big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1340 The two countries will have a war sooner or later!

Chapter 1340 The two countries will have a war sooner or later!
There is no problem with this posthumous title, but there is a problem now, that is, Queen Xu's bones have not been moved here yet.

Therefore, for the time being, we can only build a tomb.

Although Qin Xiuying is also a member of the Qin tribe, she still cannot compare with Queen Xu's status in Lao Qin's heart.

If Queen Xu was still alive, there would be nothing wrong with Qin Xiuying.

Then Qin Xiuying was canonized as the imperial concubine.

Then there is Qin Shuangshuang, the eldest princess of the Ming Dynasty.

At present, the entire Great Cause only has fifty cities, so there are not many to choose from.

Then there is the matter of canonizing the prince. Because Qin Mo has too many children and they are young, the matter of the prince has not yet been established.

As for the Crown Princess, it is also a troublesome matter.

Lao Qin finally said: "Forget it, let's wait until my silly prince comes. It's not easy for me to make a decision on this matter!"

Therefore, in the canonization ceremony, a lonely person was canonized in the end.

After the ceremony was over, Lao Qin spent a few more days to thoroughly understand the Ming Dynasty's system and phalanx.

There are six elders in the Liuge Department, and there are also six elders in the military department, ranging from infantry to navy, air force, and artillery.
All are carefully divided.

There are shadows of Dagan, but the system is more advanced than Dagan.

Every day, Lao Qin only had to spend one morning to review the memorials, and he could spend the afternoon as he pleased.

However, Lao Qin is not a man who can live idle. What he is most concerned about is the food problem.

Qin Youde, the chief minister of the Ministry of Personnel, introduced in detail: "We have all the grain varieties available in Daqian.

Moreover, this area is more suitable for farming, especially the central and southern parts, which are more suitable for planting. There have been bumper grain harvests in recent years.

At present, the national treasury has about [-] million stone in grain reserves.

With a new wave of immigrants, Ming's farmland will increase by a quarter this year.

In the plan for the next three years, the amount of grain stored cannot be less than [-] million shi!

At the same time, according to news from the military headquarters, the south can be conquered within this year, and then the north can be conquered. According to detection, the land in the north is larger.

The final land may be larger than Daqian now.

And continuing to the south, there are countries, and the land area of ​​those countries is also not small!

We have to prepare for the big migration! "

"So big?" Lao Qin clicked his tongue.

Who would have thought that there is such a vast land on the other side of the world.

How could such a large land support many descendants of the Qin family?

Even if the enfeoffment lasts for hundreds of years, it will not be used up.

“Currently, the Ministry of Household Affairs is encouraging childbirth. The fewer children you have, the higher the tax will be. The more children you have, the state will support you. Otherwise, there will be too few people.

The fifty cities of the Ming Dynasty are full of ghosts and monsters outside the city. In the words of the prince, large-scale infrastructure construction and large-scale development must be carried out.

Not only must we build roads, but we must also build railways.

At that time, we will have to trade with the Western Region.

There will still be trade intersections with Daqian in the future! "

"Let's talk about the future in the future!" Qin Xiangru said.

Seeing that Lao Qin had an escape mentality, Qin Youde said: "Your Majesty, you must have an escape mentality. This is inevitable.

This side is indeed barbaric, mostly uncivilized savages, while the east has a long history of civilization.

We must communicate to become stronger.

Only by attracting those people can we create a legend belonging to Ming Dynasty! "

"When did I escape?" Lao Qin glanced at him sideways, "I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to control myself and start a fight!" "There's nothing to be afraid of when it comes to fighting. People from the military department have done drills before. Wait until Ming Dynasty takes action. If these lands are swallowed up, at least 5000 million people will be needed to develop them.

Relying on childbearing, not even a few decades are useless.

The best way is to immigrate from the East.

Once Daqian understands our intentions, there will be a battle! "Qin Youde said.

"Will you die if you don't answer my words?" Qin Xiangru directly kicked Qin Youde.

"I was wrong, uncle!" Qin Youde said, covering his buttocks.

Qin Xiangru was speechless. Maybe it was because he was so familiar with it that he always felt weird.

It's not that he doesn't think they have a sense of awe, he actually doesn't like that too much.

Maybe it was because the country had just been founded and it was not created by him, so I always felt a little uncomfortable.

"What about the Ministry of Industry?"

"Uncle, I'm here!" Qin Youxi stepped forward, "The Ministry of Industry plans to add [-] new cities this year, build [-] miles of cement roads, build [-] reservoirs, and build [-] miles of river embankments!"

"Those barbarians, don't exploit them too hard!" Qin Xiangru gritted his teeth when he heard this.

"Don't worry, uncle. We work six hours a day, have three meals a day, and don't get any rest. This treatment is much better than what they lived before.

Uniform work uniforms are also distributed! "Qin Youxi said: "The treatment here is better than that of the labor reform slaves in Dagan! "

Qin Xiangru nodded, "Urban construction must also keep up. Hospitals, schools, bus stops, and libraries are all indispensable."

"I know, uncle!"

Qin Xiangru said as he walked, followed by a large number of people.

Qin Xiangru was not used to it at first, but gradually he found a feeling.

Now that Ming Dynasty has a leader, it's like clenching its fists, and all its strength has its place.

Everyone has hope and knows what they should do.

Even though I had plans before, I always felt like something was missing, as if these were not real.

Now that people's hearts are stable, everyone is working hard to create a country that is not inferior to Daqian.

In the Fengtian Hall, Chai Shao raised his wine glass and said, "It is better for your Majesty to be here for a month than for me to work hard here for half a year."

"Okay, there are no outsiders here, you are your Majesty's minister, don't do this, I'm not Li Er, don't be afraid!" Qin Xiangru said.

Chai Shao laughed, "That's not okay, the rules can't be messed with!"

"My rules are rules!" Lao Qin put down his wine glass and said, "I don't want to be a loner. If you don't respect me in your heart, even if you see me kowtow every day, what's the point?

On this point, Hanzi and I have the same idea. Look at the Ming Dynasty law. Except in public places and in ceremonies to worship heaven, you are not allowed to kneel down and worship. You only need to hold your hands.

This is a good point. What we are going to build is an unprecedented new country. How boring would it be if everything was done mechanically?
You just escaped from Daqian to a new Daqian, what's the point? "

"It's the prince"

"I'm happy to call him fool, but don't worry!" Qin Xiangru said: "I've been calling him for more than 20 years, and I'm used to it. Calling him prince makes my skin crawl all over my body.

Don't just keep talking to your majesty, I'll be satisfied, let's do whatever we want in private, do you know, in-laws! "

Chai Shao smiled and nodded, his hanging heart relieved.

To be honest, he liked Daming so much and this relaxed and hard-working atmosphere.

Everyone is working hard to do one thing.

He didn't dare to think about what would happen in the future.

But the next two generations of emperors of the Ming Dynasty will definitely be virtuous and saintly kings!

(End of this chapter)

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