big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1353 I would rather be a ghost in a foreign land!

Chapter 1353 I would rather be a ghost in a foreign land!
However, there are enemies on all sides.

It is not easy to carve out a bloody path.

Li Ankang and his two men hurriedly gathered their men. They also had grenades and thunder cannons in their hands. As long as they could withstand the next few waves of attacks, they could kill these people.

Su Yun, on the other hand, led the team to fight with those people.

Most of these people who risked their lives to die were Yuezhi and Dashi people.

This is also a method commonly used by Beinu people, the purpose is to preserve their own strength.

"No matter what, we must repel the attack!" Li Ankang said angrily.

Continuous marches to kill the enemy had exhausted him.

But he still continued to direct everyone to form a defense.

Gongsun Min had already been careful, and a large group of people had seized the defensive position early. Moreover, he controlled the logistics and had the most sufficient supplies.

The defensive formation was set up, which temporarily curbed the enemy's offensive momentum.

"Blast these sons of bitches to death!" Gongsun Min's eyes widened. "Think of a way to adjust the angle and see if we can hit Yizhixie's location!"

"General, it's too far. Yi Zhixie's location is beyond the firing range of the thunder cannon. If we are carrying a heavy thunder cannon, then of course we can!" said a general.

The main weapons they brought for this long-distance attack were portable thunder cannons. The lethality was still very good, but it was far less lethal than the heavy thunder cannons.

Gongsun Min picked up the telescope and tried hard to see where Yizhixie was through the thick smoke.

Yi Zhixie has grown so fast in the past two years, and has made great progress in both strategy and ability.

If you want to crush him, you must find a stronger and more fierce general than him.

He put down his telescope and quickly ran over to find Li Ankang, "We have to find a way to threaten Yizhixie's location. Only when the other side feels threatened can they retreat.

Such indiscriminate bombing will only make things worse for us who are already short of supplies.

Form a death squad and let the heavy shield soldiers block the front. We have to pull the battle line forward.

If we can kill Yi Zhixie, no, even if we can injure Yi Zhixie, we can win this battle! "

Li Ankang hesitated, "The other side has cavalry, if we go down rashly."

"Sooner or later, we will run out of ammunition and food!" Gongsun Min said: "If we cut it off, we will cut it off. The other side is not afraid of death, so aren't we afraid of death?
Think about the heroes who flew over the Riyue Mountain. They resolutely stepped onto the top of the mountain. How many of them flew?
How many heroes died tragically at the foot of the mountain?

Are they afraid of death?
Of course they are afraid!
But if I am captured, I would rather die, what do you think? "

Li Ankang lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and his eyes gradually became firmer, "If you don't succeed, you will succeed!"

Gongsun Min breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid of Li Ankang's death.

He strode up to the people who had been summoned and said: "Brothers, the army is currently behind bars and lacks supplies. Being trapped will only bring us to the end.

I would rather die than be captured.

But Qin Mo said that death is inevitable for everyone, and it may be heavier than a mountain or lighter than a feather.

Even if we die, we will not be the prisoners of Beinu Gou, let alone be the sinners of Bei Nugou who threatens Da Gan.

That's a shame for me.

Do you want to bear this shame? "

Those people's faces were full of chapped, wind-cracked skin, which looked particularly vicissitudes of life.

But the eyes of each of them were full of determination.

They are tough, and they are not afraid of death. After hearing Gongsun Min's words, they said in unison: "But death is okay. If you are a prisoner, you are willing to become a ghost in a foreign land!"

"Good boy, good brother!" Gongsun Min took out the grenades, white phosphorus grenades, and even explosive packs he had on him, and hung them on himself.

He held a grenade in his hand and said: "This is a glorious bomb. I would rather die than be captured!"

Everyone didn't speak, they just hung the grenades on their bodies silently, and they filled their magazines.

Li Ankang's eyes couldn't help but moisten when he saw this scene. "Well done, gentlemen!"

Gongsun Min laughed and said, "We Daqian men are never afraid of death, so we all got up and asked our brothers in the artillery battalion to open a way for us.

Let's rush! "


"Yi Zhixie is in the rear. Let's kill them and die together with Yi Zhixie. Let's fight a bloody path for our brothers!" Gongsun Min waved his hand.

The death squads all descended from the city one after another, and they rushed forward desperately.

People fell to the ground one after another, but they were not afraid. They fell to the ground and kept shooting.

Enemies rushed over, and they pulled off the grenades on their bodies with a grin. At that moment, a violent explosion sounded.

The grenades blew their bodies into pieces, and the fire ignited by the white phosphorus grenades directly cremated them.

"Brothers, if there is an afterlife, remember to be reincarnated in Daqian. We will be soldiers in this life, and we will be nobles and nobles in the next life!"

Gongsun Min knelt on the ground, his eyes blurred with tears!

He is heartbroken!

These people get along day and night, and they are all good friends.

Behind each of them, there is a family.

He still remembered that everyone was in high spirits when he came.

But now, everything is broken.

Li Ankang clenched his fists and swallowed all his tears.

"General, the shells are finished!"

"Destroyed, don't leave anything to Bei Nugou to help the enemy!" Li Ankang said!
After firing the shells, they destroyed the Thunder Cannon.

The hearts of those artillerymen were bleeding. They knew very well that if the artillery was there and the people were there, the artillery would destroy the people!

Destroying these thunder cannons is the right thing to do. If they are left behind, they will only be captured by Yizhixie, and then the cannon heads will be pointed at Daqian!

At this moment, the battlefield has become a meat grinder.

The horizontal knife in Su Yun's hand has been curled.

It was even difficult to lift his hand.

He sat tiredly on the horse and looked at the corpses and blood on the ground.

They had already killed all the enemy troops who had entered the city.

There are also far fewer people attacking the gap.

He gritted his teeth and walked over to check, and saw waves of suicide squads running towards the enemy in a suicidal style.

It was either accompanied by a loud noise or a ball of brilliant sparks.

Su Yun leaned against the city wall. At that moment, he thought of many things.

"Oh, God is going to destroy me, Su Yun!"

He shiveringly took out a pack of cigarettes and started smoking.

The smoke enters the lungs, and the fatigue and pain are much lessened.

He climbed up the city wall, looked at the busy Gongsun Min and Li Ankang, and said, "How far can you go on two legs?
Let me come, I will lead the cavalry and rush over to open a way for you!
You must follow closely. When we break through the camp, you must lay mines along the way to stop the army.

If they escape, they must not go to Qiuci. They will not think of returning from the original route.

Please! "

(End of this chapter)

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