big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1329: Mutation in the Western Region!

Chapter 1329: Mutation in the Western Region!

"Well said, people in this world only know Qin Mo and don't know the Emperor. Aren't living saints as good as the Emperor?" Li Yue's initially wavering heart became cold again.

If he wants to dominate the world and follow his words, he must use Qin Mo to do it.

As long as Qin Mo is operated on, no one dares to speak.

The world is at peace, and with his invincible firearms, Yizhixie and the Western Region will be within his grasp sooner or later.

He wants to be the same Heavenly Khan as his father.

At worst, Qin Mo will pursue more titles in the future, and then it will be no problem even if he becomes a prince.

But it can only be granted posthumously!

Xu Jingzong said with a smile: "So please rest assured, Your Majesty, Your Majesty will never disregard the world for the sake of personal feelings."

"I understand, you have a good rest, I'm leaving first!" Li Yue turned around and left.

"Your Majesty, I respectfully send you off!" After Li Yue left, Xu Jingzong lay back on the bed tiredly and kept shouting.

After a while, Zhang Laotou came over with an unhappy look on his face, "Is something wrong?"

"The doctor will be here soon, let him wait outside, and then let him come when I wake up." Xu Jingzong said this and fell asleep.

Zhang Laotou sneered: "What the hell, you are worthy of sleeping in the bed of the Qin Prince Consort, and you will die of illness sooner or later!"

Soon, it’s New Year’s Eve.

Li Shilong was in a good mood, hiding in the sun room, feeling particularly comfortable.

It's just that Qin Mo's family is not in the capital, so they seem very bored.

But soon, he couldn't be happy anymore. An urgent report was sent from the Western Regions, which made Li Shilong's mood take a turn for the worse.

The letter was sent by Cheng Sanfu from the Western Regions.

After Beinu was destroyed, Cheng Sanfu had been guarding there, always monitoring Yi Zhixie's movements.

But this time after Nanfan came to Qian, Li Shuangan handed over his military power, and Cheng Sanfu became the general manager of Nanfan, taking charge of Nanfan's military affairs.

Controlling more than 15 troops.

Cheng Dabao, Li Yongmeng and others are all there.

The letter said that Yi Zhixie got grenades and even firearms from nowhere, and captured Yuezhi in one fell swoop.

The Yuezhi was between Nanfan and Tianxiang Kingdom, like a knife stuck between the two countries.

Even the big and small Bolu controlled by the Nanfan were conquered by the Northwest slaves.

The Northwest slaves, armed with grenades and firearms, are as powerful as they are in an uninhabited land. They have now seriously threatened Nanfan and Tianxiang.

Li Shilong suppressed the anger and doubts in his heart and hurriedly called Li Yue over.

Li Yue finally took advantage of the opportunity to rest at the end of the year. When he learned of Li Shilong's urgent call, he quickly ran over, "Father, what are your orders?"

Li Shilong coldly threw Cheng Sanfu's letter in front of Li Yue, "Read it yourself!"

Li Yue picked up the letter and was stunned after reading it. "How is this possible? These are our top secret formulas. How could Yi Zhixie get them?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Li Shilong's face looked very ugly. What makes Da Qian what he is today, able to sweep everything into dust with overwhelming force, isn't it because of his invincible weapons?

Now that Yi Zhixie has these, it means that Northwest Nu has the ability to compete with Daqian.

There is even a possibility of counterattack!

So, don’t go west easily in a short period of time!

Li Yue frowned, "There are only two people who know the formula, could it be?" "Shut up!" Li Shilong said angrily: "Don't make unreasonable guesses without evidence. Do you know that the strongest city walls in the world are built from the inside?" Collapse!"

"I'm just speculating!" Li Yue said.

"Go and call the reformed county boy!" Li Shilong took a deep breath, "He knows the situation in the Western Region best!"

Li Yue, who was preparing for the New Year at home, received the news and hurriedly entered the palace.

To be honest, relieving all his responsibilities and spending time with his wife and children has been the happiest time for him in these years.

There is no intrigue, no rough waves, and we are always worried that big waves will capsize the boat.

After entering the palace, Li Xin hurriedly greeted him, "I pay homage to your majesty, your highness the prince!"

Li Shilong waved his hand impatiently, "Okay, there are outsiders here, so we won't use this trick."

Seeing Li Shilong in such a bad mood during the Chinese New Year, Li Xin couldn't help but wonder what happened.

Just as he was thinking about it, Li Yue handed the letter over, "Brother, look, this is the letter from Nanfan!"

Li Xin took the letter and after reading it, he suddenly took a breath and asked, "What on earth is going on?"

"The top priority is to find out why Yi Zhixie has grenades and firearms. If the other party has mastered the formula and production technology, they must be prepared for war!" Li Shilong said.

At first he just wanted to drive away the tiger and devour the wolf, and then reap the benefits.

But things have changed now. It is not so easy to swallow that plump piece of land easily.

"They probably haven't mastered the formula and technology. After all, these are in the hands of a few people, especially firearms. Jing Yun said that if the industry is not up to standard, the weapons produced are inferior.

And it is extremely easy to explode the barrel. Not to mention hurting the enemy, the explosion will definitely hurt yourself. "Li Xin analyzed: "So, I am more inclined to think that someone was bribed by them to sell weapons.

Or they breached our bases in both countries and seized these weapons. "

After Li Xin's analysis, it was reasonable and well-founded. Li Shilong couldn't help but nod, "Yes, I think so too."

Li Yue said: "No matter what happens, you must be prepared. If it is as the elder brother said, then there is no need to worry too much.

The grenades and bullets will eventually run out.

But if it's the latter, then you have to find a way to catch the person who leaked the secret.

Erchen felt that we should start the internal investigation first. "

Li Xin's eyelids twitched, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

But what Li Yue said is also very reasonable. You must check yourself. If you don't check yourself, you will suffer big losses sooner or later.

"Don't worry about this matter, I will investigate it myself." Li Shilong said: "Change the county man, do you have any good suggestions?"

“I have been away from the Western Region for a long time and I don’t know what the situation is like there, so my rash suggestion may mislead Your Majesty.

Right now, we still need to send people to the Western Region to investigate, and at the same time increase the border garrison to prevent Yizhixie from making a surprise attack and catching us off guard! "

"Yes." Li Shilong nodded, then looked at Li Yue, "Who do you think would be more suitable to photograph?"

"Su Yun!" Li Yue said without hesitation: "Su Yun's military exploits are not outstanding, but he has experience in managing Annan and commanding large armies, so it is most appropriate for Su Yun to go!"

"Then I'll leave this matter to you!" Li Shilong also wants Li Yue to grow up, "Also, if you call Li Daoyuan and the others into the palace now, if you don't talk about this matter, this year will never go by! "

Li Shilong was very upset. It was worrying that something like this happened during the Chinese New Year.

He couldn't help but think, if only Qin Mo was here, he would definitely be able to give the best plan!

(End of this chapter)

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