big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1356 Little 9 has grown up!

Chapter 1356 Little Nineteen has grown up!

Lingnan in September is full of joy of harvest.

Because of the defeat in the war, the imperial court's decision to divide Lingnan was put on hold.

This year's harvest has reached a new high. The food from Lingnan alone is enough to feed the Central Plains.

Qin Mo was lying on the beach, his whole body tanned twice.

Everything on hand was left to Xiao Yurou, and he was on vacation every day, but even so, he still lost weight.

Holding wolfberry ginseng tea in hand.

He has been recovering for several days.

To be honest, there are so many women that it’s really too much to bear.

When he thought about his original pursuit, he just felt that he was stupid. The cardamom girl would eventually become a tiger.

Wu Song could defeat one, or even several, but could he defeat more than a dozen?
He was originally the most lazy, but he also found a few generals with strong martial arts skills and learned martial arts.

The main focus is on strengthening the body.

No, after one summer, my eight-pack abs are sharp and angular.

Every morning when I wake up and look in the big mirror, I make myself smile!
"Brother-in-law, put on sunscreen!" Xiaojiu, who was wearing a fresh one-piece suit, didn't worry and handed over the sunscreen with a blushing face.

After staying here for a few months, she also tanned a lot, but she looked healthier.

Originally, Xiao He had just revealed his sharp corners, but now he is becoming more and more exquisite, like a balloon that has been inflated.

There is also a hint of charm between the eyebrows and eyes.

Qin Mo pointed at his eight-pack abs and said, "Feel it?"

Xiaojiu's head was buzzing and he said tremblingly: "No, it's not good. Sister and the others are still here!"

"What's the matter, just apply sunscreen!" Qin Mo simply lay down on the beach chair, "Okay, you can apply it on the back first. If you find it troublesome, call Sachiko over!"

Xiaojiu looked at Sugako who was staring at her with a look of resentment, as if she was complaining that he had stolen her job.

"No, it's not troublesome!" Xiaojiu bit her lip, and then followed Sugako's example, applying sunscreen on the palms of her hands, and then kneading it evenly.

Looking at the dark back, I felt my face was hot and my throat was tight.

After thinking again and again, she still put her little hand up.

The cold little hands immediately made Qin Mo praise him, "Well, not bad, you have talent, keep going!"

Xiaojiu was so ashamed that she just thought in her heart, "My brother-in-law was so kind to me when I was a child. What's wrong with me applying sunscreen to my brother-in-law?"
People should come and go easily! "

"I wiped it randomly!" Xiaojiu said.

"Wow, you feel so comfortable even when you apply it randomly. If you apply it carefully, wouldn't it make you feel so comfortable?" Qin Mo joked.

This little girl has stayed here for so long, and he really doesn't have any other thoughts. Just like at this moment, when she helps him apply sunscreen, Qin Mo's heart is still as cold as water.

He has so many wives, to be honest, this area has long been calm.

Xiaojiu won't get haircut until next year. If he has other ideas, he has to slap himself to death.

Besides, if he marries another princess, Lao Liu will have to fight with him.

How can anyone be made by a father-in-law?

In addition, I have watched her grow up since I was a child, and subconsciously, I regard her as my own sister.

I won't think of that one either.

He just didn't quite understand what the Queen and Lao Liu were thinking. Leaving this girl here felt like bringing prey to the wolf's mouth.

But Qin Mo also had some dark thoughts about whether Xiao Jiu was an insider.

After all, she is too simple-minded.

And Qin Mo also believed that Xiaojiu would not do anything bad to him.

But just because she can't do it, doesn't mean others can't.If someone asked Xiaojiu by insinuations, what would the naive Xiaojiu say?

Thinking of this, Qin Mo waved to Sugako.

Sugako obediently handed over the coconut juice, knelt on the beach, and said rather resentfully: "Mr. Sir, is it sweet?"

Qin Mo finished drinking the coconut juice and waved his hand, "Are you sick? I don't even look at your belly. What are you thinking about every day?"

Sugako's belly is round, and she suddenly has a baby again.

But this woman may have been teased by Qin Mo before.

At the moment, he is serving Qin Mo wholeheartedly, and will feel sad if he is not served.


Sachiko Soga stood up and reluctantly walked to the beach.

"Brother-in-law, I heard that the Western Region suffered a huge defeat, right?" Xiaojiu instead tried to find a topic to chat with Qin Mo.

She thought to herself that she and Qin Mo could talk about everything before, but why couldn't they talk about anything now.

"how do you know?"

"It has spread all over Lingnan, and newspapers have reported this matter. Didn't Yi Zhixie still use the lives of our soldiers as a bargaining chip?" Xiaojiu said angrily: "This Yi Zhixie is so abominable!"

"The hateful person is not Yi Zhixie!" Qin Mo added in his heart, "It's Li Xin!"

"Who can be hateful if he is not hateful?" Xiaojiu stopped.

Qin Mo turned over, pinched her nose, and said: "This is not a question that a little girl like you should explore. If you eat and drink well every day, there will always be someone to solve this matter!"

"Brother-in-law, didn't you say that every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world?" Xiaojiu wrinkled his nose and said: "Aunt Jing'an is so powerful, even if she is from Duke Zhu's palace, she is a woman who cannot be compared to men.

I don’t want to be a little girl who doesn’t understand the world! "

"Is it possible that you still want to go to the battlefield?"

"Is it okay?" Xiao Jiu asked: "How about letting me join Dou Mei's Women's Army?"

"Little girl, wait for me here, right?" Qin Mo pinched her tender face, "I can't make the decision on this matter. Besides, you have thin arms and legs. If you join the Detachment of Women, you will have to wait for me every day." You haven’t trained yet to become like Dou Mei, with thick hands, thick legs, big arms and round waist?”

"But General Chai said that women like this are the most loved by men!" Xiao Jiu said.

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Qin Mo cursed in a low voice: "That's because he likes Dou Mei. Although your brother-in-law and I also like women, one is enough in the family. Who can bear more?"

"Brother-in-law, are you talking about Fang Nuguan?"

Qin Mo felt uncomfortable when he mentioned Fang Shu. How long has this woman not shown up?

I don’t even know where to go.

"Don't imitate her, the dragon has its head but not its tail!" Qin Mo said: "If you want to learn some martial arts, I will let someone teach you, but marching is not suitable for you.

It’s not that I look down on female soldiers. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t set it up.

It's just that you have never seen the cruelty of the battlefield, and you don't know what kind of humiliation you will suffer if you fall into the hands of the enemy. "

Xiao Jiu said: "Brother-in-law, I'm not afraid. General Dou told us that there are currently more than 5000 female soldiers signed up in Lingnan.

Brother-in-law, I’m begging you, can you just let me sign up? "

She held Qin Mo's hand and kept rubbing it.

It made Qin Mo even angry.

"Okay, okay, you can go in and learn more medical knowledge, but don't even think about going into battle!"

Xiao Jiu was so happy that he kissed Qin Mo on the face, "Thank you, brother-in-law!"

It was with this mouthful that Qin Mo, the kisser, died.

(End of this chapter)

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