big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1352 Carbine!

Chapter 1352 Back to the carbine!
Gongsun Min is not a bad person.

Besides, the people Su Yun killed were Yuezhi people.

If the Yuezhi people were sensible and got closer to Mohe and Shidan earlier, they would not be enslaved by the Northwest slaves.

"Su Shuai said yes!" Gongsun Min nodded, "I'll go outside to see the wounded!"

With that said, he left the city.

He is not a bad person, but he cannot do anything to kill a good person and take credit for it.

Su Yun is forcing everyone to board the pirate ship, and he understands.

Li Ankang didn't know what to say for a long time.

After learning that these people were killing good people and taking credit for their merits, they found Su Yun angrily and said, "Commander Su, please stop them. All the defenders have been captured. There is no point in massacring the poor."

"Are they civilians? Do you understand that they are accomplices?" Su Yun said lightly.

"No, they are just civilians, unarmed."

"Vice General Li, you have this time to argue with me here, why not go and count the casualties and prisoners?" Su Yun shook off the blood on the blade and sheathed the knife.

Li Ankang is far less knowledgeable than Gongsun Min.

"If you want military success, rely on strength, not massacre of civilians. We are the army of justice," Li Ankang said emotionally.

"This is Moyan City, the capital of the Yuezhi, how do you know they are civilians?
Maybe they are enemy troops with evil intentions?
I can't take it lightly. Who knows if there are grenades hidden in their home?

Of course you don't need to consider these things if you are the deputy general, but I am the coach. I have been tricked once by my own people, and there is no way I will be tricked a second time.

If you don't want to kill the enemy, go away. If you continue to disturb the morale of the army here, don't blame me for being rude! "

Su Yun was already murderous.

Anyway, Li Yongmeng and the others have lost news, so the death of Li Ankang seems to be nothing.

Are there any immortals in war?

"You, you" Li Ankang was furious, and at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from outside.

There were continuous explosions in the city.

Gongsun Min, who was originally rescuing soldiers outside the city, rushed into the city with his team. His face turned pale and he said, "The enemy is attacking. There is an enemy attack outside."

At that moment, Su Yun was stunned, and then a cold air rose from the soles of his feet.

He quickly ran up to the city gate and saw that the sky outside the city had been lit up, and there were cavalry in all directions, heading towards the city quickly.

Not only that, there were also roaring shells falling into the city.

Su Yun slapped his thigh and turned to look at the others, "Blow the trumpet quickly, the enemy is attacking, we are being fooled!"

Upon seeing this, Li Ankang hurriedly pulled people up to the city wall, arranged the thunder cannon, grenades, and white phosphorus grenades, and threw them down for free.

After throwing the grenades, they threw stones, rolled logs, and poured the boiling golden juice downwards.

Gongsun Min's face turned pale and he said: "There are ten thousand people guarding the city, but Sanyi is a slave from the northwest. There are many civilians in the city, but Yizhixie is not in the city, and there is not even a famous general guarding it.

This is obviously not in line with common sense.

It is very possible that the enemy has been lingering around, waiting for us to enter the city, so that we can catch them all in one fell swoop!
The method of catching moles is good, but what if there is more than one mole?

If someone is secretly covering up, it will be very easy for 10 people to get rid of one person. "

Su Yun pursed his lips and said nothing. A large number of corpses were transported to the city gate and piled up like a hill.

These corpses are the sandbags blocking the army.

"Don't mess up the position. We haven't lost yet. Anyone who disturbs the morale of the army will be killed without mercy!" Su Yun took a deep breath and said.

He knew that Gongsun Min's analysis made sense, but it was meaningless to say it now.

After nearly ten days of high-intensity marching, overnight attacks, and an hour of massacre, the leading troops led by them were exhausted.

Fortunately, the teams of Li Ankang and Gongsun Min still have strength left.

Although they are equally tired.

The whistling shells passed overhead and finally fell into the city.This nightmare scenario was already Su Yun's third experience.

He finally understood the fear those people in the past had when facing Daqian.

"Fire!" Li Ankang shouted.


Thousands of thunder cannons gathered together, and the battlefield blossomed on all sides.

The thick smoke could not even penetrate the first ray of sunlight in the morning.

The battlefield is so brutal.

Dead bodies all over the place.

But there are still people rushing under the city wall.

Accompanied by the loud noise that shook the ground today.

One section of the city wall began to collapse, and the vibrations even made those above unable to stand.

Another bang.

A section of the city wall completely collapsed!

Enemies began to emerge from the gaps.

It was still possible to defend at first, but later on, there were more and more gaps.

Some people even have a large number of grenades, white phosphorus grenades, and even explosives strapped to their bodies.
They rushed into the crowd without fear of death and directly blasted a gap.

These people are crazy as hell.

Like a mad dog, it tore holes in the defense.

When the two sides collided, a brutal fight began.

People from both sides mingled together.

And it was daylight.

Su Yun drew out his horizontal sword and gritted his teeth and said, "Fight these sons of bitches!"

Now that the matter has come to this, what else can we do besides fighting for a bloody road?
Li Ankang looked at the smoke blown away by the wind below, looked at the army, and understood everything.

Especially the big flag at the back. He took out his telescope and took a look. What else could it be if it wasn't the Wolf God's flag of the Northwest Slave?
That is the flag that symbolizes Shanyu.

"Ah, damn it, Yi Zhixie is right in Moyan City!" Li Ankang was furious.

Su Yun's strategy was correct, but the other party had to fight back. It was obvious that someone had betrayed them first.

If not, they would have decided the outcome in one battle!
"Kill!" Li Ankang shouted and was about to jump down, but Gongsun Min held him tightly.

"We have to lead people to rush out, organize a death squad immediately, and fight a bloody path. If we continue to fight, we will only be trapped here.

Once we're all lost here, we'll really be at the end of our rope.

Regardless of whether Yi Zhixie kills us or uses us as a bargaining chip in negotiations with the imperial court, it will be a lifelong shame for us.

I'd rather die than do this, you know? "

Li Ankang said: "Is it an honor to escape?"

"That's better than dying in vain!" Gongsun Min patted his face, "I know you're angry, but the most important thing in combat is reason. We can't cause chaos to the court. If we are captured, this battle will be complete. Bottom lost.

The court will inevitably bow its head. Once peace talks are held, do you know what that means?

It means a new round of national humiliation.

Su Yun is confused and kills good people while taking credit. We have followed you here and can't continue to make mistakes! "

"Okay!" Li Ankang took a deep breath. Gongsun Min was right. If he continued, everyone would be buried here.

Two 10,000+ people, all of them fell into disgrace. Isn't this a national humiliation?
How can Daqian have the face to claim to be the Celestial Kingdom in the future?
How can His Majesty call him Khan?
(End of this chapter)

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