big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1349 Catch the ghost!

Chapter 1349 Catch the ghost!
"As long as you understand!" Su Yun nodded, "If I win, you win, if I lose, you lose, and if I die, you won't be able to survive.

The fate of our 10 people has been doomed since that person betrayed us.

I’m not forcing you to die together, it’s his fault, do you understand? "

Su Yun has been forced into a corner.

He could think with his toes that Qin Mo must have secretly given the weapon to Yi Zhixie.

The purpose is also very simple. If Yi Zhixie causes trouble, the court will have no energy to control him.

Once he loses, there is a high probability that Qin Mo will be pulled over to clean up the mess.

He will prove to the whole world how powerful he, Qin Mo, is.

And Su Yun will always be Qin Mo's stepping stone and background wall!
Gongsun Min was very tired. He had gone to Japan with Qin Mo and knew what it felt like to win a battle.

Qin Mo's great victory was based on drills and reports that drove everyone crazy.

Su Yun was different. Su Yun was more like a veteran general. Although he would gather everyone together to make plans, his desire to have an overview of everything was much more powerful than Qin Mo's.

Many people's abilities are not fully utilized.

In fact, when he went to the Western Regions a few years ago, Qin Mo's plan for external operations verified everything.

If it hadn't been for Qin Mo in that battle, Su Yun would have suffered a serious setback.

He should be grateful to Qin Mo.

If you want to surpass someone, you should follow the other person's path. If you go to the extreme, you can keep up with him. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to surpass him.

Gongsun Min withdrew from the military camp, he had to protect himself.

If you follow Su Yun, you will only go dark.

He could die for his country, but he didn't want his life to be in the hands of a stupid general.

Li Ankang looked at Gongsun Min, "What did Su Shuai say?"

In this battle, he was also transferred over to fight as a vanguard.

After all, he had followed Su Yun before and was considered an old acquaintance.

Gongsun Min shook his head, "If he doesn't want to retreat, he will fight to the death."

"Are you crazy?" Li Ankang was anxious, "I'll go in and persuade him."

Gongsun Min grabbed him and said, "You have to think clearly about your father's identity and your identity.

We are all guilty of this battle being fought like this. If you start a riot, it will become known to everyone and morale will be even lower.

If he gets too desperate, he might kill you. "

"He dares!" Li Ankang said with suppressed anger.

"We people, in the vast mountains of Congling, are making the sky and the earth unavailable, so why doesn't he dare?
If he really loses, he will have an excuse to retreat. When the time comes, he will say that you have deceived people and corrupted the morale of the army. Your death will be in vain. Do you understand? " Gongsun Min said.

Li Ankang was stunned. What Gongsun Min said made sense. He was also a member of the royal family. At this time, even if he died, he should show his due integrity.

"But in this place, the mountain roads are dangerous. Let alone fighting, even walking is difficult. How can he fight?"

"Find a canyon, send people to lure them, set up mines, and set up an ambush. When the enemy enters the ambush circle, they will be ready to attack.

As long as we occupy the high ground and win the battle, we can survive.

If we can't win, we will pull the remaining army back to Kucha. "

He took out his compass and said, "Kiuchi is only a thousand miles away from us. With the food we have, we can definitely make it back to Kucha."

Li Ankang nodded, "I understand." The two exchanged glances and sighed tacitly.

That night, Su Yun summoned the generals and said, "Although we lost this battle, we lost not Yizhixie, but our own people.

As for who this person is, I don’t know the truth, so I can’t draw a conclusion.

But everyone must know where the guns in Yi Zhixie's hands came from.

In the entire Daqian, there are only a few people who have access to these things.

Therefore, we lost to the mole.

If we retreat like this, we will lose too cowardly, make those northern slave dogs look down upon, and make His Majesty think that we are not useful.

So, no matter what, we must fight back! "

Everyone looked sad.

One person smiled bitterly and said: "That being said, the right time, right place, and right people are not on our side now. Forcing a war will only make things worse."

"Yes, no one knows who the mole is, and no one dares to say whether the mole is hiding among us."

"Commander Su, retreat, go back and plan carefully. Both Nibalu and Qiuci are heavily guarded. Even if Yi Zhixie is brave enough, he will not dare to come.

There is no way that mole will let us go out of the city to fight. If he dares to jump out, I will be the first to kill him! "

"That's right, let's evacuate first. We have been in this place for three days. If the traitor is really in our team, our position will be exposed long ago!"

Su Yun's face was particularly ugly. His original intention was to arouse everyone's anger and then adjust their morale, but these people were frightened by his words.

"Shut up!" Su Yun was furious, "Where's your ambition? Are we going to run back like a coward?

If there is a mole, we will seize the opportunity to catch the mole!
Let's all rest early tonight. We will march and attack early tomorrow morning. If I hear the sound of withdrawing troops again, don't blame me for being rude to him! "

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Why did Su Yun think that this was happening all at once?

One second he was talking about the mole, and the next second he was giving orders to march.

But no one dared to say anything. After all, Su Yun was the commander-in-chief. Who would listen to him if he didn't?
After such a defeat, why don't you make people laugh to death when you go back?
But looking at the mountains in the distance, everyone couldn't help but feel uncertain.

"Notify everyone, and cheer up the morale of the army. I will allow you to have a few drinks tonight and have a good meal!"

"Yes, Su Shuai!"

Everyone's response was not loud, and Su Yun didn't care at all.

"Gongsun Min, Li Ankang, you two wait a minute!"

Gongsun Min glanced at Li Ankang and stood there.

They waited for the others to leave before they stepped forward, "Shuai Su, what are your orders?"

"You must think that this commander is very reckless, right?" Su Yun said.

"No, since Su Shuai is fighting, there must be a reason to fight." Gongsun Min said.

Su Yun smiled and said, "Okay, there are no outsiders here, so there is no need to compliment me. The reason why I summoned you all of a sudden is for one purpose, to catch the mole!"

Li Ankang suddenly realized, "I understand, so those words just now were told by Su Shuai to the mole?"

"That's right, there are our scouts around here, so don't worry about safety. If there is a problem, they will send out flares to alert us as soon as possible.

If there are really insiders around us who are tipping off the information, then we will use every possible trick to find them out.

Li Ankang, take your men and set up defenses all around in the name of patrol, hide in the shadows, and wait for the fish to take the bait!

As for Gongsun Min, you go to mobilize before the march. Since you are acting, then act more like it! "(By the way, I was hospitalized recently, so updates will be slower, please don't rush me!)
(End of this chapter)

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