big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1336 The Turtle Kingdom is quite interesting!

Chapter 1336 The Turtle Kingdom is quite interesting!

Liu Chenghu is also a famous minister. If he is allowed to be manipulated honestly, he can survive.

However, this kind of living is not what he wants.

I have been working hard for Daqian for half my life, and this is it in the end?
"I don't want anything, I just want my daughter alive!" Liu Chenghu turned into that old-fashioned look again, and then said to Liu Rujian: "Go to the palace tomorrow morning to resign on my behalf, saying that I am seriously ill and cannot survive. used!"

"Yes, father!" Liu Rujian held out his hand.

Early the next morning, Liu Rujian entered the palace with Liu Chenghu's resignation letter and tiger charms.

Seeing what Liu Rujian handed over, Li Shilong couldn't help but sigh, "Cheng Hu is getting old too!"

"Your Majesty, my father has been fighting all his life and has been working hard for more than thirty years. He is full of problems. As a child, we really can't bear to have him running around!"

Liu Rujian knelt on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, please show me your filial piety!"

"Get up!" Li Shilong said: "Now is a troubled time, and there is no one available in the court. I don't agree with this resignation letter. Let Cheng Hu take a good rest. When he is well cultivated, he will go to court!"

No matter what Liu Rujian said, Li Shilong would not let go at all, and even gave Liu Rujian many rare supplements to take away.

However, the tiger talisman remained in the palace.

Liu Rujian knew very well that the emperor was just trying to save face, which was much better than Li Yue.

The scene performed by the father and son was just for outsiders to see.

Soon, Li Yue also received the news, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Ever since the last time Hu Hongyu entered the palace with a sword, he no longer trusted the Liu family.

It is impossible for the Liu family to control military power.

Liu Ruyu cannot afford to fall ill. If something happens, who dares to say whether the Liu family will have any kind of adoptive reaction?

But fortunately, Liu Chenghu is a smart man.

When you talk to a smart person, you don’t need to say it a second time.

Even the resignation of Du Jingming and others was nothing to him.

Only when the older generation leaves can he promote new people.

Only those who have been promoted by themselves can use it easily.

At the same time, a carriage stopped at the beach.

"Dad, we're here!" Du Youwei opened the car door and said.

"Just to the beach?" Du Jingming was lying down at the moment. The road was not bumpy, the road was flat, the climate was suitable, and it was very easy to sleep.

My insomnia problem has improved a lot over the years.

"Lao Du, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Qin Mo, Chai Rong and Dou Yiai were waiting here.

Hearing Qin Mo's voice, Du Jingming quickly stood up and straightened his clothes, "Jingyun, I'm sorry for bothering you!"

"Okay, we're all old acquaintances, don't play tricks on those vain people, it seems like your villa doesn't exist here!" Qin Mo waved his hand.

Du Jingming smiled and got out of the carriage.

A few years ago, he spent a year here with Li Shilong.

After returning home, I kept thinking about coming to the beach.

The climate here is pleasant, and everything else is perfect except that the water vapor is too heavy and not good for old bones.

Go fishing, go boating, watch the sky high and the water long, and go to the nearby beach to catch the sea when you are bored.

Eating all kinds of fruits, on that day, I really couldn’t bear to leave when the gods came.

"Lao Dou didn't come?"

"He went back to his hometown in Qizhou to worship his ancestors. This time he retires, and he plans to travel all over the country like your father-in-law!" Du Jingming said: "Old guy, he used to conquer the world and travel around, but he hasn't traveled enough yet. He can really do it!" "That's different. It used to be for survival, but now it's for relaxation. The mood is different!" "Is your father really going to sea?"

"Is that still fake?"

"Old guy, each one is more troublesome than the other!" Du Jingming snorted, "It's not interesting enough, and you don't know how to wait for me!"

"Do you want to go?"

"I don't want to bother with it at home, but I can do it abroad. Let's learn more!" Du Jingming said.

"My dad won't be back for a while. Maybe he's gone wild and won't come back!" Qin Mo said with a pun.

“I’m already old, and there’s nothing to miss here anymore. The whole family is here, and if you give me a thatched house, I can make my home anywhere!

However, my son said that there is a country called 'Turtle' overseas which is quite interesting! "

Qin Mo's face turned dark, "What's a 'turtle'? That's called Utopia!"

"They're almost the same!" Du Jingming waved his hand, "I'm quite interested in Utopia."

"Lao Du, you've learned too much!"

"I left you alone before!" Du Jingming said arrogantly: "Otherwise, when I conquered the world, you wouldn't even know where you were!"

"Okay, stop bragging!" Qin Mo pushed the bicycle in front of him, "Go home first, let's have a drink, it's easy to talk about going to Utopia, we need to gather a few people.

It’s not worth it if there are too few people! "

"I know you have a sly look on your face, and you are not a good person!" Du Jingming snorted, "Everyone in the world says you are filial, but I think you are rotten!"

"Then let's go!" Qin Mo jumped into the car and whistled, "Xiao Chai Xiao Dou, let's go!"

Dou Yiai suddenly cursed, "Old man, you just have a lot of things to do. My eldest brother came to pick you up personally, and you still have so much trouble!"

Du Jingming almost died of anger, "Dou Hanzi, what's wrong with you!"

"You scolded me, big brother, even if I didn't fuck you, you're fine!" Dou Yiai snorted, "Just like your son, he doesn't make progress!"

Du Youwei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Dad, this is my territory, keep a low profile!"

"What's wrong with me? If you have the ability, don't write to me. If you have the ability, don't come to ask me for help!" Du Jingming pointed at Qin Mo and said, "Qin fool, I count to three. If you don't come back, you're really gone. !”

"Is there a road behind you?" Qin Mo rang the bell, turned around and disappeared around the corner.

Du Jingming was so angry that he turned around and saw that the road was very long, but he no longer wanted to go back.

"You bitch, just treat it as what I owe you and pay it back to you, that's it!" Du Jingming put his hands behind his back and walked forward angrily.

"Dad, there's a carriage!"

"If you don't sit down, walk back!"

"Dad, don't be upset, it's quite far here!"

"I'll just walk back. I'm so ashamed of him!" Du Jingming said.

"If he was ashamed, he would have come back a long time ago!" Du Youwei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Is it okay to be angry with Qin Fool?
But he had no choice but to follow behind.

"Damn it, I came all the way here and I don't even know about Corporal Li Xian."

"The more I think about it, the angrier I get. I will return to Beijing early tomorrow morning. I don't want to go to that bullshit turtle country!"

"There are strong winds and waves. What if you die at sea? Your bones will have to be fed to the fish. I won't take risks!"

Listening to my father curse.

Du Youwei was stunned. He had never seen his father so vulgar since he was a child!

"Is this completely letting go?" Du Youwei thought to himself.

But when the two of them walked around the corner, they found Qin and Mo squatting there smoking, looking at the father and son in a mean manner!
(End of this chapter)

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