big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1351 Killing good people and taking credit!

Chapter 1351 Killing good people and taking credit!
One hundred thousand troops marched forward in the darkness, marching in an orderly manner.

The tired war horses were also fed the remaining fodder. This fodder was also a new type of compressed fodder, which could restore the strength of the war horses to a great extent.

Ten thousand cavalry were ready to go.

Su Yun mounted his horse and said, "Moyan City is fifteen miles away. All cavalry are ready to charge!"

The cavalryman remained silent, stuffed the remaining dried meat into his mouth, and silently regained his strength.

They fought too hard in this battle and needed a hearty victory to wash away the humiliation on their bodies.

Engineers and artillery are also among them. When the troops come to the city, they will blow open the city gate as quickly as possible and capture Moyan City.

The generals also began to mobilize the emotions of the soldiers under their command.

Li Ankang silently took out his horizontal knife and wiped it.

As for Gongsun Chong, he was at the end of the large army.

This time the troops are taking a dangerous move, and maybe they will get something unexpected.

It would be great if we could win Yizhixie, but if we couldn't win, it would be considered a great victory. With Mo Yancheng as the center, we would firmly pin the Yueshi to the center.

If Yi Zhixie dared to continue going south, they would dare to take out his family.

The torch was lit, and Su Yun said loudly: "March to Moyan City."

At that moment, ten thousand cavalry were dispatched.

The ground suddenly trembled, and the sound of horse hooves was as exciting as the sound of drums.

The infantry also began to run, following behind the large army.

When Qin Mo led the army, some people said that an army with less than a thousand troops would be invincible if there were more than a thousand troops.

This is not a joke, it is a real thing.

Su Yun gallops his horse forward. In this battle, he must show off his majesty!

After half an hour.

You can see the torches burning on the city wall from a distance.

At this time, it was the darkness before dawn, and the world fell into its darkest hour.

The signal flare rose, illuminating the sky.

Su Yun pulled out his horizontal sword and shouted hysterically: "Charge, capture and kill Yi Zhixie!"


Everyone shouted in unison, all the fatigue and humiliation turned into the motivation to charge at this moment.

The enemy troops on the city wall reacted quickly and immediately beat the drum.

Boom boom boom!
Boom boom boom!
The beating of war drums signaled the enemy's surprise attack.

By the time the cavalry approached, the thunder cannon on the city wall had already exploded.

In the darkness, people kept being hit by Qin's rifle.

But this cannot destroy the determination to capture Moyan City.

It's easy to say, as long as the troops arrive at the city, blow open the city gate, and invade the city, they will win this battle.

"Rush, rush!"

In the blink of an eye, the large troops rushed to the city, but what awaited them were mines buried in the ground.

But Su Yun didn't care about them all, "I have to go there even if I want to pick up the corpse!"

He hated the mole with all his heart. If not, why would they be like this?

In fact, he also knew in his heart that it was precisely because of these endless weapons that Da Gan was invincible and invincible.

The people of the Northwest Slaves are actually not stupid. On the contrary, they have been fighting and are very brave.

When weapons are equal, the competition is courage and strategy.

Obviously, Su Yun does not lack courage and strategy.

If he had known from the beginning that the northwest slaves had a large number of thermal weapons in their hands, he would certainly not have been so reckless. Instead, he would have chosen the method he used when conquering Xiakou Mountain, approaching step by step and approaching little by little.

Now, he has no way out.

Explosion sounded one after another.

Daqian's soldiers fell into a pool of blood.

Some were hit by thunder cannons and died on the spot.Even if they have the latest steel helmets on their bodies, it is still difficult to resist the power of the thunder cannon.

Some were injured by landmines and fell to the ground wailing in pain, but before they could wailed a few times, their comrades behind them flew over with their horses wrapped around them.

The war horses trampled on the horses and those wailing comrades.

For a moment, the smell of blood and gunpowder filled the air.


But the surge of adrenaline was too late to make them think more.

"You son of a bitch, I'm here to kill you!"

"It will be broken today!"

The cavalry escorted the engineers and siege soldiers to the city gate. Stones, gold juice, and rolling logs continued to roll down from above.

They held shields and withstood the violent blows.

Some people were beaten to death.

In some cases, the skin and flesh were separated by the golden juice.

All this was accompanied by violent explosions and the sound of the city gate collapsing!
"Report, Commander Su, the city gate has been blown open and the vanguard has entered the city!"

Su Yun was overjoyed, "Okay, great!"

He looked at the cavalry filing in, and the gloom of the past few days was swept away, and he felt quite elated.

He waved his hand, "March, don't let anyone go!"

With that said, he urged his war horse and followed him in.

He saw all the tragedy along the way.

Even if he carefully tried to avoid it, the horse's hooves would always step on his own body.

This is war!

Moyan City is not small, and as the capital of a small country in the Western Region, it is very prosperous.

But compared to Daqian, that's nothing.

The city was already in chaos.

The cavalry was harvesting the enemy's heads and marching straight in.

The fire ignited by the white phosphorus grenade is gorgeous and weird.

Moyan City suddenly fell into disaster.

Less than half an hour later, Li Ankang arrived with everyone, and he was also very happy, "Hurry into the city and occupy the city defense!"

Gongsun Min was the last one to arrive. Looking at the corpses on the ground and the people crying in pain, he sighed heavily, "Quick, medical soldiers, rescue the wounded!"

The field medical team quickly ran over and began searching for lifeguards.

Gongsun Min led people into the city.

At this time, the city has become a hell on earth.

Su Yun, who had become red-eyed, even began to massacre civilians to vent his inner anger.

"Su Shuai, do you want to massacre the city?" Gongsun Min caught Su Yun's eyes in red in time.

"Yi Zhixie is not in the city. There are only more than [-] defenders in the city, and we missed everything!" Su Yun was extremely aggrieved.

I thought I could hit the northwest slaves hard with all my efforts, but I didn't expect that I just killed ten thousand people and didn't catch any big fish.

Moreover, only one-third of these so-called defenders were the Northwest slave army, and the rest were all Yueshi and Dashi people.

"That's better than losing." Gongsun Min said: "Now it's better to set up defenses in time and count the casualties. Killing so many people in this city together will not do us any good!"

They are the masters of kings. If they massacre the city, their reputation will not be justified.

Su Yun said coldly: "Then kill half and keep the other half!"

Gongsun Min reacted instantly, "Su Shuai, you."

He knew that Su Yun wanted to kill civilians and take credit!

But he dared not say it.

Seeing that Gongsun Min remained silent, the murderous intent in Su Yun's eyes also faded a lot, "Brothers have traveled thousands of miles to come here, you have to let them vent their anger, right?
It would be nice to have an explanation when I go back in the future, don’t you think? "

(End of this chapter)

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