big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1338 My son is destined!

Chapter 1338 My son is destined!

Qin Xiangru was also stunned, and immediately stepped forward and helped Chai Shao, "My dear, what are you doing?
We are all a family, where can we kneel? "

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone around him knelt down.

As the salute exploded, a roar like a mountain came to Lao Qin's ears.

"Long live His Majesty the Ming Emperor!"

"Long live His Majesty the Ming Emperor!"

At that moment, Lao Qin's face turned red with excitement.

Damn it, isn’t this the picture he thinks about day and night?

He couldn't help but straighten his back.

He saw many familiar faces, all of them were descendants of the Qin clan.

They were dressed in bright red and their guns were loaded.

The salute and the firing of guns were so beautiful that Lao Qin didn’t even know where to put them.

Just when Lao Qin was confused, someone came over with a dragon robe.

This dragon robe was designed by Qin Mo, and it was fiery red, with a golden dragon spreading its teeth and claws on the chest and back.

Lao Qin was dumbfounded and allowed them to put on the dragon robe for him.

At that moment, Lao Qin felt like he was dead. He had to sit in the highest position when meeting his ancestors.

He turned to look at Qin Xiuying and held back a sentence for a long time, "Xiuying, are we handsome?"

Qin Xiuying looked at Lao Qin timidly.

To be honest, she was a little scared when they knelt down and shouted long live the Ming Emperor.

Now that she saw Lao Qin wearing a bright red dragon robe, she didn't know what to say.

Should I kneel down with them and shout long live the mountain together, or what?

After all, she is not the real wife.

But after hearing Lao Qin's words and seeing him sweating with excitement, he couldn't help but laugh, and everyone around him also laughed.

"Jun!" Qin Xiuying nodded.

"Shuangshuang, from today on, you are the eldest princess of the Ming Dynasty!" Qin Xiangru held Qin Shuangshuang in his arms and said.

This may be the simplest worship ceremony and crowning ceremony, but in Lao Qin's eyes, he is actually not worthy of this status.

This throne belongs to Qin Mo.

He pulled Chai Shao up and said, "In-laws, get up quickly, everyone!"

Chai Shao looked at the embarrassed Qin Xiangru and laughed, "Your Majesty, please speak!"

"Your Majesty, I just came here to see what the Ming Dynasty founded by my son is like, and you just put me in a dragon robe, it's such a child's play!" Qin Xiangru said: "This throne belongs to my son!"

"But the prince has already written a letter, and the dragon robe has been made according to His Majesty's size long ago. Even His Majesty's palace has been made!" Chai Shao said: "If His Majesty the Emperor doesn't make it, then we can only wait. The prince is back!"

Everyone looked at Qin Xiangru and kept kowtowing, "The Ming Dynasty has not had a king for several years. Please come here and lead us to overcome thorns and set new highs!"

"Hey, you guys, I...we..." Qin Xiangru didn't know how to call himself for a while.

"Your Majesty, it's time to call yourself me!" Chai Shao cupped his hands and said.

Qin Xiangru's breathing became rapid.

It's really amazing. He, Old Qin, never dreamed that one day he would be able to call himself me, a lonely man!

But there is no way, he is lucky and has a good son.

He took a few deep breaths and said, "Okay, then I'll just say a few words!"

This title means Qin Xiangru's complete break with Da Qian.Somewhat ashamed, the remaining trace of friendship in his heart was tearing at his heart.

But what’s more, I’m excited and proud!
Everyone looked at Qin Xiangru eagerly. Except for the people who immigrated from Daqian, most of them were unfamiliar faces.

Although there are statues, pictures, and textbooks, they spread the greatness of the Qin family.

But that's not true.

Today, Qin Xiangru is standing at the pier. The old Qin, who is over 50, has shrunk a lot and is no longer the same as before, but among everyone, he is still tall and tall.

He showed the scornful aura he had when he was a commander in the past, and his sharp eyes swept over him. Some people who were not strong-willed did not even dare to look at him.

"This throne belongs to my son, the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty, Qin Mo and Qin Jingyun!"

Qin Xiangru said: "I am only temporarily taking photos of the Ming Dynasty on his behalf.

It only took a few years for Ming Dynasty to come into existence from scratch. This is a miracle and the result of the hard work of everyone in Ming Dynasty.

This shows that Ming Dynasty is the true destiny and the destiny!
My son, it is destiny! "

The content of what Lao Qin said was one thing: Qin Mo is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty and is the destiny of the Ming Dynasty!
"Long live your Majesty, a thousand lives His Royal Highness!"

Everyone shouted again!

After speaking, Qin Xiangru took Chai Shao's hand, and Chai Shao also began to introduce Ming Dynasty officials to Qin Xiangru.

“At present, the Ming Dynasty, like the Daqian Dynasty, does not establish a prime minister, but it strengthens the rights of the six ministries, collectively known as the Six Pavilions.

Above the minister of each pavilion, there is also a pavilion elder.

The six ministries all have clear responsibilities, do not interfere with each other, and separate military and political affairs!
The six departments only care about people's livelihood, while the military department is responsible for war. "

"What about the Ministry of War?"

“Such as patrols to protect people’s livelihood, the Security Bureau, these are all managed by the Ministry of War!
The Ministry of War does not care about the war! Chai Shao said: "This is the wisdom of the prince. Civil and military affairs have nothing to do with each other, but they restrain each other!"

There will be neither militarism nor relaxation of military preparedness. "

Old Qin listened carefully, curious about the country established by Qin Mo.

At this time, countless people were standing on both sides of the spacious street.

These local primitive aborigines are actually quite similar to the Dagan people, especially the primitive aboriginal women, who are not blond or blue-eyed.

However, there are also many blond and blue-eyed Westerners.

There are also some people who look like Gao Li and Japanese people.

They knelt on the ground to welcome Qin Xiangru.

The steam locomotive moved forward slowly, and Qin Xiangru waved to them.

"Why doesn't Xijing have a city wall? Isn't it easy to break through?" Qin Xiangru said.

"Then they must have that ability!" Chai Shao said: "Our weapons are far better than Daqian, whether it is power or shooting distance, they cannot compare.

Secondly, the prince said that when electricity is built, Ming Dynasty will surpass Ming Dynasty for decades.

At that time, skyscrapers will rise one after another.

There are also legendary planes that can also fly into the sky. Even if the opponent has warships, it is impossible to shoot down the plane from the sky! "

Lao Qin was stunned, "Is this what my idiot said?"

"Your Majesty, you can't call the prince a fool now!" Chai Shao reminded.

"That's right, he will be the emperor in the future. It's too shameful to call him a fool!" Qin Xiangru said: "But my son has a sense of propriety in doing things. If he says he won't build a city wall, then don't build a city wall!
By the way, did my son say anything about his aunt? "

"Yes, I'll let Your Majesty decide what to do, and you can be canonized as Queen, whatever you want will do!" Chai Shao said in a suppressed voice, "But Your Majesty, it's better to canonize the Crown Prince's biological mother first!"

"This can't be left behind!" Qin Xiangru nodded. Although Qin Mo also respected Qin Xiuying, after thinking about it, Lao Qin still couldn't canonize her as the queen!

(End of this chapter)

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