big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1346 Survival!

Chapter 1346 Survival!

The days when they were prisoners were the saddest days for Li Yongmeng and the others.

In particular, the three of them, as pioneer officers, received special care.

But now, they can finally take out this damn place.

"It's a pity that we can't pick up the other brothers!" Cheng Xiaobao said.

"Everyone who can leave is one. If there is a real fight, it would be better if we are not used as shields. With Yizhixie's peeing, he doesn't care about morality now!" Cheng Dabao said.

They are in the Western Region and understand the affairs of the Western Region.

"What I'm most afraid of is that something will happen to the other brothers after we escape!" Li Yongmeng said solemnly: "If we leave, these bastards will definitely kill people to vent their anger!"

As soon as these words came out, the two brothers were a little depressed.

"Definitely!" Cheng Dabao said.

"However, we have to go out. My father is injured and we don't know whether he is alive or dead. Su Yun and his large army suffered heavy losses and withdrew from the Yueshi.

It is simply an unprecedented defeat and a shame! "Li Yong lowered his voice and cursed.

After cracking the secret message left by the captain of the seventh team, Li Yong became furious, and the three-party attack was completed into an ambush.

Run away in defeat!

Even if Qin Mo had not been born, Daqian would never have suffered such a defeat!

The three brothers were a little nervous.

On the one hand, the northwest slaves killed these brothers to vent their anger after escaping. On the other hand, the situation was serious, and the northwest slaves seemed to want to use them to negotiate with Daqian.

Regardless of whether the negotiation is successful or not, it will be a shame for Daqian.

It has been more than 20 years since the founding of Daqian, and no general has been captured yet.

In the end, Li Yongmeng violated his conscience.

Two days later, the three of them adjusted their condition to the best. Even if they worked extremely hard during the day, they would not have the strength to escape even if there were people supplying them.

There was still singing and dancing outside, and the night was getting darker.

The moonlight is dazzling.

When the people dispersed, the camp became quiet.

I don’t know when, but an inexplicable sound broke the silence.

Immediately afterwards, the camp burst into flames.

One after another fires were ignited.

Then there was a violent explosion, so powerful that it could be felt hundreds of meters away.

When a sleeping person is awakened, it's like a pair of hands pressing on the eardrums, making people cover their ears involuntarily.

Li Yongmeng looked at Cheng Dabao and the two, "Let's begin!"

"They set fire to the arms depot!"

"No wonder there is such a loud explosion!" Cheng Xiaobao was so excited, "This fire is good, let's see what these idiots will do now!"

Soon, someone came over and opened the door of the cabin.

The three brothers who had been guarding the door for a long time heard the movement and quickly got out.

Following closely, the other people in the cabin dragged their tired bodies out.

The mess outside had turned into a pot of porridge, and the fire was burning quickly, leaving these northwest slaves at a loss.

They didn't even know how the fire started.

The arsenal exploded, killing no fewer than a hundred of its guards.

It doesn't matter if the person dies, the most important thing is that all the mines stored inside are gone.

If someone looks down from a high position, he can see that there is no grass growing within a 50-meter radius with the arsenal as the center.

And more than one arsenal was bombed.

This time, these northwest slaves were completely panicked.Without these mines, grenades, and gunpowder, what could they use to fight against the Dagan people?
"Quick, grab the weapons and kill these sons of bitches!" Li Yong said in a suppressed voice.

"Dabao, please quickly bring someone to free the other brothers. We can't just run away. We must be chaotic. We can run as many as we can and kill as many as we can!"

Cheng Dabao nodded, and there was no nonsense. Taking advantage of the chaos in the camp, they must completely muddy the waters.

Cheng Xiaobao asked the person in front of him, who looked like a typical Westerner at first glance, "Who are you?"

"Members of the Seventh Team of the Espionage Division, we have to leave quickly. This attack on the camp was made possible by the lives of the brothers from the Espionage Division.

Don't let your brothers die in vain! "

"What about your captain?"

"I don't know, he must be dead!" He looked at the direction of the explosion of the arsenal. "His mission is to lead a team to detonate the arsenal and attack and kill the highest official in this place!"

Cheng Xiaobao was greatly shocked, and at that moment, tears welled up.

They only met a few times, and without even being able to communicate well, they came one after another to die, paving the way for them to survive with their own lives.

"Got it!" Cheng Xiaobao nodded heavily and grabbed Li Yongmeng's hand, "Quick, let's go!"

Li Yongmeng said hurriedly: "Wait a little longer, it won't be chaotic enough!"

"I said leave quickly!" Cheng Xiaobao shouted, pulling Li Yongmeng away.

The members of the Espionage Division led the way without saying a word.

Immediately after, Cheng Xiaobao pulled Cheng Dabao over, and then there were gunshots and screams in the camp.

In the light of the sky, one person fell into a pool of blood one after another.

Some belong to the enemy, but most of them belong to our own people.

They had no weapons, so they rushed over and knocked down the Beinu people, biting their necks hard with their teeth.

They were among the strongest, but their unyielding will did not allow them to kneel down.

"You bastards of Northwest slaves, I will fight with you today!"

"Civilization can never be conquered by barbarians, and we will be victorious!"

"Brothers, kill one to get your money back, kill two and we'll make a fortune!"

"Your Majesty, remember to take us home. We are in a foreign country and we don't know the way back!"

They rushed forward one after another.

Although Li Yongmeng and the others didn't say anything, they knew it.

"Brothers!" Li Yongmeng cried and ran.

The three of them burst into tears.

This road of survival was paved by everyone, and they must leave.

I don’t know how long they ran and how many checkpoints they passed. They came to a river. There was already a boat waiting for them. "Go along this river, and someone will pick you up. At the end of this river, there is a celestial phenomenon. Go up!"

"What about you? Aren't you leaving?" Cheng Xiaobao pulled him and asked.

The member of the Espionage Division withdrew his hand, "Me? I'm not leaving. I'm the only one left in the whole team!"

Three generals, if we fight back in the future, please remember to help us recover our bodies.

There are too many roads here, brothers, I can't find my way back! "

He cupped his hands and walked back resolutely.

"Brother, if Li Yongmeng doesn't die, he will crush the Northwest slaves one day and take the brothers home!" Li Yongmeng knelt on the ground and cried bitterly!
"I, Cheng Dabao, if I don't die, I will crush the Northwest slaves and bring my brothers home!"

"I, I, I, Cheng Xiaobao, will definitely crush the Northwest slaves!" Cheng Xiaobao cried heartbreakingly.

A song came from the front: We, soldiers, what’s the difference?
"Brother, let's go!"

"If I go to Yuezhi again in the future, I will sacrifice the heroic soul with the blood of Bei Slave!"

(End of this chapter)

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