big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1339 I have a clear conscience!

Chapter 1339 I have a clear conscience!

If Qin Xiuying is made a queen, what if she has a baby again in the future?
Although it is not easy for Qin Xiuying at her advanced age, there is a slight possibility that it will not work.

The Ming Dynasty was founded by Qin Mo, and no one else deserves to be contaminated.

Even his later son is not qualified.

Qin Mo himself has so many boys. Anyway, what he does in the future is Qin Mo's business. He is just a temporary substitute now.

Soon, the emperor of Ming Dynasty arrived at his palace.

This palace is still under construction, but it is huge, even bigger than Daqian's palace.

Hundreds of thousands of labor are being spent on construction.

"What is this palace called?"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said, this is called the Forbidden City!"

"Good name!"

Qin Xiangru nodded and looked at the tall imperial city. The red paint looked so festive.

The convoy entered it, and the huge palace directly covered Daqian's palace.

"This is the Meridian Gate, this is the Fengtian Hall, over there is the Kunning Palace, over there is the East Palace, and the Yeting Palace."

"It's quite big!"

"It's twice as big as Daqian Palace!" Chai Shao said.

Old Qin clicked his tongue, "Then when I leave the palace, won't I have to walk for a long time?"

"It's indeed quite far, but His Majesty can go out directly by car. There is a special driveway, which makes it convenient to get out of the palace!"

Qin Xiangru nodded.

When he sat on the dragon chair in Fengtian Hall, he felt that surge of emotion that he would never forget until the day he died.

Especially when everyone is kneeling on the ground and shouting long live the mountain.

Qin Xiangru calmed down and said: "Let's hold a banquet. The Ministry of Rites will come out with a charter to give the prince's biological mother a posthumous title and canonize her as a queen.

In addition, my daughter, my daughter-in-law, and my eldest grandson all need to be canonized. "

He couldn't just think about himself, he also had to settle on this.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The person who serves as the Minister of Rites is Qin Youwei, both of whom are from the Qin tribe.

"Also, bring the map of the whole country. I want to see it. In addition, call all the civil and military ministers who can be summoned tomorrow!" Qin Xiangru entered the role very quickly. He must find out the situation of the Ming Dynasty clearly.

Then hold the power firmly in your hands.

This is also for unnecessary trouble.

Although Qin Mo wanted to be perfect, he used many means to restrict and control them.

But there is no leader. As time goes by, it is inevitable that they will become obsessed with each other.

Now that he is here, he must eliminate the shortcomings of Ming Dynasty!

That night, Qin Xiangru slept on the large dragon chair. What he didn't expect was that the plump mothers at home also came over.

Looking at these familiar faces, Qin Xiangru went crazy.

Can't we avoid these nuns when we arrive in Ming Dynasty?
However, Qin Xiangru also lay down, and he had no idea of ​​taking a concubine.

Most of the eunuchs who served Qin Xiangru were Gao Linu and Wozhou slaves. They understood Da Gan's speech and were able to summon him easily.

"Old man, it's like I'm dreaming!" Qin Xiuying looked at her husband, "Is this true?"

"Of course it's true. One day, our old Qin will be able to wear a dragon robe and become the Supreme Being!" During the day, Qin Xiangru said sheepishly.

It was dark and quiet at night, and Qin Xiangru was grinning almost to the back of his ears! "Okay, I know you are the emperor, but I still feel uneasy. What do you think will happen if Daqian finds out?" Qin Xiuying asked worriedly.

"You're so scared, let alone whether he will know or not. Even if he knows, so what?" Qin Xiangru snorted, "In my life as a soldier, how many swords have I blocked and how much suffering have I suffered for the Li family and his son?

My son didn't feel sorry for their father and son either, right?

I have a clear conscience. I neither stole Da Gan’s world nor killed him alone, right?
You say, what am I afraid of?
Even if Li Shilong is standing in front of me now, I still have a clear conscience! "

"I'm just saying, are you so angry?"

"Why shouldn't I be angry? I don't know what the King of Yue wants to do? Although I have seen this kind of thing too many times, I feel unhappy!

He wanted to attack the Qin family and frighten others, thereby achieving his ridiculous goal.

How stupid!
In other words, my idiot is extremely loyal and nostalgic. If it were anyone else, he would have rebelled long ago! "

Qin Xiangru snorted, "The sky is big and the earth is big. Since I can't be a minister of the Li family, then I can establish myself as king. One is in the east and the other is in the west. The water in the well does not interfere with the water in the river."

If he is really that tough, then give it a try. I want to see if he dares to come! "

Qin Xiuying couldn't help but cheer Qin Xiangru, "I know you are angry, but I always feel guilty!"

"There is nothing to be ashamed of. When I am the emperor, you will be my concubine. When the fool comes over, let him be the emperor. I will be my supreme emperor and you will be your empress dowager.

Let’s travel around the mountains and rivers to see how beautiful our Ming Dynasty is. From now on, we no longer have to nod and bow to others, how great it is! "

Hearing what Qin Xiangru said, Qin Xiuying also nodded, "I hope Mo'er will come here soon. If he doesn't come, I always feel like I can't sleep well."

"Women's mentality!" Qin Xiangru snorted.

"What's wrong with the woman's mentality? I've never fought in a war or killed anyone. What's wrong with me being afraid?" Qin Xiuying stood up, pinched her waist with both hands, and frowned, "I'm telling you, old man, don't think that you Now that you are the emperor, I dare not deal with you.

If you dare to take a concubine, I will destroy you. If you don’t believe me, try it! "

"Ouch, Xiuying, don't pull your ears, it hurts!" Qin Xiangru chewed his teeth and breathed in cold air, "Don't pull your ears, it won't look good in court tomorrow!"

"Hmph!" Qin Xiuying said: "Remember, it doesn't matter if you are the emperor, I still suppress the emperor!"

Qin Xiangru covered his ears and sighed, "In the future, give me some noodles in front of outsiders, otherwise it will be difficult to manage others, you know?"

"see your performance!"

Qin Xiangru quickly helped Qin Xiuying squeeze her legs, "Xiuying, is this strength appropriate?"

"Well, it's okay, keep it up!"

The next day, Qin Xiangru got up early. With the crowd waiting on him, he was dressed neatly and wore the emperor's crown, which was very impressive.

When we walked up to the Jinluan Hall and all the officials paid their respects, it happened to be that the sun was rising, and the sunlight shined directly in, as if Qin Xiangru had been given a golden coat.

After everyone saw the ceremony, Qin Xiangru also generally knew the official positions of these people, and he was unusually calm when he went to court.

They are all about talking about things, civil and military affairs have nothing to do with it.

They should never interfere with matters that should not be interfered with.

That process was so fast that Qin Xiangru couldn't even imagine it.

He thought that Daqian's restructuring had been fast enough, but Ming Dynasty paid more attention to efficiency.

Not long after, all the problems were presented and sorted out, and there were several options for Qin Xiangru to choose from.

This emperor is too unskilled to be the emperor.

Qin Xiangru suppressed the memorial and said, "I will give you an answer later. Let's talk about the canonization first!"

At this time, Qin Youwei came out and said, "Your Majesty, the ministers and everyone in the Ministry of Rites discussed it and recommended that the crown prince's biological mother be canonized as empress Xu, a kind, filial and benevolent queen!"

(End of this chapter)

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