big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1345 When barbarism conquers civilization!

Chapter 1345 When barbarism conquers civilization!
At the same time, Yuezhi.

The three brothers in the corner were detained and their lives were extremely miserable.

Every day I had to eat food and do hard work.

The three of them lost a lot of weight.

"Damn Yi Zhixie, wait, when I get out, I will chop you ten thousand times!" Cheng Dabao walked forward little by little with a heavy object on his shoulders.

"Brother, stop talking and save your energy!" Cheng Xiaobao said weakly with chapped lips and his upper body naked.

Li Yongmeng gasped and said: "Blind, Yi Zhixie caught us but didn't kill us. He must be planning something.

A few days ago, another person was arrested, and he must have suffered a defeat.

It's a shame that they don't allow us to communicate, otherwise we would know what's going on outside! "

"Yongfeng, do you think the fool will come to save us?" Cheng Dabao asked: "I can't survive this shitty life for a day. If this continues, I will die of exhaustion if not starvation!"

"When we came here, all the fools had gone to Lingnan, which is at least three to five thousand miles away from here.

And it’s not like you don’t know that the prince is no longer the prince he used to be. "Li Yongmeng snorted, "I really don't deserve to be blamed for this idiot! "

"Don't forget, your surname is also Li!" Cheng Dabao reminded.

"You bitch, stop fucking testing me!" Li Yong spat fiercely, "My surname is Li, which is fine, but I have a conscience.

Daqian is where he is today because of the fool.

Whether your majesty treats fools well or not, we brothers can all see it.

But can the prince applaud a fool?

Is this how you treat your brother?
What is he without a fool?
Has he forgotten the scene when His Majesty hit his head with a pen?
Or has he forgotten how he became the crown prince?
During the Lingnan period, who turned the tide and saved him? "

Cheng Xiaobao raised his eyebrows at Cheng Dabao.

Cheng Dabao said: "Okay, can I blame you wrongly?"

"Hmph, don't say you haven't received Hanzi's letter, I have already received it!" Li Yong said fiercely: "I thought the battle would be over in a few months and I would go back to see Hanzi.

But it's better now. He's behind bars, and Su Yun is a pig.

I really don’t know what the prince was thinking. Back then, the main force of [-] people lost thousands of people and captured Xiakou Mountain.

Now let him be the main force.

My father and Uncle Cheng, which one is not better than him? "

Li Yongmeng became angrier as he talked.

Cheng Dabao said: "Okay, save some energy, this hot weather will kill you!"

He glanced at the scorching sun above his head. Now the three of them were all tanned, and they still looked like they used to.

"If you dare to be lazy, hurry up and leave!" A guard from the northwest slaves whipped Li Yongmeng on the body with a whip.

Li Yong gritted his teeth in pain and said, "Son of a bitch, wait, one day, I'm going to cramp your skin and skin you!"

"Okay, okay, let's go quickly and stop saying a few words!" Cheng Xiaobao couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Cheng Dabao prayed: "I hope the fool will come to save us soon, that Su Yun is too unreliable!"

Just as he was talking, a northwest slave guard walked over angrily and said something to the guard on the side.

Then he angrily walked up to the three of them, and the whip fell on them.

After the beating, the three men were taken to the side to cut the stone.

Now the northwest slaves have seized a batch of firearms, and no one dares to escape.

There is a circle of landmines outside, and if you escape, you will die.

At this moment, the guard who beat them took something out of his arms and threw it on the ground. He immediately raised his eyebrows and said very quickly: "Six doors, spy war department, northwest slave, No. [-] Captain Seven has met three generals. Don’t be afraid, three generals. When I pass the news on, a rescue plan will be prepared."

The three of them were stunned and immediately became excited.

"Stop talking, I'm leaving first!" The captain of the seventh team took a deep look at the three of them, then walked out, picked up a whip and started beating the others.

"I knew that idiot would definitely come to save us!" Cheng Dabao burst into tears at that time.

"You're crying!" Li Yongmeng quickly picked up the leg of lamb on the ground, tore off a large piece and handed it to Cheng Xiaobao, who was feeling unwell. He and Cheng Dabao shared half of the rest.

The three of them didn't say anything, and there was a flurry of air. They even smashed the lamb leg bones and sucked out the marrow inside.

The leg of lamb was not too big, but it was definitely the best meal the three brothers had eaten in the past twenty days.

"It's alive!" Cheng Xiaobao sucked his fingers with satisfaction, still savoring the deliciousness of the lamb leg.

"Cheer up!" Li Yongmeng also gained strength at this time, and he knew that Hanzi must have a back-up plan.

Since people from the Spy War Department have infiltrated the Northwest slaves, it means that countless people from the Spy War Department have corrupted the Northwest slaves.

"We have to find ways to find out more information. We can't just sit back and wait for our brothers from the Espionage Department to come rescue us!"

"Yong Meng is right!" Cheng Dabao agreed while chiseling the stone, "This is an important Yuezhi town, we must find a way to break it. The most difficult thing is the mine array, and we must get the mine array layout map.

Otherwise, when the large army comes, we will definitely suffer a big loss! "

The three of them worked together to formulate a battle plan.

At night, the three of them dragged their exhausted bodies back and lay on the ground with the others.

The hot weather, the smell of sweat, and the smell of feet can almost drive people crazy.

But they are so tired that they can ignore these external factors.

In the room, the sound of snoring was loud.

Outside, there was the laughter and laughter of the slaves in the northwest.

They gathered around the bonfire, ate beef and mutton, drank fine wine, and forced the women to dance.

By the time they had finished enjoying themselves, the woman had only one breath left.

What's more, he even bit the woman's neck, causing blood to spurt out in an instant.

They used to be homeless dogs.

Now, they are the kings of the Western Region.

They have guns, a huge territory, and a population that is not inferior to that of the Central Plains.

They can counterattack south at any time.

The once arrogant Dagan people were trampled under their feet.

The humiliation of the Northwest slaves will eventually be washed away at their hands!
Cheng Dabao stood at the window, sniffing the scent hard, "Damn, it's so damn seductive, I seem to smell the smell of burning knives!"

Cheng Dabao was silent until they saw the woman's throat bitten by the Northwest slaves.

"I finally understand, the fool said, what happens when civilization is conquered by barbarians!" Cheng Xiaobao said.

Li Yongmeng sighed, "Go to sleep. Only when you are full will you have the strength to resist!"

For several days, the captain of the seventh team of the Espionage Division used various methods to deliver food to the three people.

The three of them also gradually got rid of the state of hunger and weakness.

And communication is rarely done through words, and is all done through digital code words.

But on this day, Li Yong fiercely deciphered the secret message left by the seventh team leader, and said overjoyed: "Okay, great, we can escape from this ghost place in the next two days!"

(End of this chapter)

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