big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1350: Raid to Yancheng!

Chapter 1350: Raid to Yancheng!
Gongsun Min nodded, "I understand!"

In fact, Su Yun's method was still possible, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

It's scary to be afraid, the inner ghost will not take the bait and shoot coldly in the back.

Of course, he didn't say much.

He looked at Li Ankang and left.

Li Ankang led the team to patrol and deploy defenses.

Gongsun Min was mobilizing before the march.

The soldiers who didn't know what was going on had high morale, drank wine, took out the canned meat extravagantly, and started eating.

They knew very well that if they went to fight here, there was a high probability that they would not be able to come back.

If you don’t eat it now, when will you eat it?

Gongsun Min felt a little sad. Originally, these people could have been saved.

Seeing them looking at death as if they were dead, he felt it wasn't worth it.

Late at night, everyone hid in warm sleeping bags and fell asleep.

During the day, Congling has plenty of sunshine, but at night, the temperature drops rapidly.

Especially they are located in a high mountain with an altitude of 5000 to [-] meters.

And secretly, Li Ankang was also rubbing his hands.

It's so damn cold, the mountain wind blows, making my bones shiver.

Based on the moon's setting, Li Ankang judged that it should be the end of Yin Shi.

The sunset in Congling is very late, and the sunrise is also very late, and the sun rises only in the middle of the night.

Li Ankang rubbed his red eyes and waited until the moon set, the darkest time before sunrise, but found no problem.

He thought of Gongsun Min's words and couldn't help but curse: "There's a bastard mole!"

Qin Mo was his idol and the object of his pursuit. Whether it was guns or cannons, they were all made by the people of Qinzhuang.

He wouldn't secretly give these weapons to Yi Zhixie to beat his own people.

After all, many people in the three armies were brought out by him.

After staring until dawn, Li Ankang let out a breath of heat and looked at his equally tired subordinates, "Go, call the others over, and then send someone to notify Su Shuai, we won't go up the mountain!"

Immediately, he took out the dry food he had brought with him and started to eat it.

Su Yun frowned after receiving the news.

Just at this time, Gongsun Min came over and said, "Commander Su, everyone is ready and ready to march!"

Su Yun looked uncertain, "Wait a minute!"

Gongsun Min asked: "Did you find anything?"

"No, Su Yungang sent someone over, but nothing was found!"

"It seems that this traitor is hidden deeper than we imagined." Gongsun Min said: "Commander Su, if there is really a traitor inside us, will it happen if we march?"

"No, guns have no eyes. If the opponent dares to show his head, I will be the first to kill him!" Su Yun took a deep breath, "Eat first, then march. Let's go all the way west to touch Yancheng."

Moyan City is the Yueshi Royal City, and the army of the Northwest Slaves must be there!
Cheng Sanaxe, on the other hand, entered from Dashi City east of Yuezhi.

That was the easternmost garrison of Yuezhi.

Gongsun Min said: "Commander Su, aren't you attacking Big and Little Bolu?"

"We have a large number of people. If we attack Big and Small Bolu, aren't we going to waste the lives of the soldiers?
It would be better to make a dangerous move, take Yancheng directly, and decide the outcome in one battle! "Su Yun looked at the mountains in the distance, "On this road, there is Anuyue City on the west side and Salese River City on the northeast. If you go through the middle, you can go straight to Moyan City! "

Gongsun Min smiled bitterly. In the end, he still wanted to imitate Qin Mo Bing's dangerous moves.

Isn't this a riot?
However, this method is not impossible. Although it is a bit more dangerous, if you march carefully and can reach Moyan City, you can make a desperate attack on the city.

As long as it can be won, the battlefield can be revitalized.

"Yes, I obey!"

"Go down. Don't tell anyone about this battle plan for now. Let's just march. We'll tell them when we're halfway through the march!" Su Yundao said.Gongsun Min hesitated and said: "What if there is an emergency?"

"Then fight. Moreover, our scouts are not vegetarians. We must trust our own people!" Su Yun smiled, "You know, Daqian soldiers are the strongest in the world."

Gongsun Min does not deny this, but no matter how strong the soldiers are, they still need a good general to fully display them.

He didn't answer, but cupped his hands and said, "The humble post will go first!"

After Gongsun Min left, Su Yun sighed heavily and murmured: "I'm not going to imitate Qin Mo anymore, no."

Soon, after everyone had eaten, they broke camp and left.

Before leaving, Su Yun did not forget to bewitch the enemy.

First send a group of people to go south. If the enemy catches up, it can also give them the illusion that the large force has moved south to defend.

The 10 people were divided into three teams, namely the vanguard force at the head, the artillery in the middle, and the rest at the rear.

The three teams are separated by a certain distance, and there are scouts in front to explore the path, which can minimize damage.

If encountering an ambush, the team in the middle and behind can retreat.

In order to consolidate military morale, Su Yun personally led the vanguard.

Li Ankang led the team to break the back.

As a staff general, Gongsun Min followed the artillery unit.

After marching for five consecutive days, the large army successfully passed through Anuyue City and passed through Anuyue City. After another three to five days of marching, they will surely reach Moyan City!

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, the method worked.

That night, he gathered everyone together and revealed the battle plan in full.

Everyone was in high spirits because Moyan City was in sight.

As long as they sneak into Yancheng without anyone noticing, they can avenge their past humiliation.

"Everyone should hold their breath and move forward at one go. I know that these days of marching day and night have consumed a lot of people and the food reserves are insufficient.

But in a few days, we can avenge our shame, and even capturing Yizhixie alive is not impossible!

Once we capture Yi Zhixie, this battle will be won, and we can return to the army as heroes and accept your Majesty's reward. "

Su Yun kept painting big cakes for them, and everyone followed suit.

They can only advance at this time, not retreat.

Climbing mountains and wading through rivers is far more exhausting than marching on flat ground, and retreating is far from possible.

"We will win if we go all out!" a general shouted.

"Yes, Daqian will win!"

Seeing that everyone's emotions were completely aroused, Su Yun also breathed a sigh of relief. After two more days of marching, he could wait for the two teams behind to join up and march.

At that time, his Su Yun completely turned around.

Soon, two days later, everyone arrived at the mountains about two hundred miles away from Moyan City.

Su Yun also waited for the two teams behind.

After the army converged, Su Yun once again gathered everyone together.

Seriously explain the combat ideas this time.

Everyone listened in great detail.

Apart from the defeat, Su Yun was actually an excellent general and very calm.

Considered everything that could be considered.

After confirming that it was correct, Su Yun asked everyone to have a good rest, "Starting from tomorrow, we will rest during the day and march at night. In this way, we will be able to attack Yancheng before dawn the next day and capture Yizhixie alive!"

No one knew whether Yi Zhixie was touching Yancheng, but at this moment, it didn't matter whether he was there or not.

Qin Mo said that if a person has no dreams, he is no different from a salted fish!
Even if he is not there, taking down Moyan City can still supply the army and cause heavy damage to the enemy!

(End of this chapter)

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