big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1348: A Grasshopper on a Rope!

Chapter 1348: A Grasshopper on a Rope!

"You are really crazy!" Li Cungong was so angry that he raised his palm high, but it rose into the air and couldn't hit it down. "Okay, your wings are stiff, and you can't listen to what I say anymore!"

He immediately sat down with a dejected look on his face.

Cheng Dabao glanced at Cheng Xiaobao, and immediately pulled Li Yongmeng to signal him to stop talking.

If such treasonous words were spread, what would it be but seeking death?
Li Yongmeng shook off Cheng Dabao's hand, "Why are you pulling me? If I don't tell others, won't others think so?

I'm so damn aggrieved. It's okay to leave us alone in that bitter cold land in the Western Region. I can understand it.

It’s all about tempering.

But what the hell kind of war is this? "

He looked at Li Cungong and said, "Father, no matter what, I must avenge this.

That guy Su Yun, I will never let him go! "

Li Cungong looked at Li Yongmeng, "Why don't you let him go? Kill him? Or impeach him? Stupid!"

As he spoke, he said quietly: "Su Yun fought with such virtue. If he could turn defeat into victory, he would still be able to survive after winning.

If he can't reverse the situation, there's no need for us to take action. We just need to watch from the other side and stand still, and he will be dead.

But how many people did Su Yun bring?
In order to kill one Su Yun, you ignored those 10,000+ soldiers. Is this what you call benevolence and righteousness?
Maybe that's the benevolence and righteousness in your heart, but it's not mine! "

Li Cungong stood up and walked out, "It's just a war. Deaths are common. If I were you, I would definitely find a way to kill more enemies than anything else.

Think about Qin Mo, who doesn't know the risks of bringing so many people across Beinu?

Qin Mo wouldn't understand?

Of course he understood, but he went anyway. Not only did he go, he also fought to decide the outcome and captured and killed Mao Dun.

Slap anyone who doesn't think favorably of others hard.

If you are like him, I think you are somewhat capable.

But you only have this ambition. Don’t say you are my son from now on! "

Looking at his father's back, Li Yongmeng had a gloomy expression on his face.

"Actually, your father is right." Cheng Xiaobao said, "We will settle the matter with Su Yun later. We are facing a formidable enemy, so we should all remain open to the outside world.

Don't be Yi Zhixie's accomplice! "

Cheng Dabao also nodded, "If I'm not around, you are our leader. We will do whatever you tell us!"

Li Yongmeng gradually calmed down and looked at the two of them, "What would you do if you were a fool?"

"Idiot will definitely try his best to win this battle!" Cheng Xiaobao said.

"But now, we have no soldiers!" Cheng Dabao said.

Li Yong said fiercely: "Borrow troops!"


"My father!"

Li Yongmeng said: "Of course, we must first master the intelligence before we can win a decisive victory thousands of miles away!"

"Done!" Cheng Xiaobao stretched out his hand and said: "Let's learn from the fool and get the first prize!"

"Even if we die, we can't admit defeat!"

The three of them folded their hands together and said, "We must win!"

At this time, Congling.

Where the mountains are tangled.

Su Yun took 10 people and hid in the mountains.

Counting the 3 people he brought from the imperial court and the tens of thousands more he brought in, the number of troops under his direct control exceeded 15.

At present, Cheng Sanaxu and 2 people are missing.Li Cungong was injured and his life and death are unknown.

With a main force of [-], he seemed to be back when he was the main force attacking Xiakou Mountain.

That feeling of frustration, anger and powerlessness.

Gongsun Min chewed the dry food, drank a sip of water, and said to Su Yun: "Commander Su, we can't wait like this any longer. We have to make a decision whether to retreat or attack.

We left behind a lot of luggage. Although we brought a lot of compressed dry food, we can only last for half a month at the moment.

In half a month, we will run out of food! "

As he spoke, he opened a small can, which contained solid fuel that could be used to cook rice and hot dishes.

But the altitude here is too high, making it difficult to breathe. Many people have already suffered from severe altitude sickness.

Gongsun Min did not participate in the Battle of Mingyue Mountain, but he had repeatedly read the records of this battle.

How Qin Mo responded and how he won.

"I think we can lure the people from Yizhixie here. This place is dangerous and our people have gradually adapted to it."

"You think there are no defenders here?" Su Yun waved his hand.

"Then we can't just sit back and rest in vain." Gongsun Min said: "If it doesn't work, let's retreat to Niboluo or Qiuci!"

A trace of unwillingness flashed in Su Yun's eyes, "Then this battle will be completely lost!"

He didn't expect that he would lose so completely. Retreating to Niboluo and Qiuci would mean handing over Big and Little Bolu to Yi Zhixie.

This is lost.

"Li Yongmeng and the others have fallen into Yi Zhixie's hands. What if they threaten them with this?" Gongsun Min asked.

Su Yun pursed his lips and said nothing, as if he was thinking and weighing.

"As an intervening force, they failed to complete their mission and it was a shame for them to be captured.

Their father is a noble clan member of Daqian. Is he still afraid of death? "

Su Yun looked at the mountains in the distance and said breathlessly: "Moreover, once you negotiate with Yi Zhixie, the other party will definitely open his mouth.

Should I give in or not?

If I give in, the power of Heaven will become a joke. "

Gongsun Min knew that Su Yun would say this, "I understand, but Su Shuai, his morale is not available at the moment. It is better to conserve his strength and guard the border to prevent Yi Zhixie from continuing southward.

Temporary winning or losing doesn't mean anything.

Moreover, our armaments are not as good as those of Yi Zhixie. If we go back and replenish them, even if Yi Zhixie has the guts to do so, he will not dare to come here! "

If Su Yun still has sense at this time, or considers the overall situation, he will definitely follow Gongsun Min's steps, and he will seriously consider it no matter what happens.

But he said at that time: "It's impossible, there is no retreat. After we were betrayed by the traitors, our retreat was cut off.

I didn't lose to Yi Zhixie, I lost to the traitor, do you understand? "

Su Yun's eyes were a little scary, "You know who the thief is, better than anyone else, right?"

Gongsun Min smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Before there is a conclusion, it is inappropriate to doubt anyone. It will only disturb the morale of the army!"

"You are a smart person, I tell you it doesn't matter, you shouldn't spread the word all over the world!" Su Yun narrowed his eyes and said.

"Of course, how can a humble official say something that undermines unity?" Gongsun Min knew very well that Su Yun had lost his mind.

This also confirmed what his father said. Su Yun was already on top at this time, and this was the most dangerous thing.

Once the coach loses his mind, then they are left to their fate wherever they are taken.

"That's good!" Su Yun nodded, glanced sideways at Gongsun Min and said, "I should be able to trust you, right?"

Gongsun Min sighed, cupped his hands and said: "Su Shuai, we are grasshoppers on the same rope now!"

(End of this chapter)

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