big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1341 Something happened to the three brothers in the corner!

Chapter 1341 Something happened to the three brothers in the corner!
"I didn't expect that even though I am old, I can still help Jingyun achieve great things!" Chai Shao said with a smile.

"Stop talking about you, I suffered so much from him!" Qin Xiangru cursed and said, "If that bastard is here, I have to beat him!"

He cursed harshly, but the corners of his mouth reached behind his ears.

"He also thinks a lot, no, this time I brought all the old guys from Northern Zhou here, and they live very comfortably here.

That day was much happier than mine! "Chai Shao said.

"Come on, let's go!" Qin Xiangru held up the cup, feeling extremely happy.

The two chatted for more than an hour before Chai Shao said goodbye and left.

Although he is old, his personality and experience in life are not comparable to those of ordinary people.

Those leftovers from the Northern Zhou Dynasty were even more rejuvenated and worked hard to lay a solid foundation for the Ming Dynasty.

In ten years, at most ten years, Ming Dynasty will stand on top of the world.

At that time, it was up to Qin Mo whether he would fight for hegemony or rule by dividing the borders.

It’s extremely hot in Lingnan in June, but Qin Mo is eating pina coladas, drinking cold drinks, and blowing the sea breeze, and it’s not that hot at all.

This pina is the jackfruit.

Sugako knelt on the ground, carefully removed the core of the jackfruit, and then handed it to Qin Mo's mouth.

This summer, Qin Mo's sunburn became even darker.

In order to keep up with Qin Mo, Sugako also tanned herself into a wheat color.

"I'm full!" Qin Mo waved his hand, and then sighed contentedly, "Xiao Gao, do you have any new information?"

"Yes!" Gao Yao took out the information and handed it over.

Qin Mo took it apart and looked at it, and smiled, "Oh, it's so fast, we started fighting!"

Su Yun sent out troops in March, and now it is June. Taking into account the distance and the deployment of troops and generals, it is almost the same.

Su Yun was quite fierce. He sent troops to directly crush Yizhixie, and then moved all the way westward.

Cheng San's ax circled around and caught Yizhixie by surprise, annihilating nearly [-] of Yizhixie's troops.

After capturing Dashi and Yueshi, the number of people under Yizhixie's command reached more than 3000 million.

This is an extremely exaggerated number of people.

Although the territory is not as large as that of Da Gan, in terms of war potential, it is capable of competing with Da Gan.

But Yizhixie is too bloated. If it takes two or three years to digest it, I'm afraid he won't lose so quickly.

However, when he saw the second message, Qin Mo's face darkened.

According to intelligence, Su Yun was eager for quick success and asked Li Yongmeng, Cheng Dabao and others to lead a vanguard force of 5000 people across the battlefield.

As a result, he was ambushed by Yi Zhixie, and the lives of 5000 people were uncertain!

"Damn it, this is Yi Zhixie's plan!" Qin Mo stood up suddenly and cursed: "Five thousand vanguard troops were passing through, what did he want to do? Behead him?
Stupid, Yuezhi's complex terrain, can you easily cross it if you don't understand it?

Most of the more than [-] people beheaded by Cheng Sanaxe were Yuezhi and Dashi people.

Yi Zhixie's real elite is still there, so what kind of career is he in? "

He hurried to the sand table room, where there were rough sand tables of the countries in the Western Regions.

Dou Yiai, Chai Rong, Du Youwei, and Du Jingming also came.

Qin Mo said something to them and began to look at the sand table seriously.

"Su Yun wants to be like you, go around behind and give Yi Zhixie a precise blow.

If successful, the war may be over by now! "Du Jingming said.

"I'm afraid, it's not just that!" Qin Mo sneered, "Why are it the three of them, Li Yongmeng?" Qin Mo has been waiting for the three of them.

Only two of the original seven brothers were around.

Su Yun was afraid that he was instigated by someone to do such a stupid thing.

"What should we do?" Chai Rong said, "The lives of the three of them, Brave Dabao, are uncertain. Should we just watch?"

Dou Yiai was also anxious, "Are these three little trashes brainless? Give us 5000 people and they could push Yizhi Xianping!"

"Stop bragging!" Qin Mo glared at him, "Yi Zhixie holds weapons and ammunition from two garrison bases in his hands, which is enough to overwhelm the reserves of both countries.

When we attacked Tianxiang, the ammunition reserve I brought was less than half.

If it were me, would you believe that I could defeat all the Tianxiang Nanfan and even threaten the Daqian capital and force them to negotiate peace? "

"Letter!" Dou Yiai's head was pounding.

"No matter what Su Yun's plan is now, something has happened, and the top priority is not to know what's going on with the court.

We in Lingnan must not interfere in this matter, not even ask! "Du Jingming said.

"A few days ago, I received news from the capital. Lao Ba also asked me how to re-divide Lingnan and who should control the Beihai Navy.

This little piece of trash directly removed Lao Liu from his position as the general manager of the Bohai Navy and divided the Bohai Navy into three.

How doesn't this increase the risk?

Although they restrict each other, the three countries are too far apart. If one of them has different intentions, it will actually encourage his ambitions.

Now in the court, where can I find those prestigious veterans in the military to take charge of the overall situation?

Isn't this self-defeating martial arts?
How stupid! "

The territory of Daqian is so vast, and there are so many places to defend, yet we are still excluding dissidents here.

All the prestigious and capable generals have gone out.

All the clan members of Longyou are in battle, and it is impossible to defend them completely.

"It's too urgent. If we come to divide them in ten or twenty years, it would be a good deed." Du Jingming said, stroking his beard.

"He may have thought he wouldn't survive until then!" Chai Rong sneered.

"Damn it, you are trying to divide the power in the fool's hands!" Dou Yiai said angrily.

"Then how did you get back?" Du Youwei asked.

"What can he do? He can come as he wants!" Qin Mo shrugged, "After all, Lingnan is such a big piece of meat, who wouldn't be jealous of it?"

"However, I am afraid that the imperial court will not be so anxious to divide it this time!" Gongsun Chong, who had been silent until now, spoke up, "Now we are afraid that Su Yun's attack will fail. When the time comes, the imperial court will ask Jingyun to assist, wait for Jingyun to leave, and then "

Everyone's expressions became serious.

"Probably not, Cheng Sanfu is here with Prince Cheng, or if it doesn't work, there is Prince Heng.

Since the imperial court wants to suppress Jing Yun, it shouldn't let him get the limelight!
It is even more impossible to attack Lingnan when Jingyun is on the expedition. It would be too ugly! "Du Jingming said.

"Lao Du is right." Qin Mo waved his hand, "The most important thing now is to contact them. I think Cheng Heizi and Prince Cheng are more urgent than us at this time.

First, find out whether Yongnieng and the others are safe. If they are still alive, Yi Zhixie will definitely use this as a threat.

As long as people are alive, there is hope.

Let’s stop messing around first! "

Qin Mo was actually more anxious than anyone else, but now that he was thousands of miles away, it was useless for him to be anxious.

It will only cause chaos.

If there is anything wrong with these three brothers, he will slaughter the Northwest slaves and not spare any of them!
(End of this chapter)

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