big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1355 Escape from Heaven!

Chapter 1355 Escape from Heaven!

"Brothers, kill!" Su Yun reined in his horse and drove towards the crowd.

There was a loud noise and a burst of fireworks.

"Su Shuai!"

"Su Shuai!"

At that moment, everyone burst into tears.


"Brothers, run away!"

Seeing this scene, Gongsun Min's vision was blurred by tears. There was a time when he really looked down on Su Yun.

But now, he had to admit that Su Yun was a well-known man.

It's just that I was born at the wrong time.

The war horse quickly passed by.

The comrades used their bodies to carve out a way of escape for them.

The billowing dust rose up, making it difficult to see clearly.

Li Ankang and the others escaped with everyone.

The explosion behind him gradually faded away, and the howling wind passed by his ears.

At this time, the large army separated a group of people and ran towards the original road to attract the enemy's attention.

Gongsun Min and others ran towards Qiuci.

This group of people basically cannot survive.

They didn't know how long they had been running, from day to night, and the horses were exhausted.

Some people broke their combat boots and their feet were covered in blisters and blood.

But they were undoubtedly lucky.

He didn't become a prisoner, he didn't die on the battlefield.

Li Ankang ordered repairs on the spot, while Gongsun Min dragged his tired body and began to arrange artificial meals, and then counted the personnel.

"A total of 400 people escaped!" Gongsun Min said dejectedly.

Only a third of the [-]-strong army remained.

Li Ankang's eyes also darkened, "Now we are almost at the end of our rope. Whether we can reach Qiuci alive is a question."

"Some people still have one or two days of food rations, but if that's not enough, we can also kill some injured horses. In this way, we can support them for three or four days.

Within three to five days, we don’t need to worry about this problem. "

"But someone was injured and couldn't get treatment."

When talking about this issue, the two of them were silent for a while.

"We can only take one step at a time." Gongsun Min said: "Save if you can, take away if you can, give the war horses to the wounded, we will walk, collect medical resources first, and treat the more seriously injured people."

The two of them spent two quarters of an hour together and issued several orders.

But snoring was everywhere in the camp, and even thunder might not be able to wake them up at this time.

They were too exhausted. Some soldiers died directly because of their serious injuries, and there was no time for rescue.

The casualty figures were reported coldly.

Gongsun Min sighed. He felt that he was not a qualified general, or even a qualified staff officer.

He is far from being as calm and calm as Qin Mo, who can handle any problem properly.

At this moment, he must harden his heart.

"Bury all the brothers' bodies together and mark them. When the army comes back in the future, we will take the brothers back!
If you can't take them back, then catch those sons of bitches and let them burn incense here for generations to come! " Gongsun Min said.

Sadness spread, they took out the spare Qin smoke, lit it, and placed it in the hero's grave made of stones.

Li Ankang knelt in front of the grave, "Brothers, it's me who failed to take you home. Just wait, as long as I, Li Ankang, don't die, I will definitely give you an explanation!" A lamentation song sounded.

The soldiers sang a song!
"It's a clear morning, the dove whistle is accompanied by the wake-up call, but the world is not peaceful. Are you ready, brothers soldiers?"

The impassioned song is filled with a feeling of despair.

They sang over and over again, and when the singing stopped, the howling wind in the valley seemed to be responding!
They ate dry food and drank cold water. After they regained some strength, they started on their way again.

After marching day and night for three or four days, they passed through the city of Salese River.

As for the front, as long as we bypass Jie City, we will be safe.

At this time, the number of more than 3 people had been reduced to [-], and people continued to die from injuries and illnesses.

At this moment, the scouts from the front came to report, "General, great news!"

Li Ankang said: "What did you find?"

"General Cheng's men were found ahead. They have captured Jie City and Dashi City, and captured more than [-] people!" the scout said excitedly.

Li Ankang and Gongsun Min were even more excited, "Seriously?"

The scout was confused, "Yes!"

"Okay, great!" Li Ankang's eyes were red with excitement. No one knew how stressed he was.

They are afraid of being caught up every day, and the Northwest slaves are good at using hounds to track them.

In order to confuse each other, they spent a lot of effort.

"The imperial court sent Duke Zou to lead an army of [-] to assist."

After listening to the scout's report, Gongsun Min said: "Notify the news, and then find a way to contact them and provide supplies. Many people can't survive anymore.

Let's hurry up and maybe we can reach Jie City in three days."

After the news spread, the soldiers were very excited and the marching pace became much brisker.

Finally, on the evening of the third day, the army arrived at Jie City.

But the moment the army entered the city, countless people fell to the ground.

Cheng Sanfu and Zhang Jing also received the news early and were waiting here.

Immediately after the military doctors in the city were dispatched, the cooking soldiers also prepared hot soup and food early.

When everyone was holding hot soup, I don't know how many people shed tears.

Looking back on the events of these days, everyone feels like they are reborn after a disaster.

Li Ankang and Li Ankang were brought to the main camp by Cheng Sanxu and asked about the details of what happened.

After understanding what happened, Cheng Sanxu said: "Right now, we have suffered a huge defeat and it is not appropriate to continue to advance.

Fortunately, Li Yongmeng and the two useless things from my family have escaped.

But Su Yun's death still needs to be thought of. After so many years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially in the past few years, the coach has never died in a battle.

How big an impact would this news have if it were spread back? "

Li Ankang's eyes darkened, "Shuai Su died to cover our departure."

"That's what he should do." Zhang Jing said: "If he listened to the advice and left, retaining a hundred thousand elites to guard the key roads, although the situation would be a stalemate, it would not be so passive and embarrassing.

He died a hundred times, but all the pressure was put on us! "

Cheng Sanxu didn't say anything. There was no point in trying to shirk responsibility now. This battle could be said to be the most frustrating one for him.

But fortunately, Cheng Dabao and Chen Xiaobao are still alive, and that's enough.

He wasn't afraid of a head-on confrontation with Yi Zhixie!
Gongsun Min said: "Mr. Zou, shall we continue to guard Jicheng or..."

"Of course we have to guard here, but we can't rush in rashly. We should focus on stability.

Fortunately, you escaped with 3 people. You can rest for a few days and then go into battle.

Could it be that with 8 to [-] of us, we still cannot defend two small city-states? "

(End of this chapter)

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