for His Highness, so that His Highness will be blessed with many children!" Xu Jingzong said with a smile.

"I definitely will. I'm here this time because I want to ask you something!"

"Grandpa Huang's time is running out. What will happen if Qin Mo comes back?" Li Yue asked.

Xu Jingzong's eyes flashed with joy, "Does Your Majesty doubt Qin Mo now?"

Li Yue thought for a while and shook his head, "Father still trusts Qin Mo very much. This time when he came back, he even let Nineteen stay in Lingnan."

"There is no way, Qin Mo has married so many royal girls, which is quite troublesome." Xu Jingzong said: "But this is also a way to die, and it is completely possible to spread rumors outside.

His Highness the Crown Prince must not take action himself. Once he does, it will be talked about. "

"If I don't take action, will my father take action?"

"Yes!" Xu Jingzong nodded firmly.

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because the older generation is getting old, no one in the younger generation can suppress Qin Mo. As the No. 20 fourth hero of Qiankun Pavilion, he has made great contributions.

To put it bluntly, he has already accomplished so much that he cannot be rewarded.

You can't let the Qin family be the prince, right?

And His Majesty is not in very good health. To put it bluntly, once His Majesty becomes ill, His Royal Highness will definitely inherit the throne.

No matter how much a son-in-law kisses, there is no kiss like a son-in-law.

The people of the Qin tribe are not members of the family, but they are better than the members of the family.

Therefore, the Qin people's method of taking death was laid down many years ago.

And Qin Mo is not only a master of great achievements, but also a leader of the new school. The new school is suspected of sweeping the world. What is this if not a living saint?
Wei Chen also heard that in Lingnan, many people worshiped Qin Mo's longevity tablets at home and built shrines for him. They only knew Qin Mo but not the emperor!

Not to mention Your Majesty, even my ministers couldn’t bear it! "

(End of this chapter)

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