big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1337: Meet His Majesty the Ming Emperor!

Chapter 1337: Meet His Majesty the Ming Emperor!

"Hey, Lao Du, you haven't left yet?" Qin Mo exhaled a puff of smoke.

Du Jingming's face darkened, he turned around and left.

As a result, he was grabbed by Qin Mo after he had just taken a few steps, "Why are you so angry despite your age? Aren't you kidding me?

Let's go. Now that you're here, stop keeping a straight face.

From now on, whether you are here or going to 'Utopia', you will be happy.

I can't guarantee anything else. The only thing I can guarantee is that you will enjoy your old age in peace. "

The reason why Utopia is used instead of Ming is because I don’t want to reveal it too early.

"Remember, you asked me to come here!" Du Jingming said arrogantly: "Although the old Du family owes you a favor, one code will be the same!"

"Yes, yes, I begged you to come!" Qin Mo hooked his shoulder, "I was just kidding you, don't be angry!"

"Hmph!" Du Jingming raised his head, "You know what my temper is, and I will never be vague when it's time to punish you!"

"Good job. If you make a mistake, you should be punished. How can you make progress if you don't do it?" Qin Mo nodded repeatedly.

"This attitude is not bad." Du Jingming nodded before getting on the carriage.

Qin Mo winked at Du Youwei, and Du Youwei also smiled helplessly.

Looking at Qin Mo who was leading the way, Du Jingming also smiled and shook his head. How could he not know that Qin Mo did this specially.

The goal is to get him to relax and not tense up.

But after such a fuss, he no longer had any psychological burden.

In Qin Mo’s words, “Don’t worry about the road ahead without any friends!”

After catching the wind and washing away the dust, Du Jingming was very relaxed for two days.

While fishing at the beach, he said to Qin Mo: "When I live to this age, I am most relaxed only when I am here.

Very comfortable.

However, Lao Dou is not as open-minded as I am, and he always feels that he is owed a favor.

For me, all benevolence and righteousness have been exhausted.

The King of Yue is not a wise master, so he was pushed forward by you.

But, it doesn't matter if he is wise or not, he must at least be rational.

Just be a steadfast king.

After all, you are here.

I was really happy during that time. Every day when I was on duty, I seemed to have endless energy.

I always feel that I am doing something great, that my name will go down in history, and that I have become a famous official of a generation.

We eliminated bad governance that had not existed for thousands of years.

But later on, I became unhappy.

Do you know why? "

"I don't know." Qin Mo shook his head.

"Because the world you created is so good, so good that it is impeccable. Even though there are still many problems, do you know that feeling of the rising sun?
But later on, the world suddenly became seriously ill, and you were unable to do anything about it. Can you understand this feeling? "

"It's almost like constipation!" Qin Mo nodded.

"What you said is quite appropriate. I know what His Majesty means, and I have warned him before, but he seems to be determined.

After all, what happened before made him afraid. He was giving King Yue a trial and error and letting him experience it himself!
Things have changed, people have changed, and the world has changed.

I had insomnia all night long, and going to court to me was like going to court before you.

It was like someone was whipping me from behind. "

Du Jingming said: "I knew at that time that the dream had to end. The dreamer was gone. If I continued to stay, the dream would wake up. That would be too cruel for me!"

"It's nothing. If the pillow doesn't fit, just change it. If you don't get used to it at first, you will eventually get used to it.

I can understand your mood. Look, if possible, I would like to leave when I am old.

After all, there are too many things here that I can’t let go of. "

"You have to leave early, don't delay it any longer!" Du Jingming said: "If you go back to Beijing, it will be difficult to come out again!
I know you don't have that idea, and I admire you for that.

But your surname is Qin, not Li. If your surname is Li, I will try my best to push you up.

No, if your surname was Li, you would probably be in that position by now! "

"I don't want to be the emperor. The emperor is worthy of me, the queen is worthy of me, and even the emperor is worthy of me.

From the beginning to the end, there was only one person who felt ashamed of me.

As a human being, you must live up to your own conscience.

If I do something bad or leave in the future, I will be able to live up to my conscience, what do you think? "

"You're not as open as your father!" Du Jingming snorted.

"He can live up to his conscience, of course he can let it go!"

"The Emperor is not in good health. It's only been this year. You will definitely have to return to Beijing by then. Don't blame me for not reminding you that conscience is relative. Look at how many people are behind you." Du Jingming put away his stick and directly gone.

Qin Mo looked at the long blue sky and always felt that the blue sky was unrealistic.

"As long as Lao Liu is still alive, he will not touch me!" Qin Mo murmured.

At this time, there is a distant utopia, a country called Ming.

At the free harbor, two huge statues were erected.

The two statues stared at each other.

One of them is a young man. If you look closely, he looks very similar to Qin Mo.

The other one is an old man. Who else could he be if he wasn't Lao Qin?

The giant ship sailed into the harbor with black smoke.

Lao Qin held Qin Shuangshuang in one hand and Qin Xiuying in the other.

From a distance, he saw the huge statue.

"Grandfather, these two statues are you and my uncle!" The person who spoke was a descendant of the Qin clan, "This is the free port of the Ming Dynasty and the capital of the Ming Dynasty, Xijing!
Currently, more than 200 million people live in Xijing. The first batch of people who came here a few years ago only had [-] people.

In these years, we have wiped out the entire Ming Dynasty and captured more than 300 million local indigenous people.

Now these natives have become part of the Ming Dynasty.

In recent years, immigration and intermarriage have continued, and the population of Ming Dynasty has reached close to 600 million! "

"So many?" Qin Xiangru clicked his tongue.

"Yes, those of us who immigrated from Daqian all have a national name, and that is Qin people!

The Ming Dynasty is following the path of multi-ethnic integration. In the next 30 years, it is necessary to ensure that the number of Qin people who immigrated from Daqian will account for more than half!
Secondly, there are immigrants from Japan, Gaoli, Nanyang, and the Western Regions.

At present, the empire continues to expand to the north. There are still about 100 million people there. Once it is completely conquered, the population of the empire will exceed 700 million!
Is the proportion of Qin people too small? "

"Grandpa, don't worry about this. My uncle has formulated a clear policy, and with Chai Cabinet here, the current war situation is very good.

The primitive natives newly incorporated into the Ming Dynasty will be put into labor reform, and women of appropriate age will have official marriages!
Moreover, the Ming Dynasty has strong ships and powerful artillery, and we have an active army of more than [-] people.

The weapons we use are stronger and newer than Da Gan, and our combat methods are even more advanced!
Even if Da Qian knew about Ming, Ming would still be determined to defend the empire. "

Qin Xiangru nodded, and soon the ship docked.

Chai Shao and his cabinet members were waiting at the pier. When they saw Prime Minister Qin coming down, Chai Shao bowed his head and said, "Chai Shao, a humble minister, pays homage to His Majesty the Ming Emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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