big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1354: Go to death to repay your kindness, just to pity my parents

Chapter 1354: Go to death to repay your kindness, just to pity my parents

Su Yun looked at the two of them with determination in his eyes.

Gongsun Min looked at him in surprise, "Su Shuai, you"

"The incompetence of one commander affects the three armies. Regardless of whether the insider betrayed us or not, we have lost this battle so far.

I don't have the face to go back to work.

I am ashamed of the trust you have placed in Your Majesty and the Crown Prince. If you two return to court, please plead guilty on behalf of Your Majesty and the Crown Prince on my behalf.

Just say that Su Yun is the sinner of Daqian.

I can't repay the Holy Grace in this life, and I will go through life and death for Daqian in the next life! "

Su Yun has no way of survival anymore, his way of survival has been completely cut off by himself.

Even if he escapes, what face will he have?

Aren't you going to be nailed to the wall of shame?

"Su Shuai, if we escape, we still have a chance."

Su Yun interrupted Li Ankang, "You still have a chance, but I don't have a chance. As a man, stop making noise and get on your horse."

Li Ankang knew that Su Yun was determined to live or die, so persuasion was useless.

He immediately clasped his fists and said in a trembling voice: "I don't regret working under Su Shuai!"

Su Yun smiled, turned around and walked down the city wall. The remaining soldiers behind him were already ready.

He picked up a horizontal knife from the ground, which was still bleeding. He got on his horse, took out the grenade, hung it on his body, and turned to look at the blood-covered soldiers, "Gentlemen, today, I, Su, can't help you.

It was my incompetence, Mr. Su, that led you to a dead end. Now that I have fallen into the enemy's scheme, it is too late.

I know you are all good men, and I will not force you. If you are captured, you can still survive.

When Beinu Gou negotiates with Da Gan, you will definitely survive.

However, I have no choice but to live. I want to fight with that Beinu dog and fight a bloody path for the other brothers.

Many people will die.

But I don’t want my brothers to live under the humiliation of Beinu Dog.

If you want to fight with me and clear a bloody path for other brothers, put your sword in front of your chest.

If you don't want to, just step aside and follow General Li and General Gongsun to leave together.

I, Su Yun, will never blame him.

I believe brothers can also understand. "

Everyone did not speak, but silently placed the knife on their chest.

The horizontal knife struck the armor, making a sonorous sound, "If I were a prisoner, I would rather be a ghost in a foreign land. I am worthy of heaven, and I am worthy of the earth. I will die to repay your kindness, just to pity my parents."

Everyone shouted in unison, everyone had firm eyes and looked at death as if they were dead.

Su Yun laughed. Everyone gave him courage. He felt that his whole body was full of strength.

He slowly turned around and raised his sword, "Boys, charge!"


Da da da!
The war horses galloped out of the city.

The splash of blood and mud is like a gorgeous red flower.

Gongsun Min knelt on the ground and cried loudly: "Brothers!"

Li Ankang also choked up, but he knew that now was not the time to feel sad. He quickly pulled Gongsun Min up and said, "Quickly, get down and mount your horse. We have to follow behind and fight out, otherwise, our brothers' sacrifices will be in vain."

Gongsun Min asked himself whether he was a smart person, and he even admitted that he was a selfish person.

But seeing this scene, his heart was severely touched, as if someone took a knife and pierced his heart.

"Are we doing this right?" Gongsun Min asked.

"A strong man cuts off his wrists to save the elite. If the whole army is annihilated, it will be a big blow to Da Gan. Su Shuai is just born at the wrong time!" Li Ankang said.

Gongsun Min wiped his tears and said, "Let's go down to the city!" They went down, but there were still people shelling the enemy on the city wall.

These people are not leaving.

Because the cannon is there and the people are there, the cannon destroys people and kills them.

This is their belief!
"Brothers, follow Su Shuai and kill these sons of bitches!" Li Ankang shouted, waving the long spear in his hand.

Gongsun Min followed obediently and fired cold shots.

He will take revenge sooner or later. Not only will he destroy the Northwest slaves, he will also completely wipe out the Northwest slaves!

He was thinking, if Qin Mo knew about this, would he be angry?

Will you bring troops to wipe out the Northwest slaves?

Can he do it in the face of such a powerful enemy?
Bang bang bang!
People kept blowing themselves up and dying. They seemed to be going crazy. Wherever there are more people, they would go wherever they go.

The level of madness was much crazier than that of the Yuezhi and Dashu people who were driven over.

"Bastard, my name is Li Sanliang. I killed seven Beinu dogs. I have earned enough in this life. Grandpa will come to kill you in the next life!"

"Yizhixie, you unfilial son, just wait, Grandpa Daqian will take care of you sooner or later."

The crazy suicide attacks made these northwest slaves terrified.

Split the formation right down the middle.

Seeing this, the general next to Yi Zhixie said: "Chanyu, retreat, these cadres have gone completely crazy, they want to die with us!"

Yi Zhixie didn't say anything. This Ganjun was very powerful in combat. If he hadn't been lucky enough to capture supplies from two garrison bases, it would have been impossible to fight against these people.

Only with these weapons did they know how far Da Gan's strength had reached.

Of course, he knew very well that he only owned them, not that he could make these weapons. One day, these weapons would be used up.

At that time, it will be very troublesome.

Therefore, he only dares to rule the roost near the Western Region and never dares to go south.

The reason why he wanted to capture these people was to force Daqian to exchange the gunpowder formula as a condition.

As long as he gets these things, he will be qualified to compete with Daqian.

Moreover, the Western Region is so big, and there are so many countries, no smaller than Daqian, so the slaves in the northwest can live very well.

After 50 to [-] years, when he has accumulated enough wealth, his children and grandchildren will definitely be qualified to fight back.

Even destroying Daqian is not impossible!

It's just that those stupid pigs didn't watch the people well and let a few big fish escape.

If we can defeat the main force of Gan's army now, we will definitely be able to force Da Gan to bow his head.

"Wait a minute!" Yi Zhi said obliquely.

The general next to him was extremely anxious.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the northwest slaves' formation was almost destroyed.

Yi Zhixie felt the breath of death.

Could it be that these people really came with the idea of ​​perishing together?
Thinking of this, he turned his horse's head and retreated directly.

He knew how powerful Da Gan's weapons were, so he would not put himself in danger.

Especially the white phosphorus grenade, if it gets stained, the skin will peel off even if it doesn't die.

As soon as he left, a large number of soldiers guarded him firmly in the center.

Su Yun saw that the northwest slave formation was in chaos and shouted, "Keep charging!"

The [-] cavalrymen he led have only killed more than [-] people so far.

But it was the ferocity of these two thousand or so people that frightened the army of hundreds of thousands of Northwest slaves, and they did not dare to approach!

Even though Su Yun was shot several times and his vision was blurred, he still stayed firmly on the horse until he completely penetrated the formation. Then he turned around suddenly, looked at Gongsun Min and Li Ankang behind him, and smiled. stand up!
(End of this chapter)

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