big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1330 Li Xinliu’s backup plan!

Chapter 1330 Li Xinliu’s backup plan!

This year, Li Shilong had a particularly uncomfortable life.

As a result, all the ministers in the capital were not doing well.

Everyone was discussing the matter in the palace.

They were so nervous because they knew the power of thermal weapons.

Liu Chenghu was also among them, but he didn't say a word during the whole process.

Li Daoyuan said: "Now that we are on guard, we don't have to worry about Yizhi coming over. Going south will not do him any good. After all, there are 15 troops stationed in the south.

This does not include the more than [-] troops in Nanfan itself.

In the sky, there are more than [-] troops stationed on Niboluo's side.

The Northern Slaves also had a New Northern Slave Army led by military ministers, which also numbered 8 people.

Coming this way is undoubtedly seeking death.

So I personally prefer that Yi Zhixie is demonstrating to us. This demonstration is to warn us that they also have weapons to compete with us.

In short, it’s buying them time! "

"I agree!" Su Yun also nodded, "Since Yuezhi has been defeated, the army guarding Yuezhi must have been defeated by Yi Zhixie.

The top priority is to contact the people from the Dashi Kingdom, and then form a three-way surround on Yizhixie, forcing them to go west.

If I were Yi Zhixie, I would definitely not be stupid. He conquered Dabolu and Xiaobolu, and then Niboluo.

The depth is too long! "

Su Yun pointed at the map and said.

Everyone nodded.

Li Yue said: "In this case, for this western expedition, Su Yun will bring the general, become the king of the county, and assist the Duke of E, and go to the south by land.

I'll give you 3 people, and the rest will be transferred from Nanfan and Tianxiang, which is quick and easy. "

"Yes, I obey!" Su Yun knelt down on one knee, knowing very well that this was an opportunity.

It's a chance to avenge one's shame.

It was his goal to get back the big and small bolu, break through the Yuezhi, and defeat Yizhixie.

But it was just a conservative goal. If possible, he wanted to destroy Yi Zhixie in one battle.

Like Qin Mo, he raided the royal court of Beinu from thousands of miles away and captured and killed Maodun.

If he can destroy Yi Zhixie, he will be a general who can be compared with Qin Mo.

No one will remember that he led the main force to attack Xiakou Mountain for a long time without descending.

"Get up!" Li Yue glanced at Gongsun Min again, "You are the staff officer of the army!"

Gongsun Min's eyelids twitched and he quickly handed over his hands, "Wei minister, I obey!"

Afterwards, Li Yue appointed a few more people, and everyone dispersed.

On the way home, Gongsun Min asked: "Father, where do you think the weapon in Yi Zhixie's hand came from?"

"It's hard to say!" Gongsun Wuji shook his head, "As they said, it was probably Yizhi Xie who defeated the Yuezhi and Dashi garrison.

It is also possible that insiders were instigated to rebel. "

"Could it be Qin Mo?"

"What do you think Qin Mo thinks?" Gongsun Wuji snorted, "No one can be him, he won't use such despicable methods at all.

Although he doesn't seem to care about anything, he also has his pride and perseverance.

Whether these grenades or firearms, they are all made by the Qin people.

To be precise, it was developed under the leadership of Qin Mo.

Would he, a person who hates evil so much, let his enemies attack his own people?

I would rather believe that he would rebel than do such a thing! Gongsun Min nodded, "I was wrong!" "

"It's a good thing that the prince intends to promote you, but it's not safe to go here."


"Su Yuntai wants to avenge his embarrassment. Both his Majesty and the Crown Prince want to train Su Yun to be like Qin Mo, but a handsome man cannot be useful only through training, he also needs talent!
Talent is innate, it depends on nurture, it is very difficult!
How many years did it take for Liu Chenghu to be victorious in every battle?
How many years did it take for Qin Mo to appear?
The situation in the Western Region is strange and strange. If you don't understand it clearly, you will easily fall into trouble.

And the reason why Qin Mo is victorious in every battle is because of his intelligence ability.

He had built the Six Doors by himself. Before the battle, he had reviewed all the conceivable situations many times.

Therefore, even if there is any emergency, he can respond.

In this area, Su Yun lags behind Qin Mo too much.

Qin Mo's conspiracy is based on intelligence. When he makes a decision, he is already sure of victory. This is Qin Mo.

So everyone will feel at ease if he sends troops.

Such a reassuring general has no more than one hand in the court, and except for Qin Mo, everyone else is old.

If it were me, I would be very anxious. "

"I understand!" Gongsun Min cupped his hands and said, "Thank you father for your guidance."

"Let's go back and celebrate the New Year!"

But at this time, Qin Mo was in a very good mood in Lingnan!

He even received urgent reports from the Western Regions before the imperial court.

This urgent report came from the Six Gates of the Western Region, followed by information from the Qin Merchant Association. The information was very comprehensive.

"The Yuezhi and Dashi garrison bases are leaderless. Is it not a matter of time before they are breached? How stupid!
However, it’s really interesting! "

Qin Mo took the letter and came to a villa and knocked on the door.

The person who opened the door was not Gongsun Chong.

"Happy New Year, Jingyun!" Gongsun Chong said with cupped hands.

The little guy behind him also kowtowed to Qin Mo respectfully, "Best wishes to Master!"

"Do you know that I have the New Year's money with me, right?" Qin Mo took out a red envelope from his arms, stuffed it into the little guy's hand, and immediately hugged him, "Master also wishes you health and growth!"

Gongsun Chong quickly made an invitation gesture, "Please come in!"

"No, I'll just come over and ask you, father and son, if you want to go over and have New Year's Eve dinner together!" Qin Mo asked.

"Thank you for your kindness. It's not suitable for me to show up now. Although we are all your people here, please be careful and sail the ship for ten thousand years.

Moreover, our family of three is also celebrating the New Year! "

Qin Mo looked at the empty bowls and chopsticks, "You're celebrating the New Year, don't say such offensive things!"

Qin Mo never expected that the former prodigal would become so affectionate.

Gongsun Chong just smiled.

"By the way, Yi Zhixie defeated the Yueshi." Qin Mo said casually, but Gongsun Chong was not surprised at all.

"Oh, this Yi Zhixie is quite powerful!" Gongsun Chong said: "Much more powerful than his father!"

"You brought tens of thousands of people there last time. The firepower of the two garrison bases was enough to wipe out hundreds of countries in the Western Region. Don't give me a bad look!" Qin Mo said, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"Did I say anything?" Gongsun Chong asked.

"Do you need to say this? Don't say it's not your fault!" Qin Mo snorted, "With Yi Zhixie's fighting power, I can hold them down and rub them on the ground with one hand."

"Since you already know, why are you still asking!" Gongsun Chong smiled bitterly, "Cheng Qian is right, he told you that he couldn't hide this from you!"

"The Western Region is a fertile land. Although there are many deserts, there is black gold buried under the desert!"

(End of this chapter)

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